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Results 1601-1620 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Microsoft Faces New Antitrust Suit

Just a month after finalizing a billion-dollar settlement with California consumers, Microsoft was sued again, this time by several cities and counties that believe the software giant used its market dominance to charge artificially high prices ...

VeriSign’s Antitrust Claim Against ICANN Dismissed

A federal judge has tossed out an antitrust claim filed by VeriSign against the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), saying that the domain registrar failed to prove antitrust activity has taken place ...

Global Server Revenue Jumps in Second Quarter

Server sales rose again in the second quarter as demand remained strong around the world, according to a report from research firm Gartner that also showed Dell and Sun Microsystems making gains along with the Linux operating system ...

EU Probes Microsoft, Time Warner DRM Acquisition

European antitrust regulators said they will conduct an in-depth review of the proposed acquisition of digital rights management company Contentguard by Microsoft and Time Warner ...

Intel Cuts Prices on Pentium, Itanium Chips

Intel cut the prices of many of its most popular semiconductors, a move that might be designed to help clear the way for the company's next generation of chips ...

P2P Networks Score Legal Victory Against Studios

File-sharing applications Morpheus and Grokster were claiming legal victory after a U.S. court said it was not responsible for protecting the copyrights of material swapped on its person-to-person network ...

Nortel Tries Again To Turn Corner from Accounting Saga

Battered Nortel said it would lay off 3,500 workers and fire seven executives as part of its latest attempt to move beyond an epic accounting scandal and regain its market prominence ...

Gauging the Google Effect

As Google lurched into its new life as a public company, debuting Thursday as the newest member of the Nasdaq, the impact of the search engine's still-blockbuster IPO on the tech industry as a whole was already being debated ...

Google Downsizes IPO, Requests SEC Action Again

Google significantly cut the size of its upcoming initial public offering, lowering the price range it expects shares to sell for and cutting the number of shares in play, dropping the total maximum value of the year's biggest IPO from more than US$3 billion to $1.9 billion ...

RealNetworks Targets iTunes Users with Price Cut

In a bid to win customers from market leader and now fierce rival Apple, RealNetworks said Tuesday it would offer 49-cent music downloads, a price-slashing move that the company admitted would cut into its profits ...

HP Pushes 64-Bit Integrity at HPWorld

Coming off a rough week that saw it badly miss earnings goals and fire three top executives, Hewlett-Packard is trying to turn attention to the future, highlighting several new product releases at its HPWorld conference ...

HP Fires Three Top Executives

Hewlett-Packard announced the firing of three top executives after reporting a dismal quarter and acknowledging that the company's failure to execute on its own internal computing initiatives left it vulnerable to competitors ...

Fiorina Takes Quick Action To Right HP

Hewlett-Packard announced the firing of three top executives after reporting a dismal quarter and acknowledging that the company's failure to execute on its own internal computing initiatives left it vulnerable to competitors ...

Google Closes in on IPO

The long wait for Google's IPO may be drawing to an end ...

AMD Makes Modest Market Gains on Intel

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) scored modest gains against rival Intel in the tug-of-war for personal computer market share, using its edge in the low-end processor market to make up some ground ...

Companies Cautious on Windows XP SP2

While eager to take advantage of the enhanced security features of Microsoft's long-awaited SP2 update, many corporate users of Windows XP will be cautious in activating it ...

Glitches Might Delay Google IPO

Google might be forced to delay its long-anticipated initial public offering (IPO), which had been rumored to be heading for Wall Street as soon as this week ...

Yahoo Sued over Message Board Posts

An attorney has sued Yahoo, charging the portal didn't do enough to help him stop personal attacks against him on its message boards. He hopes to make the suit a class action ...

FCC Urges Compromise on Phone Line Lease Rates

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will try to forge a compromise on rules under which local phone companies lease their telephone lines to competitors. ...

IBM To Build Supercomputer for US Military

IBM has won the right to build a powerful Linux-based supercomputer for the Department of Defense (DOD) that will be used to design and test weapons systems, the company announced Tuesday ...

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