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Results 1-20 of 103 for Mark W. Vigoroso

E-Business Dream Mergers

Corporate matches made in heaven are rare occurrences.In many cases, merger and acquisition analysts find more fault than forte in company unions ...

Did Microsoft Miss the E-Commerce Boat?

Contrary to what Microsoft's .NET spindoctors would have users believe, the software powerhouseis not likely to dominate e-commerce the way it now rulesthe desktop. ...

Rescue Strategies for Faltering Small-Biz Sites

In most cases, small e-tailers and other e-businessesmust climb big mountains to reach their goals ...

The Great Rivalries of E-Commerce

Recent history has shown that there are no sure thingsin e-tailing. And with eyes looking to the future,analysts are hesitant to hail even today's strongestcompanies as sure long-term victors ...

Bye-Bye, Yahoo!?

I shudder to think of a world without Yahoo. But thecompany's recent spate of new revenue tacticsreeks of desperation ...

EBay Suffers Site Outages

Online auctioneer eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) suffered a series of Web site outages on Sunday, including a glitch in the clothing and jewelry categories lasting more than nine hours ...

IM-Based E-Commerce’s Missing Link: Security

Why does there always have to be a catch? ...

E-Commerce in the Economic Upswing

E-tailers may be the only businesses not betting theirlivelihoods on an imminent economic recovery ...

The World Map of E-Commerce

By year's end, more than 600 million people worldwidewill have Internet access and collectively will spend more thanUS$1 trillion online, according to research firm IDC ... Completes Sale to Digital River

E-commerce service provider Digital River(Nasdaq: DRIV) said Monday that it has completed itsacquisition of assets and customer contractsrelated to's eStoresbusiness ...

Tech Not in the Clear Yet

Perhaps the technology sector is more resilient than Ithought. ...

Who’s Afraid of E-Commerce Now?

Even as online shoppers multiply and increasingly mirrormainstream consumer profiles, considerable pockets ofe-commerce abstainers remain. These neophytes, hampered by security orfulfillment concerns or inadequate Internetconnections, still rely on the Web only for productresearch ...

Report: Canada Closes E-Biz Gap with U.S.

Canada experienced a spike in e-commerce activity in2001 and progressed measurably in other e-businessdisciplines as well, according to a report released Monday bythe CanadianE-Business Opportunities Roundtable ...

E-Commerce Skips Recession?

What recession? That is what you will hear from somee-tailers if you ask them how they have fared inrecent months ...

Travelocity Will Be Grounded If Wings Are Clipped

"You can't be serious!" The trademark quip of tennistantrum artist John McEnroe leapt from my lips uponfirst hearing of travel Goliath Sabre's (NYSE: TSG) plan to buy outTravelocity (Nasdaq: TVLY) ...

The Golden Age of E-Commerce Profits

Driven by demanding investors and an unforgivingstock market, many e-commerce firms have clawed their way toprofitability ...

Survey: Net Tops Phone for Small Businesses

Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) --particularly those with broadband Internet access --consider Internet access and e-mail more critical toproductivity than voice connections, the Yankee Groupreported Monday ...

Oops! Your Web Site Is Out of Date

Serving up stale product hurts e-tailers andcommercial Web sites at least as much as it doesrestaurateurs. ...

Three E-Commerce Concepts That Deserve a Second Chance

Many e-commerce firms were doomed to fail the moment their founders hatched their shaky business models.But hindsight redeems the collapses of some others ...

Yahoo! Bets on Mega-Sale

Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) on Wednesday unveiled a three-dayfire sale called The Biggest Sale inInternet History, consisting of nearly 1,000 salesand promotional offers ...

What’s your opinion of Elon Musk and his influence on technology?
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