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Results 921-940 of 2998 for Keith Regan

California Sues Cell Phone Records Seller

Shining new light on the issue of wireless privacy, the state of California has filed a US$10 million lawsuit against a firm that sells cell phone numbers ...


GeoTrust CEO Neal Creighton on the Quest for Stronger Online Trust

For years, the vast majority of purchases made from e-commerce sites have relied on the same technology to keep them safe and protect consumers from identity theft ...

Sony to Appeal Patent Ruling, Opens PS3 Meeting

With the timeframe for its PlayStation 3 release already being questioned by some, Sony was dealt another setback this week when it lost a bid to appeal a ruling that it violated a smaller firm's gaming patent ...

Google, DoJ Face Off in Court Over Subpoena

The showdown between Google and the Department of Justice (DoJ) over the search engine's refusal to turn over search records heads to court on Tuesday, with Google planning to argue that the right to privacy outweighs the government's need for the information ...

Spitzer Settles With E-Mail Marketer

New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer has agreed to a US$1.1 million settlement from an interactive marketing firm that he said reused e-mail addresses and other consumer information without authorization ...

Livedoor Faces Delisting, New Charges

Japan's Livedoor, the company that took the country's Internet sector by storm only to have its business practices called into question, finds itself facing new threats to the survival of its business this week ...

Nortel Backtracks, Will Restate Earnings Again

Nortel Networks, which had appeared to be on a strong turnaround course after purging its executive ranks, settling lawsuits and restating past earnings, said it will delay filing its annual report and again restate results after discovering more accounting irregularities ...

Justice Dept. Seeks Right to Sue Gabelli on Spectrum Auctions

Potentially reopening a chapter from the earlier days of the wireless telecommunications boom, the U.S. Justice Department said it intends to pursue a civil fraud case against Wall Street money manager Mario Gabelli ...

Google Seeks to Settle Click Fraud Suit for $90 Million

Google is moving to settle a class action lawsuit alleging widespread click fraud on its paid search network, setting aside US$90 million to repay advertisers who can prove they fell victim to the practice during a four-year period starting in 2002 ...

Google Stock Takes Hit After Web-Posting Blunder

For the second time in as many weeks, Google caused its own stock to fall, with shares sent lower this time by the search company's admission that it inadvertently posted financial projections on the Web before pulling them back ...

Revamped Blinkx Program to Deliver Automatic Searches

Search engine Blinkx unveiled a new search tool Tuesday that it said will deliver search results to users automatically, eliminating the need to stop another activity to begin a query ...

Intellectual Property Not a Game: Microsoft Marks 5,000th US Patent

Microsoft said it has been granted its 5,000th U.S. patent, securing protection for a technology that enables multi-player and spectator online gaming and achieving a milestone that underscores a significant shift in strategy for the software giant ...

AT&T to Buy BellSouth in $67 Billion Telecom Blockbuster

The telecommunications industry has taken another giant leap toward consolidation, with the new AT&T -- created through a blockbuster merger completed just months ago -- poised to buy regional provider BellSouth in a deal worth US$67 billion in stock ...

AT&T to Buy BellSouth in $67 Billion Telecom Blockbuster

The telecommunications industry has taken another giant leap toward consolidation, with the new AT&T -- created through a blockbuster merger completed just months ago -- poised to buy regional provider BellSouth in a deal worth US$67 billion in stock ...

AT&T to Buy BellSouth in $67 Billion Telecom Blockbuster

The telecommunications industry has taken another giant leap toward consolidation, with the new AT&T -- created through a blockbuster merger completed just months ago -- poised to buy regional provider BellSouth in a deal worth US$67 billion in stock ...

With NTP Settlement Done, RIM Turns to Face Tougher Competition

Research In Motion begins the week with one of the biggest hurdles the company has faced behind it, thanks to a US$612.5 million settlement with patent holder NTP, a deal that averted a possible shutdown of the BlackBerry e-mail service in the U.S ...

Toys ‘R’ Us Wins Right to End Amazon Partnership

A judge has cleared the way for Toys 'R' Us to terminate its e-commerce partnership with, a 10-year dot-com era partnership the toy seller has been seeking to terminate for nearly two years ...

Intel Cuts Revenue Outlook on Sagging Demand

Intel, the leading chipmaker and one of the most closely watched technology sector bellwethers, cut its revenue forecast for the current quarter Thursday, citing market share erosion and weaker demand ...

ICANN Deal Gives VeriSign Exclusive Control of Dot-Com Registry

The Board of Directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has given its final approval to a settlement that ends legal disputes with VeriSign and anoints that company as the operator of the lucrative dot-com registry through 2012 ...

Growth Search: Google Shares Stabilize After CFO-Prompted Plunge

A day after Google shares plummeted for the third time in about a month, wiping out around US$13 billion in market value in the process, investors and analysts turned their attention to evaluating the future of the search industry as a whole ...

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