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Results 1661-1680 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

The Curious Case of Android v. Android

Google's right to use the word "Android" for its mobile phone operating system is being challenged by Erich Specht, who acquired a trademark for the name "Android Data" in 2002. ...

FTC May Take Hard Look at Look-Alike Google, Apple Boards

Google and Apple are both wildly successful Web 2.0 companies that can be considered market makers in their respective fields. Another similarity that is less obvious -- but apparently very compelling to the Federal Trade Commission -- is their taste in corporate leadership. Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Genentech CEO Arthur Levinson sit on both of the companies' boards of directors...

RIM Reinforces BlackBerry’s Enterprise Creds

Research In Motion is bolstering its mobile productivity lineup with new enterprise offerings. In addition to a new version of its server software, BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0, which emphasizes energy efficiency and virtualization, RIM has partnered with HP on an operations manager for the BlackBerry server, and an application that allows BlackBerry smartphone users to send a print request to the nearest printer...


The End of Message Fragments: Q&A With Relenta CEO Dmitri Eroshenko

Before the arrival of sales force automation and marketing campaign software, there were productivity applications. CRM, as we all know, rose from that fundamental platform of email, calendaring, mailinglist management and task management. ...

Is Oracle Ramping Up for Some Cloud Busting?

Oracle is intent on expanding its offering of Software as a Service applications, according to press reports including an account in the Wall Street Journal. Specifically, it is planning to offer seven new products in a SaaS environment -- a move that would significantly enlarge its already substantial SaaS footprint. ...

IAB Offers Standards for Sharing Ad Impression Data

The Interactive Advertising Bureau has unveiled a document that standardizes certain industry terms. Its purpose is to help resolve the surprisingly large number of discrepancies that occur when impression data is exchanged between publishers and third-party ad servers. Such discrepancies can range from simple mislabeling of certain buys to different ways of labeling a certain category...

Google’s Revolving Door Picks Up Speed With Ad Chief’s Exit

On the heels of two senior executives who recently left Google, a third -- David Rosenblatt, head of the display advertising business -- is saying goodbye. His final day is scheduled for mid-May. While their timing is most likely coincidental, the departures suggest a worrisome trend for Google ...

Can Android Pull Motorola Out of Death Spiral?

Motorola's earnings for Q1 show a continued decline in revenue -- this time, by 28 percent. Its net loss was US$231 million on revenue of $5.37 billion. In the same period last year, Motorola's earnings tanked by $194 million on revenue of $7.4 billion ...

Will DoJ Throw the Antitrust Book at Google Books?

The Department of Justice is reportedly looking into the settlement agreement that Google negotiated with representatives of book publishers and authors to put their works online. ...

Sun Reports Poor Q3 but Investors Unfazed

Sun Microsystems has reported a US$201 million loss for Q3 2009, a significant increase over the loss of $34 million that it registered in the same quarter a year ago. ...

Verizon Posts Solid Q1 Numbers, iPhone Rumors Fly

Wireless may prove to be the magic bullet for many tech and telecom firms in this recession. Verizon's newly released earnings report is yet another indication of movement in that direction. The company reported higher revenue on Monday, based largely on growth in its wireless division, as well as its acquisition of Alltel ...


Long Live PRM: Q&A With TreeHouse CEO Erich Flynn

Partner relationship management has an intriguing business case: It applies the concepts and tools of customer relationship management to the business relationships that also affect a company's customer base. The problem with PRM is that it hasn't caught on -- for myriad reasons, starting with its expense and difficulty in implementation. ...

Google Mobilizes Product Search for iPhone, Android Users

Google has rolled out a mobile-friendly version of its Product Search feature for iPhone and Android-powered devices ...

The Dark Side of Crowdsourcing

It's a bad time to try to grow a startup -- unless of course your overhead is low. Fortunately for Ryan Born, CEO of AudioMicro, his company falls in that category. ...

The Pirate Bay Fights Back With Appeal Charging Judicial Bias

The music and entertainment industry didn't even have a week to fully savor its victory against the four proprietors of The Pirate Bay before they filed an appeal ...

eBay Beats Street, Gets a Grip on Turnaround Strategy

Profits dropped at eBay last quarter, but the online marketplace still delivered a solid earnings report for Q2 that beat analysts' expectations. eBay's results provide a welcome boost to the tech sector,whose performance has been all over the map this earnings cycle. They also validate the direction CEO John Donahoe has been taking the company: away from its small-garage-sale roots and toward large-scale sellers and buyers...

Will Oprah Get the Creaky Crowd Tweeting?


AT&T’s Q1 Losses Tempered by Wireless Gains

By some measures, AT&T's Q1 earnings report was lackluster, at best. The company reported a nearly 10 percent profit decline for the quarter ending March 31, compared with the same period a year ago. However, the drop was not as steep as analysts had expected. ...

AT&T’s Q1 Losses Tempered by Wireless Gains

By some measures, AT&T's Q1 earnings report was lackluster, at best. The company reported a nearly 10 percent profit decline for the quarter ending March 31, compared with the same period a year ago. However, the drop was not as steep as analysts had expected. ...

AT&T’s Q1 Losses Tempered by Wireless Gains

By some measures, AT&T's Q1 earnings report was lackluster, at best. The company reported a nearly 10 percent profit decline for the quarter ending March 31, compared with the same period a year ago. However, the drop was not as steep as analysts had expected. ...

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