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Results 1881-1900 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

LinkedIn Promises Privacy Fence With New Targeted Ad Scheme

Players in the fragmented and crowded ad platform space just lost a little more elbow room with the entrance of LinkedIn's Audience Network ...

Virginia SC Scuttles Spam Law

Jeremy Jaynes -- said to be one of the world's most prolific spammers -- had his nine-year prison sentence vacated after the Virginia state Supreme Court ruled that the law under which he was prosecuted violated the First Amendment. ...

SalesLogix Layers Web 2.0 Functionality Onto Buttressed Foundation

In version 7.5, SalesLogix' latest product release, the company builds on the Web architecture and platform it introduced more than a year ago. ...

Senator Demands Explanation for Skyrocketing Text Message Rates

With the exception of unlimited plans, major wireless carriers have raised their prices for text messaging almost in tandem by more than 100 percent over the last three years, a fact that caught the attention of U.S. Senator Herb Kohl, D-Wis., chairman of the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee. ... Reaches Heady Heights of S&P 500

When one company is ousted from the S&P 500 index, another one is added to keep the number at 500. The most recent losers in this game of musical chairs are, for obvious reasons, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Effective Sept. 12, these mortgage giants will be replaced by Fastenal and, respectively. ...

Microsoft Loads Dynamics CRM With Web 2.0 Features

Four months out of the gate, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online has been updated with Web 2.0 functionality to support Internet marketing campaigns, as well as other activities. ...

Google Shakes Up TV Ad Picture With NBC Deal

Google and NBC Universal have inked a multiyear agreement under which Google will distribute ads through its Google TV Ads service for placement on some NBC cable channels ...


The Long Wait for Mobile CRM: Are We There Yet?

CRM users have been waiting for a viable mobile CRM market ecosystem to develop for years. To be sure, the industry tantalizes users with news that this or that vendor or offering or solution will herald mainstream application of this technology. For the most part, though, it hasn't happened yet, Yankee Group analyst Sheryl Kingstone told CRM Buyer -- even though the need is huge among companies that wish to stay competitive.

Big Spenders Blast Google-Yahoo Ad Deal

The Association of National Advertisers wants the proposed Google-Yahoo advertising partnership blocked. The trade group -- which represents 400 companies that collectively spend over US$100 billion in marketing communications and advertising annually -- has sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice objecting to the deal ...

Comcast Takes FCC Bull by Horns in Throttling Battle

Comcast has answered the Federal Communications Commission's order -- to not only cease its controversial network management practices, but also reveal them publicly -- with a legal maneuver of its own: The cable provider has asked the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit to overturn the ruling ...


SugarCRM Leaps and Bounds and Other Cool Moves

Last week, SugarCRM made version 5.1 generally available. With its beta release earlier this year, the open source CRM provider broke new ground, providing innovations in business intelligence and an intriguing mobile app for the BlackBerry and the iPhone. ...

Gannett Adds Eggs to CareerBuilder Basket

Gannett has increased its stake in CareerBuilder, acquiring another 10 percent of the Web site from the Tribune Company for US$135 million. ...

Microsoft’s Mobile App Market in the Sky

Another front may be opening in the battle for mobile platform supremacy. Microsoft is rumored to be planning to launch its own mobile application store -- a rumor that began after some bloggers, including Mike Elgan at ComputerWorld, talked up an ad Microsoft apparently ran seeking talent to assist in the endeavor ...

Google Tailors YouTube for Suits

Google is adding a video-sharing application called "Google Video for Business" to its Google Apps suite. ...


When Angry Customers Fight Back

After Best Buy lost the laptop Raelyn Campbell had brought in for repair, the D.C. residentfiled a lawsuit demanding US$54 million from the company. That eye-popping claim -- and the publicity it engendered -- was the culmination of a long blog campaign during which Campbellrelated her frustration with Best Buy's evasive behavior and enlisted friends and family to contact the retailer on her behalf...


Ruling Takes Steam Out of RIAA’s Legal March

For the past five years, the Recording Industry Association of America has been prosecuting people -- and threatening to prosecute many more -- for sharing copyrighted content online without authorization. Its lawsuits have been based primarily on two legal arguments: ...

Comcast Rations Broadband Use at 250 GB per Month

Comcast has announced that it will impose a monthly cap of 250 GB on customers' Internet usage. ...

Blogger Faces Hard Time for Posting Guns N’ Roses Music

No one can say what 27-year-old Kevin Cogill expected when he apparently posted nine songs from an unreleased and long-awaited Guns N' Roses album called "Chinese Democracy" to his Web site earlier this summer. It could have been anything from monetary gain to a desire to be the first to distribute the long-anticipated songs. ...

Demandbase Applies Web 2.0 Tricks to Lead Generation

Two-year-old Demandbase has planted its own stake in the rapidly emerging next-gen lead generation and lead conversion space with the introduction this week of Demandbase Central. ...

Web Entrepreneurs Offer Qik Some Wealth and Some Wisdom

Qik, a company that has developed live video streaming services for certain smartphones, has received a boost in its financial backing from Netscape veterans Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz. The duo, which have made a "significant investment" in the company, are also joining Qik's board of advisors ...

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