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Results 1361-1380 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Vertical Search Market Quickly Becoming Crowded

Vertical search, seen by many analysts as the next massive market opportunity in the search space, is quickly becoming one of the most crowded, with a host of new launches in recent days ...

ICANN in Hot Seat over .net Registry Report

A report recommending that VeriSign is well positioned to remain in charge of the ".net" domain name registries is coming under repeated criticism, as the Internet's international governing body finds itself in the eye of yet another controversy ...

Google Doubles Gmail Storage to 2 GB

Search engine Google marked the one-year anniversary of the debut of its much-hyped Web-based e-mail program by boosting the free storage it gives users to a massive 2 gigabytes and promising to continue to move the bar higher as users' needs expand ...

US Firms Backing Lenovo in PC Race

Even as IBM distances itself from the personal computer industry -- citing foreign competition as a reason -- and others might be prepared to follow suit, private U.S. investors have stepped forward to bankroll the Chinese company taking over Big Blue's PC wing ...

Defense Department Adopts VoIP Technology

In a move that both validates the technology underlying Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and promises to help advance it, especially in terms of security, the Department of Defense (DoD) has taken a step toward developing its own, privately managed VoIP system ...

EBay Scores Victory in Patent Case

EBay has moved closer to scoring a major victory in a long-running legal case after the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued a finding that patents the auction giant has been found guilty of violating should be revoked ...

Google Buys Web Analytics Firm Urchin Software

Google raised eyebrows again with its latest acquisition, the purchase of a privately held software firm that specializes in Web analytics ...

MCI Chooses Verizon over Qwest for Merger

Possibly putting an end to a closely watched drama in the telecommunications space, MCI has accepted a sweetened takeover offer from Verizon Communications, a bid worth nearly US$1 billion more than an earlier offer but still well below the present value of what Qwest International is offering to acquire the long-distance company ...

FCC Ruling Might Hasten Cable-Telecom Clash

Regional phone carriers saw their stocks rise today as investors cheered the prospects for their long-range strategy of selling more bundled services following a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruling that freed them from having to offer high-speed Internet access to non-phone customers ...

Yahoo IM Phishing Attack Might Be Glimpse at Future

Users of Yahoo's free instant messaging service have been targeted by a phishing attack, one of the first widespread attempts to use the messaging medium to pilfer personal information ...

Music Swapping Moving Away from P2P

The entertainment industry's aggressive legal campaign against illegal file swappers has dramatically reduced the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks but might also be pushing the development of alternative "privatized" approaches to sharing music and video ...

Yahoo Launches Vertical Search Tool for Creative Content

Bidding to lay an early claim to an offbeat category of vertical search, Yahoo has launched a test version of a tool to help users find creative works that can be licensed through nontraditional means ...

Yahoo Joins Tech Pack in Announcing Stock Buyback

Yahoo today became the latest in a line of large, high-profile technology companies planning to buy back shares of their own stock, a move that could bring renewed questions about why the firms don't use their cash to provide stock dividends to shareholders instead ...

In Smartphone Shakeup, Microsoft Exchange Heads to Symbian

In a deal that links rivals in the mobile operating system space, Symbian said it will work with Microsoft to enable hand-held devices using its operating system to work with the popular Outlook e-mail program ...

Yahoo Fires New Volley in E-Mail Wars

The war for Web users' eyeballs, hearts and minds -- being fought on numerous battlefields from search to instant messaging -- turned its attention back to the e-mail front today as Yahoo announced it would boost the storage of its free Web e-mail service to 1 GB ...

Samsung Latest To Unveil WiFi Mobile Phone

Staking its claim to leadership in the converging worlds of mobile computing, Web browsing and cellular communications, Samsung has become the latest handset vendor to roll out a WiFi-enabled phone ...

AOL Advances IM Platform

America Online has released the latest version of its instant messaging platform, one that analysts say advances the technology that has the potential to alter both the online and communications landscapes ...

AOL Accounting Fraud Charges Settled for $300 Million

Time Warner has reached a deal with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to pay US$300 million in fines to settle a long-simmering investigation into America Online's accounting practices during the height of the dot-com boom ...

IAC To Buy Ask Jeeves, Shaking Up Search

The search wars took another interesting twist today as IAC/InteractiveCorp. announced it would buy search engine Ask Jeeves for around US$1.85 billion in stock ...

EC Weighing Microsoft Compliance with Sanctions

Officials at the European Commission (EC) say Microsoft is falling short of its pledge to cooperate fully with sanctions against it meant to boost competition among software makers in Europe, raising the prospect of additional penalties being levied ...

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