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Results 1601-1620 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Making the Rapid ROI Promise Stick: Q&A With Savvion CEO M.A. Ketabchi

M.A. Ketabchi, president, CEO and founder of business process management provider Savvion, might have done just as well focusing on product marketing in his career. From the beginning, he has distinguished Savvion from the competition by concentrating on the one thing potential customers care about the most: rapid ROI. ...

Sprint Hands Off Network Management to Ericsson in $5B Deal

Sprint Nextel and Ericsson startled the telco world with the announcement that Ericsson would take over managing the day-to-day operations of Sprint's CDMA, iDEN and wireline networks. "Network Advantage," as they've termed the seven-year outsourcing deal, is valued between US$4.5 billion and $5 billion. It includes an option for renewal ...

LexisNexis Makes CRM App More Relationship-Savvy

LexisNexis is enhancing its customer relationship management product, InterAction CRM, with its version of social networking functionality. ...

Google’s Chrome OS: A Wispy Desktop Adversary?

Google's announcement of a Chrome operating system, coming just nine months after its launch of the Chrome browser, has the tech sector buzzing over the possibilities. Google is targeting netbooks, claiming to have agreements with several OEMs already inked. ...

Microsoft, EC May Forge Settlement of Antitrust Charges

Microsoft reportedly is in preliminary talks to settle two pending antitrust investigations now before the European Commission. Microsoft wants to end these probes before the Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes leaves office at the end of the year, according to the scuttlebutt. ...

Yahoo Gives Serious Searchers a Bag of Note-Taking Tricks

Yahoo has rolled out a beta for a feature designed to meet an unfilled need in online search: automated note-taking. ...

Best Buy Cruises for Green With Electric Vehicles

Best Buy is rolling out a pilot program for a new product category: electronic bicycles, scooters and Segways. The company has announced it will be selling these vehicles in 20 stores in Washington, Oregon and California, with electric motorcycles to join the mix later this summer. ...


SaaS Keeps Recession Wolves at Bay: Q&A With E2open CEO Mark Woodward

It is has been a roller-coaster year for E2open CEO Mark Woodward, mainly because that is how long he has been at the helm of the Software as a Service provider of supply-and-demand chain, procurement, and B2B integration applications. ...


The Cloud’s Growing SLA Ecosystem

It's been four months since Google announced it would This story was originally published on March 10, 2009, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...

Dish Network DVR Features Get Stay of Execution

The final day of reckoning in the four-year battle between TiVo and EchoStar has been pushed out a little further. Late Wednesday evening, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit granted EchoStar's request to stay a contempt order imposed by the U.S. District Court the day before, until its appeal can be heard. ...

Green Dam Protesters Wait for China’s Other Shoe to Drop

China reversed itself Tuesday, lifting the mandate to install Web-filtering software on all personal computers sold in the country. The Green Dam-Youth Escort software -- ostensibly a means to stem the flow of pornography -- was to be installed on all computers shipped into China beginning July 1. ...

Firefox 3.5 Streaks Onto the Web

Mozilla has released Firefox 3.5, the latest edition of its open source browser, one year after its release of Firefox 3. ...


ERP Should Pay for Itself in a Year: Q&A With xTuple CEO Ned Lilly

The universe of enterprise resource planning providers is huge; ditto for open source. The space where twain meet? Not so much. xTuple is an open source ERP provider, and CEO Ned Lilly says there are few fellow travelers on his company's path. ...

Kayak Makes Waves Over Bing’s Design Similarities

Microsoft is the target of yet another legal challenge -- this time from the online travel Web site Kayak, which has sent the software giant a letter noting similarities between its own site and Bing's travel service. It has asked Microsoft to take steps to address the matter ...

Windows 7 Likely to Get Chilly Reception at Enterprise Door

Right now, Microsoft is focusing on the consumer market by getting Windows 7 out in time for the holiday season and announcing price points compatible with recession-era budgets. ...

Pros Cool, Bloggers Warm Toward Microsoft’s Security Freeware

A beta version of Microsoft's free computer security software is now out. Microsoft Security Essentials, or SE, aka "Morro," replaces Redmond's OneCare subscription service ...

Microsoft Puts Price Tags on Windows 7 and Holds Its Breath

Microsoft has announced price points for its highly anticipated Windows 7 operating system, which is expected to be generally available on Oct. 22. OEMs will start shipping new machines with Windows 7 on Oct. 2 ...

MySpace Hunkers Down in US

Social networking pioneer MySpace is planning to close at least four offices in overseas markets, as well as eliminate two-thirds of its staff outside the U.S. Specifically, it is going to cut 300 of the 450 jobs that are based in global markets. ...

Nortel Asset Sale Punctuates End of Era

Nortel Networks has agreed to sell its two advanced wireless technology business units to Nokia Siemens for US$650 million. The companies hope to close the sale by Q3 of this year. ...


Collaborating in the Cloud: Q&A With PBworks CEO Jim Groff

Cloud computing is remaking just about every software category -- and project management is no exception. In the on-premise software era, collaboration was limited by the technology of a particular firm, as well as the security requirements of a particular industry. That was then, of course. ...

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