

Nimble CEO Jon Ferrara: The Beauty of the CRM Beast

"The reality of relationships is that people buy from people they like, know and trust," said Nimble CEO Jon Ferrara. "In the old days, before we ever engaged in selling, we made a connection by looking at books, things on the shelves, that kind of thing. Today, we're doing that more and more electr...


Optymyze SVP Arturo Bentin: Give Your Salespeople Options

If you want to boost sales performance, "there are a few things to think about," said Optymyze SVP Arturo Bentin. "One is, what behaviors are you trying to drive? When you're talking about sales performance, you're talking about a lot of things. You need to think about the metrics and the tools you ...

"There's a gap in performance across B2B selling, because buyers are innovating faster than sellers are getting better at selling," said Miller Heiman CEO Byron Matthews. "Sales enablement's function is to try to close that gap. It's not sales operation ... . It's more strategic, in terms of trying ...

One of the top current trends in the CRM space is that AI offers "the ability to gain insight, and the most important example is visitor tracking," said Dimitri Ahkrin, president of CRMDialer. "That's a big component -- knowing how in real time to react to something a prospect is doing on a site. It...

"There's this notion that software is primarily something you have to work for," said Jon Lee, CEO of ProsperWorks. "There's a lot of data entry, a lot of navigating screens and moving between different windows. Software as it was designed in the 1980s was a database for recording information. The t...

A number of trends have taken hold in the CRM space, according toHubSpot Sales Exec Brian Signorelli. "One of the first things that stands out to me is that, ironically, despite all the money that is spent on CRM overall, sales reps aren't spending that much time there," he said. "Instead, reps are ...

Rodrigo Vaca is vice president of marketing for CRM at Zoho. In this exclusive interview, Vaca shares his enthusiasm for the marriage of artificial intelligence and CRM.

"We're seeing a digital transformation take place, where companies are moving their contact centers to the cloud," noted Dan Burkland, president of Five9. "There are two key criteria for a contact center -- there's the CRM and the contact center infrastructure, and those two really go hand-in-hand.

"The customer journey is the journey that e-commerce customers go on when they come to a site, and hopefully it ends with buying a product," said Chemi Katz, CEO of Namogoo. "Hijacking interferes with the customer's journey. It can be a pop-up that the company didn't put there, or something that wil...


Globant CTO Diego Tartara: Building Trust Moment by Moment

A digital customer journey "has to be a full end-to-end cycle," said Diego Tartara, Globant CTO Latin America. "It starts from the actual need and goes all the way to the usage of the product or brand.

Content management is all about making sure that a product item page "has all of the information that a customer needs to buy an item or have a good experience with it afterwards," said Kenji Gjovig, VP of partnerships and business development at Content Analytics. "What goes into content management...

Tushar Makhija is vice president of revenue at Helpshift. In this exclusive interview, Makhija underscores the importance of establishing effective ways to connect with customers.


Zyme CCO Ted Dimbero: Connecting the Channel Data Dots

"Channel data management is about providing high-tech companies with all the data and information they need to effectively manage their distribution channels, sales and marketing," said Zyme CCO Ted Dimbero. "Traditionally, companies have relied on managing the channel fairly blindly. They may get m...

"When you provide service, it can be either completely general, or contextual -- which means it's different for different demographics," said Nanorep CTO Amit Ben. "Personalized service means that you get to the most fine-grained resolution possible. It's self-service that can be catered and adjuste...

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