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Results 1-6 of 6 for John K. Higgins

Congress Backs Billions for Tech R&D Though Enactment Uncertain

The U.S. technology industry is guardedly supporting a massive legislative package designed to address a range of issues affecting the sector, including a federal commitment to add billions of dollars to government technology research and development programs ...

CRM for Telecoms, Part 2: Nailing the Customer Experience

Part 1 of this series questions whether the heavy investments telecoms have been making to achieve long-term goals are the best CRM strategies or whether less-costly projects with faster paybacks might make more sense ...

CRM for Telecoms, Part 1: Getting More Strategic

Most of today's telecom customers -- who use their phone apps to check the menu at a local eatery or text a friend -- are clueless about the origins of electronic media. Only those holding a Medicare card, perhaps, appreciate that in the early days of phone service, the telephone company's customer relationship management only involved the employment of a local switchboard operator to place calls. And the operator knew everyone in town. Social networking consisted of tapping into a "party line" conversation when there were no private landlines -- let alone personal, wireless cellphones...

The 4 Cornerstones for CRM Retail Investment in 2010

Retailers in the U.S. are convinced that customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the most important aspects of their business. However, the sector, in general, has failed to utilize the full potential of these programs, and the industry will be striving to elevate its CRM game in the future. That's good news not only for customers but also for the providers of CRM technologies and services...

Health Insurance CRM, Part 2: The BPO Catalyst

Part 1 of this two-part series addresses the reasons CRM has lagged in the health insurance industry and suggests that change is imminent ...


Health Insurance CRM, Part 1: Shifting Into Catch-Up Mode

The health insurance industry, especially in the U.S., has a long way to go before it achieves a high level of performance in the use of customer relationship management (CRM) tools. However, pressure is coming from market forces -- including new government healthcare reform policies -- that will compel improvements in health insurance CRM, whether insurance companies want it or not...

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