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Results 1941-1960 of 2998 for Keith Regan

PeopleSoft to Oracle: The Answer Is Still No

PeopleSoft's board of directors has formally voted to recommend that shareholders reject Oracle's sweetened takeover bid, saying the deal still undervalues the smaller company. Oracle's new offer of US$19.50 per share, made public Wednesday, is still "not in the best interest of shareholders," according to PeopleSoft. ...

PeopleSoft Commences J.D. Edwards Bid in Oracle’s Shadow

PeopleSoft said Thursday that it has commenced its offer to buy software maker J.D. Edwards, forging ahead with the US$1.75 billion deal despite the best efforts of Oracle to squash the merger. ...

Oracle Ups PeopleSoft Bid by $1.2B

Oracle has upped the ante in its hostile bid to take control of PeopleSoft, boosting its all-cash offer by 22 percent, or US$1.2 billion. ...


Netflix’ Not-So-Awesome Day

It was the kind of day a relatively young, publicly traded dot-com dreams about when it's just a startup daring to dream. Netflix had come out the night before and said that instead of posting an expected quarterly loss, it would turn in a strong profit, its first ever. ...

Microsoft Back in Court – To Sue Spammers

Microsoft has filed suit against 15 spammers in the United States and United Kingdom as part of a stepped-up campaign to work with government agencies and other Internet companies to can spam. ...

And Then There Was One; MS Settles with West Virginia

Microsoft has whittled the number of states appealing its antitrust settlement with the U.S. federal government to one, reaching a deal with West Virginia that will require the software giant to pay at least US$21 million in total to consumers, businesses and state agencies. ...

Yahoo Targets UK Broadband Market

Amid talk that U.S. adoption of broadband Internet access is about to slow down, Yahoo has forged an alliance with British Telecom (BT) to launch a co-branded broadband service in the United Kingdom. ...

EBay Makes $150M Bid for Chinese Market

EBay has announced it will plunk down US$150 million to buy the remaining two-thirds of Chinese e-commerce site EachNet, which, like eBay, sells a wide range of items in both auction and fixed-price formats. The San Jose, California-based auction giant has held a minority stake in EachNet since last year ...


Is Cisco Still Almighty?

The dot-com boom propelled few firms higher than Cisco Systems. Sparked by the proliferation of Internet-related companies, demand for its networking gear and switches skyrocketed. Cisco went along for the ride, churning out profits and sales growth and barely sweating competitors like Juniper Networks and JDS Uniphase. ...


Oracle Speaks – and the Whiners Should Listen

Larry Ellison is by all accounts as charismatic and visionary as any other technology CEO. But he's kept a much lower profile of late than his counterparts ...

Yahoo Recruits Partners To Push Enterprise IM

Yahoo has fired the latest volley in the enterprise instant messaging turf war, saying it will work with WebEx Communications and BEA Systems to extend the capabilities of its Enterprise Messenger product. ...

Report: PC Makers Face Tough Year

Despite a relatively strong first quarter, sales of personal computers will grow more slowly than expected this year and next, according to a report from IDC. The research firm said worldwide PC shipments rose 3 percent in the first quarter, with sales of US$42.2 billion, but what it called "limited economic improvement" forced it to temper its forecast for the next 18 months.


Instant Messaging’s Achilles Heel

Given the pace of business today, instant messaging seems like a natural fit for the global enterprise, enabling far-flung employees and contract workers to communicate in real-time throughout the workday. ...

Oracle Launches Surprise Bid To Buy PeopleSoft

Oracle Corp. has shocked the software world by announcing that it will set out to buy all outstanding shares of PeopleSoft. The US$5.1 billion takeover bid comes just days after PeopleSoft announced a major acquisition of its own. ...

Memo Reveals Microsoft’s Worst Enemies

IBM and the rise of Linux are the two main competitive threats to Microsoft, CEO Steve Ballmer told employees in a widely circulated e-mail message ...


Who Needs a Recovery, Anyway?

Three years is a long time, especially in the business world. That's how long it's been since the technology sector, symbolized by the Nasdaq stock exchange, turned its back on the work-all-day-party-all-night lifestyle and decided to stay in and take a long nap. ...

Microsoft Taps VeriSign To Spruce Up Security Image

In a bid to boost its often-mocked Trustworthy Computing initiative, Microsoft has reached an agreement to work with VeriSign to make Microsoft products more secure. ...

IBM Reveals SEC Probe

IBM has announced that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is examining the way it booked revenue in 2000 and 2001, making Big Blue the latest in a growing crowd of technology companies to find itself under SEC scrutiny. ...

PeopleSoft Buys J.D. Edwards for $1.7B

In a move that significantly alters the business software landscape, PeopleSoft has announced it will buy J.D. Edwards in a deal worth US$1.7 billion. ...

Microsoft Pays $750M to AOL To Settle Netscape Claims

AOL Time Warner and Microsoft have agreed to a far-reaching settlement in which the software giant will pay US$750 million to AOL to dispose of allegations it acted unfairly to monopolize the Web browser market. ...

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