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Results 1801-1820 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Attention E-Shoppers: Thursday Is Free Shipping Day

Move over Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and make room for yet another retail-inspired shopping event. Free Shipping Day is here -- or rather, it will be here on Thursday, Dec. 18 -- the last day someone can order a gift online and have it guaranteed to arrive on Christmas Eve with free shipping. ...

Crowdsourcing – the More, the Monier?

Some 20 years after the Exxon Valdez went ashore on Prince William sound, oil still remains at the bottom of the arctic waters -- but not because those responsible for cleanup have ignored it. Rather, multiple attempts to remove the oil from the sea floor have failed. Cold temperatures have rendered the oil too thick to move through pumping equipment.


Everything Goes to the Cloud: Q&A With HP Exec Marc Olesen

Over the past eight years, HP has quietly built itself a solid constituency in the Software as a Service community. The company offers a huge range of applications hosted in the cloud -- almost its entire IT portfolio, in fact. ...


Everything Goes to the Cloud: Q&A With HP Exec Marc Olesen

Over the past eight years, HP has quietly built itself a solid constituency in the Software as a Service community. The company offers a huge range of applications hosted in the cloud -- almost its entire IT portfolio, in fact. ...


Everything Goes to the Cloud: Q&A With HP Exec Marc Olesen

Over the past eight years, HP has quietly built itself a solid constituency in the Software as a Service community. The company offers a huge range of applications hosted in the cloud -- almost its entire IT portfolio, in fact. ...

Hackers Having Field Day With IE Zero Day Attacks

Microsoft and the Internet security community are trying to get a handle on a vulnerability that exposes Internet Explorer to the threat of zero day attacks. When the problem was first discovered -- only a few days after December's Patch Tuesday -- there was confusion about how the exploit worked, as well as which versions of IE were impacted ...

How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Online Ad Campaign, Part 2

Part 1 of this two-part series on online advertising addresses some basic errors that even sophisticated ad buyers can make: ignoring target demographics' tastes and sensibilities; using archaic assumptions when measuring the success of an online campaign; and failing to plan for follow-up activities such as fulfillment. Part 2 takes a look at some subtler missteps that can derail a strategy just as easily...

Open Handset Alliance Gains New Batch of Android Boosters

Fourteen more companies have joined the Open Handset Alliance, throwing their support behind Android -- the open source mobile platform developed by Google. The most notable new member is Sony Ericsson, which, interestingly, is a founding member of the Symbian Foundation ...

MySpaceID Gives Web Wanderers Longer Leash

MySpace has introduced its own version of single sign-on functionality, a move that follows on the heels of a handful of announcements last week from competing social networks ...

The Computer Fraud Act: Bending a Law to Fit a Notorious Case

Until recently, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act -- covering a myriad of activities related to hacking and intellectual property theft -- was just one of many questionable federal laws on the books. ...

British residents are finding that access has been restricted to a Wikipedia page about "Virgin Killer," an album by the 1970s German rock group Scorpions. Several British Internet service providers have limited access to the page because it displays an image of the album's cover, which depicts a nude, prepubescent girl ...

SugarCRM Ups Web 2.0 Ante With New Release

SugarCRM has released Sugar 5.2, which packages some existing Web 2.0 features with new technologies. The company is also introducing Cloud Services -- a framework for developers to build links to third-party data sources such as LinkedIn or JigSaw. ...

Google App Engine Gets Power of the has announced its latest platform-to-platform integration -- this time with Google. for Google App Engine is a new set of tools and services that allows developers to build Web applications on App Engine that leverage the enterprise data that resides in ...

How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Online Ad Campaign, Part 1

A few weeks ago, Johnson & Johnson presented the blogosphere withan ad for its brand name pain reliever Motrin that was aimed at mothers who were experiencing back pain from carrying their babies around in slings. ...

Storm Fails to Shelter RIM From Economic Gloom

Research In Motion has lowered its Q3 forecast in response to the weakening U.S. economy. The company, which produces the iconic BlackBerry handsets, now expects adjusted earnings per share to fall between 81 US cents and 83 cents for the quarter. Its initial forecast called for earnings per share to range from 89 cents to 97 cents ...

Expanding Social Horizons, Part 2

Part 1 of this two-part series discusses the growing interest in developing ways for Web surfers to move seamlessly from one online hub to another without the bother of multiple sign-ons and the inconvenience of leaving data and connections behind. Part 2 looks at some recent attempts to solve the dilemma. ...

Zoho Builds SQL Road to Cloud

Zoho has added a new offering to its portfolio of online services: an SQL-based front end for its online reporting and business intelligence service application. ...

Expanding Social Horizons, Part 1

There's been a growing concern among companies operating social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn -- as well as the hundreds of niche sites that have sprung up -- that too many of these online hubs could lead to paralysis among users. Inevitably, a user with too many sites to visit and update will abandon some, if not most. ...


Microsoft’s CRM Hustle

Update Rollup 1 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 is now available. No, it's not a new release -- but as with anything Microsoft, the cyber-community is talking about implementation do's and don'ts ...

Virtual Worlds: It’s a Legal Jungle in There

About eight months ago, the owners of a sporting goods company contacted their attorney, Doug Wolf, a partner at Wolf Greenfield. It seemed a company was using the firm's logo and trademark without proper authorization. Setting the matter right should have been a straightforward task for Wolf -- except for the fact that the intellectual property theft was happening online, specifically in Second Life.

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