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Results 1301-1320 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Microsoft Steps Up Spam Fight

Aiming to polish the profile of its Web mail product while also bidding to be a standard-bearer in the security space, Microsoft released a service aimed at helping consumers and Internet service providers (ISPs) alike filter out more spam e-mail ...

Cell Phone Sales Defy Predictions, Hit Record Levels

Worldwide mobile phone sales rocketed to record levels in the first quarter, defying predictions of a slowdown in growth for 2005 ...

Yahoo Bids To Streamline Photo-Sharing Via E-Mail

Looking to give users one more reason why they should become and stay loyal Yahoo users, the Web portal has unveiled a test version of a new e-mail service that it says makes it easier and faster to share digital photographs ...

Skype Seeks To Boost Business with Affiliate Program

In a bid to raise awareness of its free software service for enabling voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) calling, Skype is hoping that a tried-and-true approach for online advertising and sales will bear fruit in its battle for market share ...


Web Analytics Industry Confronts Cookie-Deletion Trend

Few analyst reports hit home as squarely as the recent Jupiter Research study on cookie deletion struck at the heart of the Web analytics industry ...

Mobile Chips To See Strong Growth over Next Four Years

Consumer and business demand for wireless networks will drive strong growth in the wireless local area network (WLAN) semiconductor segment for the next four years, according to a new report from research firm IDC ...

Report: Online Sales To Grow 22 Percent this Year

Online retail sales grew by nearly 24 percent in 2004 and will grow another 22 percent in 2005 as consumers continue to be drawn in droves to the convenience of e-commerce and as retailers become better at converting online shoppers into buyers, according to a new report ...

Microsoft Faces Deadline as EU Seeks Compliance Plan

European Union regulators say they want an agreement in place by the end of the month on how Microsoft will comply with the sanctions imposed on the software giant last year, raising the possibility of additional monetary penalties if no deal can be reached ...

Gaming Industry Sees M-Commerce Opportunities

A host of gaming developers are using the Electronic Entertainment Expo to herald the widespread availability of direct-download games for mobile phones, a sign that gaming could join digital music and other services at the forefront of the mobile commerce trend ...

Google Personalization Push Portends Portal Play

In the clearest sign yet that it wants to compete with rivals such as Yahoo and MSN in the portal business as well as pure search, Google has given users the ability to customize their Google home pages ...

FCC Requires VoIP Phone Service To Include E911

In a move that could at once spur the emergence of a fast-rising technology and possibly give an upper hand to traditional telecommunications companies, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted today to require most providers of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) service to offer enhanced 911 emergency calling ...

Netflix Taking Over Wal-Mart’s Online DVD Rental Business

Wal-Mart and Netflix have struck an agreement that calls for the retail giant to bow out of the online DVD rental business, a potentially huge victory for Netflix, but one that might only forestall the inevitable decline of the rental business amid the rise of video-on-demand ...

Yahoo Upgrades Messenger’s IM Voice Capability

In a bid to beef up its instant messaging product and provide users with another reason to make it their Web portal of choice, Yahoo has rolled out an upgraded version of its Yahoo Messenger tool that features enhanced PC calling services ...

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW CEO George Garrick on Playing by the Rules

Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down some states' regulations limiting out-of-state shipments of wine. The ruling could help spur some e-commerce sales of wine, at least among individual vineyards, which might gain the right to sell directly to individuals ...

Google Launches Enterprise Desktop Search Tool

Google rolled out yet another search product today, turning its focus back to corporate users again as it unveiled an enterprise version of its desktop search tool, one that features enhanced security and other features ...

BBC Breaks New Ground with TV Show Downloads

Pushing the boundaries of Internet video, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), has announced plans to test a program that would make full-length versions of its television shows available for download ...

Verizon Cuts Enterprise Mobile Fees, Adds Treo Support

Hoping to spur wider use of mobile data services, especially among its key business customers, Verizon has rolled out support for a new high-end smartphone model and lowered the fees it charges enterprises to use hand-held devices to retrieve e-mail and perform other remote tasks ...

Vonage Appears on Verge of Wireless VoIP

Vonage, one of the early leaders among independent providers of voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service, is reportedly working out the final bugs in a WiFi-compatible service that could launch at any time ...

Cross-Border Internet Wine Sales Get High Court Blessing

In what could be a huge boost for some e-commerce players, the U.S. Supreme Court today struck down state laws barring consumers from buying wine and having the seller ship it across state borders ...

Firefox Gets Big Win with Big Blue

The Firefox juggernaut, which had been slowed recently by a spate of security concerns, has picked up steam again on the strength of a decision by IBM to endorse the alternative to Internet Explorer for its massive employee base ...

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