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Results 1901-1920 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

RightNow Continues Move to Web 2.0

With the release of its August '08 version, RightNow Technologies continues to shift both its platform and its lineup of products and features to Web 2.0 ...


Bringing Web 2.0 Behind the Firewall

Some of your employees have a blog -- approved, of course -- as do some of your customers. In addition, your employees have been posting videos from the latest trade show on your Web site, as well as on some of your partner Web sites. Your latest project is the funneling of customer comments from your forums into your product development pipeline.

Talisma Adds Enterprise Chops to Knowledge Management App

Talisma has introduced version 8.1 of its Knowledgebase application. ...

The FCC vs. Comcast: Who’s Got the Most Marbles?

Some two weeks after the Federal Communications Commission rebuked Comcast for its network management practices, the government agency has spelled out details of the cable provider's marching orders in a 67-page supplement. ...

eBay Sets Bargain Basement Fees for Larger Sellers

eBay has instituted a fee schedule that allows sellers of fixed-price items to list a product for 30 days -- in many cases, multiple quantities of that product -- for just 35 US cents. ... Drops $31.5M for Contact Center Software Firm has acquired InStranet for US$31.5 million, a transaction that includes the assumption of $4.2 million in cash on InStranet's balance sheet. ...

Patent Office Casts Shadow on Dell’s Claim to ‘Cloud Computing’

To the surprise of few, Dell is losing its preliminary approval to trademark the phrase "cloud computing." ...

Search Sites Edge Out Portals in Customer Satisfaction

It's rare to see Google command anything less than a large presence in just about any given e-business study these days, and the latest annual American Customer Satisfaction Index (ASCI) from the University of Michigan is no exception: ACSI scores for e-business rose 5.5 percent to 79.3 on ACSI's 100-point scale. That jump can largely be attributed to Google's own 10 percent climb to a score of 86...


The Customer Loyalty Myth

Do loyal customers translate into steady sales or profits? Intuitively, the answer should be yes -- and indeed, customer loyalty is a significant metric by which companies rate their performance. However, there a few problems with the concept of customer loyalty and a corporate strategy to develop it, according to Esteban Kolsky, practice leader with eVergance...

Microsoft Talks Up Windows 7 – But Only a Little

Although it is not officially scheduled to be released until 2010, Microsoft is starting to talk up Windows 7, its next OS ...

Beacon Blunder Returns to Haunt Facebook as Users Sue

Facebook continues to feel the ramifications of its controversial Beacon advertising platform, which for a short while last year broadcast information about the social networking site's users' activities without their express permission ...

eBay Shops for Foothold in Korea

eBay is looking to expand its overseas reach with plans to acquire a minority stake in the South Korean online e-commerce market Gmarket ...

The Legal Perils of Social Networking

Every blogger should know the story of Heather B. Armstrong, nee Hamilton. In February 2002 she was fired from her job for blogging about her job. Blogs were relatively new at that time, and they were on few employers' radars. Hamilton, though, crossed an invisible line -- one not explicitly defined by her employer -- and paid for it. She coined the term "dooce" as a label for anyone fired for blogging. Five years later, most people online know the drill: Don't blog about work, unless your employer approves. If you do, hide all identifying details that could lead back to you...

Intel Shows Way to Nudge a Napping PC

Intel will begin rolling out motherboards next month that support Remote Wake technology -- the ability for a computer to be turned on from sleep mode remotely. Applications that have already been designed around this technology include PC-based phone service and content delivery ...

Nvidia Shares Rise on Bright Future Despite Dim Q2

Nvidia this week released second-quarter earnings that its CEO deemed "disappointing." However, future projections of growth, as well as an increase to its stock buyback program, boosted its stock price by about 10 percent on Wednesday as Wall Street decided to focus on the firm's future prospects. ...

Gmail Spaces Out, Users Flip

Many Google Gmail users who tried to access their accounts Monday found the service dark. For a period of roughly two hours, users would log on to be greeted with an error message. ...


Microsoft Ready to Hit the Gas on CRM Accelerators

Microsoft will be rolling out eight CRM "accelerators" for its Dynamics CRM product line in the second half of 2008. On the Javista blog, Microsoft's Reuben Krippner gives readers a thorough update on what they will offer customers. On the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog, he shares information for the analytics add-on ...

IBM Kicks Mobility Play Into High Gear

IBM has rolled out a mobile software and service offering that builds upon several announcements it made earlier this year at the annual RIM Wireless Enterprise Conference ...

Rackspace Swims Into Rough IPO Waters

Rackspace Hosting, a provider of enterprise-level managed hosting services, went to market with the tech industry's first initial public offering in six months, winning, at the very least, karmic points for its bravery in forging into a dismal equity environment. ...

Fitness Tips for Chair-Bound Computer Users

When Jeffrey Spencer prepared for his college exams, he would tape his notes to the handlebars of his bike and ride to school, studying all the while ...

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