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Results 1681-1700 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Intel Shifts to Dual-Core Processor Strategy

Intel will change its future chip product strategy, moving away from its workhorse and power-hungry Pentium 4 line in favor of the more versatile, mobile-friendly Pentium M design. ...


Can Google Be Public and Private?

For all that Google has done to revive interest in technology and IPOs in recent weeks, it also has provided new fodder for a long-running debate: Is going public the ultimate goal for all companies, or are some businesses better served by staying private? ...

Rambus Seeks $1 Billion in Price-Fixing Suit

Memory-chip designer Rambus has filed a billion-dollar lawsuit, claiming the four largest manufacturers of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips conspired to squelch demand for its products ...

Microsoft Backs Bonded E-Mail To Squelch Spam

Microsoft has thrown its considerable clout -- and its 170 million registered e-mail users -- behind a plan that uses preapproved lists of mass marketers in an attempt to curtail the flood of spam. ...

Tom Siebel Steps Down as CEO

The former chief of sales at IBM has taken the reins at CRM software maker Siebel Systems as the company's founder, Tom Siebel, stepped aside amid pressure from anxious shareholders. ...

IBM Unveils New Power5 Server

IBM has unveiled the first in a line of servers powered by its own Power5 microprocessor. The new product family is designed to add customized hardware to the company's server virtualization arsenal. ...

AOL Paints Results as Turnaround Story

Time Warner's long-suffering Internet division, AOL, is showing signs that it can stem the tide of customer defections and may be positioned for a turnaround. ...

Game on for Google IPO

Google has ended the suspense -- for now -- by filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to raise as much as US$2.7 billion through an initial public offering of stock. But, like many things the search-engine company has done, the IPO will have its share of twists. ...

US Launches First CAN-SPAM Lawsuits

In the first case brought under the CAN-SPAM Act that took effect January 1st, U.S. federal officials have charged four men from suburban Detroit, Michigan, with bombarding consumers with unwanted e-mail messages. ...

PalmOne Fires Up Zire with New Color Handhelds

In a bid to boost sagging demand for its devices, palmOne has launched two new products in its popular Zire line of handheld computers: a lower-end model designed to appeal to price-conscious consumers and a higher-end model with multimedia and Bluetooth wireless functions. ...

Yahoo Chief Says Google IPO No Threat

The chief executive of Yahoo has announced that his company is positioned to compete with main rival Google even if that company pulls off its much-anticipated blockbuster public offering ...

HP Eyes Desktop Blades for Enterprise Boost

Pushing into new territory as it seeks to solidify its enterprise customer base, Hewlett-Packard has unveiled its entry into the desktop PC blade space. ...

Google Chooses IPO Underwriters

Google has selected two high-profile investment banks to underwrite its initial public offering, fueling rampant speculation that the search-engine leader will file to go public sometime this week ...

US Feds Target Software Pirates in Worldwide Sweep

The U.S. Department of Justice has launched its most comprehensive attack to date on software, music and movie piracy, conducting more than 100 raids in 10 countries and seizing scores of computers ...

Intel Funds Four Wired-Home Startups

Underscoring the long-term potential it sees in applying technology advances to home entertainment, Intel has said it will dip into its US$200 million home-technology fund to back several startups in the space. The company's announcement came at its annual developers forum in Barcelona, Spain ... Sets IPO Price Target

CRM software provider priced its initial public offering Tuesday, saying it will raise about US$80 million with the IPO. The company told the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that it expects to sell about 10 million shares, or 10 percent of the overall company, for between $7.50 and $8.50 per share. ...

Microsoft Settles Minnesota Case in Mid-Trial

Halting in mid-trial the only state-level antitrust case to make it to court, Microsoft and consumers in the state of Minnesota have reached a tentative agreement to settle all claims against the computer software giant. ...

HP Goes Hollywood with Warner Bros., DreamWorks

Saying it wants to help advance the "digital revolution" in the entertainment industry, Hewlett-Packard has announced alliances with DreamWorks and Warner Brothers ...

Dell Regains Worldwide PC Crown

Dell expanded its market share and grabbed back the title of worldwide sales leader from rival Hewlett-Packard as revived business buying helped boost computer sales in the first quarter, according to two reports ...

Amazon Joins Search Fray with

Just six months after establishing a Silicon Valley spinoff to develop asearch product, has launched, a tool that allows users to scour both the Amazon store and the Web for products and information. Eventually, it will let users search other merchants' sites as well, according to the company ...

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