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Results 1621-1640 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

RIAA Beats Minnesota Mom to the Tune of $1.92 Million

Jammie Thomas-Rasset, the Minnesota mom who has been at the center of the RIAA's legal battle against music piracy, has been found liable for illegal file-sharing in the retrial of Capitol Records v. Thomas-Rasset ...

Microsoft Hauls Click Fraudsters Into Court

Microsoft has initiated a civil lawsuit in the Western District of Seattle seeking US$750,000 in damages from three individuals in Vancouver, British Columbia, for committing click fraud. The three alleged fraudsters are two brothers and a mother -- Eric Lam, Gordon Lam and Melanie Suen -- who, according to Microsoft, have deployed botnets to drive up clicks at Web sites that compete with theirs.

IBM Offers Platform for Diving Into the Cloud

IBM had added a new service-and-hardware offering to its cloud computing repertoire. The bundle targets users seeking a single jumping-off point for deployment of a cloud environment focused on a discrete task, such as a test bed for application development ...


Turning ‘Interesting Moments’ Into Sales: Q&A With Marketo CEO Phil Fernandez

If there is any one characteristic of the current economy that stands out, it is that people are just not buying. From billionaires to budget shoppers, frugal is in. ...

Feds Freeze Accounts Holding Online Poker Winnings

It looks as though the Southern District of New York has opened a new front in the war on Internet gambling. ...

Computer Accident Study Highlights Hazards of Home Office

Computers are the cause of a surprising number of serious injuries every year -- usually to children. The number of acute computer-related injuries increased by 732 percent -- from nearly 1,300 to approximately 9,300 injuries per year -- according to a study conducted by the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital from 1994-2006...

China’s New PC Policy Injects Big Brother With Steroids

China is stepping up the monitoring of its citizens' Internet activity. A new directive requires PC makers selling products in the country to include software that can filter out pornography and other online content the government deems inappropriate. ...


Outsource or Keep It Home? Have It Your Way: Q&A With Alpine Access CEO Chris Carrington

Not that long ago, the outsourcing of customer service to home-based agents was a small niche category, viewed as not quite on par with a bricks-and-mortar call center operation. For a number of reasons, that perception is changing -- starting with the lower costs involved in using a home-based agent network, and ending with the growing number of quality providers that have highly qualified staffs on hand.

FTC Pulls Plug on Vile ISP

The Federal Trade Commission has shut down an ISP that it painted as the worst of the worst in cyberspace. ...

Google Lobbyist Unfit for Deputy CTO Job, Say Critics

Two nonprofit groups are protesting the Obama administration's pending appointment of Andrew McLaughlin to the post of U.S. deputy chief technology officer. McLaughlin's background as director of Google's global public policy constitutes a major conflict of interest with the government role he would be assuming, the groups contend. ...

Telcos Score Victory in Legal Wrangling Over Warrantless Wiretaps

U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker on Wednesday dismissed dozens of lawsuits against telecommunication companies that cooperated with the Bush administration's so-called warrantless wiretapping activities several years ago. The once-secret program allowed government agents to listen in on U.S. citizens' telephone conversations without having to get a warrant as required by law.

DoJ May Probe Collusion Over Tech Talent Pools

The U.S. Department of Justice has launched an investigation into the hiring practices of high-tech firms to determine whether they are colluding with one another, according to a report in The Washington Post, which cites unnamed sources. ...

Military Tweets News From War Zone

Last month, the Pentagon began using a newly opened Twitter account to deliver on-the-ground news of events in Afghanistan, and the channel has begun to pick up traction. ...

Windows 7 Starter Breaks Away From App Restrictions

In a departure from what it did with Windows XP and Windows Vista, Microsoft has decided to give users of Window 7 Starter on small notebook PCs -- netbooks -- the ability to run as many applications simultaneously as they would like. The original plan had been to limit users of the Windows 7 Starter edition to three simultaneous applications, excluding background processes such as antivirus applications, wireless and Bluetooth, and system tools like Explorer and Control Panel.


Riding Out the Storm: Q&A With Information Builders CEO Gerry Cohen

Business Intelligence has evolved considerably in the last several years. At one time the domain of PhDs or other highly trained employees, it has become accessible to the masses. ...

Obama Outlines Serious New Cybersecurity Strategies

President Barack Obama held a press conference on Friday to announce the creation of a new White House office of cybersecurity, helmed by a chief who will report to the National Security Council and the National Economic Council. ...

Inventory Management on a Shoestring

Fidelitone Logistics, a third-party logistics provider based near Chicago, works with retailers like Best Buy, Black & Decker and Aero Bed International to manage their inventories and ship consumer goods worldwide. ...

Time Warner Unburdens Itself of AOL

Time Warner is officially releasing AOL from its parentage. A year after announcing its intention to separate from the struggling unit, Time Warner said Thursday the time had come ...

Avaya Steers Toward Fertile Mid-Market

Avaya is redoubling its efforts to gain traction in the mid-market, a neglected but potentially very lucrative niche for contact center providers. ...

Rumor: Microsoft Betting Big Bucks on Bing

There are more signs that the unveiling of Microsoft's revamped Live Search -- codenamed "Kumo" during its development phase -- is at hand. It's been widely speculated that Steve Ballmer will introduce it this week at the Wall Street Journal's D: All Things Digital conference ...

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