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Results 1261-1280 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Supreme Court Ruling Deals Blow to P2P Firms

Serving a victory to the entertainment industry and a potentially damaging blow to peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing firms, the U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that P2P firms can be sued if they encourage the use of their products to illegally swap copyrighted music and movies ...


Cellular-Friendly Notebooks Seek Spot in Wireless World

Mobile computer users have always accepted that their devices were only mobile in the sense that they could be taken from one wireless access point to another. Accessing the Web at any point in between -- in other words, over most of the globe -- was problematic at best ...

MCI Launches Internet Phone Trial as VoIP Grows

MCI has launched a test of a consumer-focused voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service, in a move that has puzzled some analysts because of the company's pending merger with Verizon ...

EBay Expanding Brand Into Standalone Storefronts

In the latest sign that it has designs on extending its e-commerce brand well beyond its core auctions business by catering to the legion of small merchants seeking to sell online, eBay has launched a storefront feature that will enable sellers to create a standalone Web retail presence ...

Yahoo Stops User-Created Chat Following Sex Report

Yahoo has shut down dozens of Internet chat rooms after questions were raised about whether the sites were being used by adults to lure minors into sexual encounters ...

Hotmail Implements Sender ID To Thwart Spam

Putting its own anti-spam technology to work -- and possibly hoping to highlight its effectiveness -- Microsoft has begun to use Sender ID to divert questionable messages away from the e-mail inboxes of Hotmail account holders ...

Publishers Raise Concerns About Google Print Project

An ambitious project launched by Google to scan millions of pages of widely read books to create a digital library open to all is drawing flack from the publishing industry and raising anew questions about how the Internet interacts with traditional copyright laws ...

Microsoft Joins Local Search Fray

Microsoft's MSN has launched its own version of local search, joining both Yahoo and Google in seeking to make search more useful while opening marketing opportunities for smaller businesses, just the latest in a series of moves that suggest no let up in the rollout of new services and features from search leaders ...

Viacom Moves Deeper into Web Territory with Neopets Buy

Seeing potential to merge entertainment with e-commerce, MTV Networks today said it would buy the parent company of the wildly popular youth Web site ...

Google Said To Be Planning PayPal-Like Service

In a move already sending shockwaves through the e-commerce industry even though it is still unconfirmed, Google is said to be considering an online payment service that would go head-to-head with eBay's PayPal ...


Does Your Company Need a Chief Risk Officer?

Chief risk officers aren't just for banks anymore, but analysts say the position still is only necessary for certain companies ...

Newspaper Readers Turning to Web

Millions of former newspaper readers now get their news from the Web, but the majority remain loyal to their favorite print news outlets ...

Google Launching Mobile Web Search

Bidding to secure a strong foothold in the rapidly emerging mobile-search marketplace, Google has begun testing of a wireless search service that returns results based in part on how well-suited content is to be viewed on hand-held devices ...

Mobile Phones: A Love-Hate Relationship with Staying Power

Long after they became fixtures in the hands of businesspeople and teenagers alike, mobile phones still hold a unique and unenviable position in the world of technology, a device that's loved and hated as intensely as any ...

Mandriva Eying Desktop Linux in Lycoris Buy

Linux vendor Mandriva today said it would buy North American Linux distributor Lycoris in a deal that could open up new markets to a top Linux reseller, especially in the home personal computer space ...

Intermix To Pay $7.5 Million To Settle Spyware Case

Intermix Media said it has struck a tentative agreement with New York state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer to settle charges that the company used its network of Web sites and freeware downloads to distribute adware and spyware programs to unknowing consumers ...

Potential Fallout Seen from Online-Tax Ruling

A California appeals court ruling clearing the way for tax collectors in that state to pursue sales taxes from online sales from out-of-state merchants could have wide-ranging impacts for the e-commerce industry ...

Sprint Adding Sirius Satellite Radio to Mobile Service

Adding yet another wrinkle to the emerging music-on-mobile-phones trend, satellite radio provider Sirius has announced a partnership to provide some of its streaming programming directly to Sprint users ...

Japanese Mobile Song-ID Feature Hints at M-Commerce Future

In what could be a glimpse into the future of mobile-driven commerce and a preview of how hand-held devices might enable a range of consumer purchases, a Japanese carrier has launched a service that uses mobile phones to identify, locate and purchase music heard on the radio or elsewhere ...

MSN Targets Music Market with Subscription Plan

Taking a page from other rivals of the market-leading iTunes Music Store from Apple, Microsoft's MSN Music is close to adding a subscription-style offering to its existing pay-per-download model ...

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