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Results 1561-1580 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Funner Worm Spreads to US

Security companies have identified a new worm spreading through Microsoft's instant messaging platform ...

EBay Scrambles for Answers to PayPal Outage

EBay's PayPal online payment service has been hit by a week-long series of technical glitches that have left some small merchants unable to receive payments ...

FTC Files Complaint Against Alleged Spyware Distributor

Moving to shut down alleged purveyors of spyware before a slew of legislation aimed at curbing the practice can become law, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has targeted a New Hampshire man it says ran a spyware and pop-up advertising ring ...

Tech Giants Back Specification for Web Services

Bidding to advance an emerging technology by putting widely supported standards into place, a coalition led by Microsoft, Intel and Sun Microsystems released specifications for using Web services to remotely manage far-flung data networks, handheld devices, PCs and servers ...

Dell Issues Massive Recall of Notebook Power Adapters

Dell has announced a massive recall of notebook computer power adapters, saying the components -- made by a company whose products prompted a similar recall by IBM last month -- could overheat and cause fires or electrical shock ...

Second Spyware Bill Gets OK in House

For the second time this week, U.S. lawmakers have approved a bill aimed at stamping out the spread of spyware, malicious software that is installed onto the computers of unsuspecting users and can track their online activities ...

Congressional Action on Induce Act Could Be in Jeopardy

The fate of the controversial Induce Act that would restrict file-sharing technology that can be used to illegally download and share copyrighted material was in question today after negotiations between the music and electronics industries broke down as the current Congressional session nears an end, possibly by this weekend ...

UK Record Labels Expand Piracy Battle, Sue File Swappers

Following the lead of their American counterparts, the leading music industry groups in the UK and Europe have launched a barrage of private lawsuits against dozens of individuals they say illegally swapped copyrighted music ...

Search Wars: Google, Snap, Amazon Arm for Battle

In its first major search-related move since its blockbuster IPO, Google has launched a book-search tool designed to help publishers sell books online, a move some see as a challenge to dominant bookseller, which itself has made inroads into the Web-search industry with its subsidiary ...

IBM Releases Power5 Servers in Bid for Unix Market

IBM has launched an aggressive bid to grab an even bigger share of the midlevel market for Unix-based servers, where Big Blue has recently made huge gains on competitors ...

Longhorn Development Raising Virus Concerns

It's still at least a year from being available to consumers, but already questions are being raised about whether some parts of Microsoft's Longhorn might actually make the operating system more vulnerable to some relatively primitive kinds of viruses ...

Kodak Asks Jury for $1 Billion in Sun-Java Patent Case

Sun Microsystems faces the prospect of being forced to pay more than US$1 billion in damages now that a federal court jury has found the computer giant's popular Java languages infringed on a patent held by Eastman Kodak ...

Microsoft Angling for Music, Movie Consumers

Microsoft is positioning itself to extend its reach from the personal computer to the living room by becoming the go-to company for digital movies and music within the next three years, the company's chief executive said ...

Microsoft To Appeal Denial of Its FAT Patent

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has ruled against Microsoft in its attempts to patent and license a technology that forms the basis of several of its software programs ...

Red Hat To Acquire Netscape Security Assets

Leading open source vendor Red Hat said it will buy certain security-related assets of Netscape Security Solutions from America Online in a deal worth US$25 million ...

Microsoft Asks EU Court To Keep Source Code Secret

Microsoft formally asked a European court to toss out a requirement that it share expanded portions of the Windows source code, the opening salvo in what analysts say is shaping up to be another epic battle with antitrust regulators ...

Microsoft Releases Low-Cost Windows XP for India

In an effort to make its flagship software affordable enough to ward off open-source competitors and squelch piracy in a key overseas market, Microsoft announced plans to release a scaled-down and low-price version of Windows XP in India ...

‘JpegOfDeath’ Using Windows Weakness To Spread Trojan

Online attackers today are using popular sources of pornographic images to target a recently revealed weakness in Microsoft software and to spread a Trojan that can provide remote access and control of infected computers ...

Amazon and Microsoft Take Legal Action To Crush Spam and Microsoft have joined forces for what they described as a "wake-up call" to spammers, filing lawsuits seeking damages from defendants they say sent millions of pieces of spam and attempted phishing and spoofing against the two companies' customers ...

IDC: Business Needs Boosting PC Sales

A surge in demand for personal computers from business users has prompted research firm IDC to raise its forecast for overall sales for 2004, with the firm now predicting that sales will grow more than 14 percent over last year. However, sales in the U.S. are actually falling short of targets ...

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