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Results 1761-1780 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Getting Leaner and Meaner: Q&A With Patni CFO Surjeet Singh

As the recession deepens and spreads across the globe, people have been asking themselves variations of the same questions: Can my company survive the recession? Can my industry? My home town? ...

New Google Tools Let Users Keep an Eye on Their ISPs

Google has been outspoken on the subject of Net neutrality: It does not want to see Internet service providers limit accessibility based on pricing or other criteria. Now, it is offering consumers the tools to observe firsthand how encumbered their Internet access can be if an ISP prioritizes content. ...

Twitter May Get Infusion of Big VC Bucks

The micro-blog site Twitter has inked an agreement with one or more venture capital firms that values it at an eye-popping US$250 million, according to a report published by TechCrunch. Institutional Venture Partners is named as one of the companies to have signed a term sheet, but no other details are mentioned. ...


Making Smart CRM Choices for 2009

This year, companies seeking to invest further -- or for the first time -- in a CRM software system will find not only a wide array of vendors, but also a large selection of computing platforms to support the application. These can range from Software as a Service offerings typified by the standard-bearer to newer cloud platforms such as Google Apps...

Software Giant to Shed a Little Weight Following Bleak Earnings Report

Microsoft startled Wall Street -- as well as the tech community -- with earnings that point to at least two quarters of declining profit and revenue, as well as plans to slash its workforce by 5,000 ... Seeks Wisdom of Crowd

At 12:01 p.m. EST on Tuesday, the White House Web site underwent a transformation. The old look was out, and a brand new one, designed by the Obama administration, was in. The changeover took place without fanfare or formality. Indeed, the new site was up even before Supreme Court Justice John Roberts had administered the oath of office to Barack Obama, who had quietly undergone his own Constitutionally mandated transformation, becoming president at precisely the same moment.

Is Cisco Spoiling for a Server Market Brawl?

Cisco, the dominant maker of routers and switches, appears to have designs on the blade server market. It has begun working on its own virtualized technology code-named "California Server," according to The New York Times. ...

The Corporate Bargain Hunters’ Quest for a Business Model

For anybody who is trying to spend a little less money, a visit to Freecycle may be just the ticket. The concept is a simple one: You sign up for a group based on your ZIP code. Then, if you have something, anything really, you don't want -- a desk, a flowerpot, a printer, even a used Halloween mask -- you post it to the board. The board then e-mails everyone in the group that your item is available.

EU Aims to Sever IE, Windows Link

The European Union is taking aim at Microsoft again, with its antitrust regulatory arm alleging on Friday that the U.S.-based software giant is breaking European anticompetitive rules by tying Internet Explorer to Windows. ...


SaaS Integration Woes and Other Things to Look Forward To in 2009

Finding business value in Software as a Service implementations is a perennial topic of discussion, no matter how established the SaaS business model becomes. In part, that's because it's more a business than a tech issue, and companies tend to focus more on features and functionality during the procurement process, Rick Kotermanski, chief technology officer for Summa, told CRM Buyer.

The Dark Side of the Cloud, Part 2

There is plenty to like about cloud computing, but there are also plenty of reasons to be wary. Part 1 of this two-part series suggests that it's not all about simplifying and cutting costs. Companies considering cloud services should take a sober look at some of the potential drawbacks before taking the leap ... Corrals Customer Services in the Cloud has rolled out another cloud offering -- this time for the service space. Called "Service Cloud," the bundled applications, which include integrated social networking tools, are built on the platform. ...

The Dark Side of the Cloud, Part 1

There are plenty of figures to show the efficiencies and cost savings that cloud computing can deliver, but here's one you're unlikely to hear during a sales pitch: The benefits of cloud computing are not linear with a project's progress. ...

Google Begins Recruiting Reseller Army

Google is launching a reseller recruitment drive that could herald a shift in the way the company markets its products. Google has used resellers in the past -- the partners it inherited along with the Postini acquisition, for example. ...

The President and His BlackBerry: Much Ado About Something?

Like every chief executive before him, President-elect Barack Obama will be making personal sacrifices as he assumes the role of U.S. president. He won't be able to stroll down a beach without the world watching. He will likely worry over how his daughters will adjust to living in a fishbowl. He may end his term, or terms, with a lot more gray in his hair than he would have picked up as a senator. He will almost certainly have to give up his beloved BlackBerry. Past presidents probably can't relate to the pain that's going to cause...

Cloud Wars: A New Hope

Merrill Lynch once forecast that the cloud computing market would reach an eye-popping US$160 billion by 2011, a prediction that mostly drew skepticism. While sizing up the expectations for a nascent tech market is equal parts art and science, there are growing indications that $160 billion may indeed prove to be accurate. ...

A Place in the Cloud: Can Small Vendors Compete?

Cloud computing may still be in its infancy, but Google, Amazon and IBM -- as well as other large vendors -- have rolled out cloud services at almost breathtaking speed. Indeed, it might appear these tier one vendors already have the multibillion dollar industry sewn up. ...

Microsoft Opens Floodgates for Windows 7 Beta

Microsoft is making Windows 7 available as a public beta on an unlimited basis following a surge in demand that crashed the site after it first posted the code ...

Avaya Pitches In-Store, Web Video Customer Service Apps to Retailers

Avaya is rolling out two new industry-specific applications at the National Retail Federation's annual trade show on Monday. One, Avaya Video Assist, leverages the company's contact center expertise. The other, In-Store Connect, allows retailers to do away with siloed commnication systems such as intercoms or telephones. ...

Microsoft Swings Mobile Search Deal With Verizon

Microsoft will be providing mobile search to Verizon's huge customer base under a new partnership agreement that Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer have publicly confirmed -- Seidenberg in remarks at a Citigroup conference and Ballmer at the Consumer Electronics Show. ...

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