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Results 801-820 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Amazon Dips Toe Into Online Grocery Business, daring to tread on ground where some of the most spectacular dot-com burnouts took place, has begun selling groceries through its sprawling e-tail site ...

AOL to Relaunch Netscape as Community-Based News Site

Netscape, the browser company whose rise and fall helped define the first decade of the World Wide Web, is being revamped yet again by parent company AOL, which hopes to fashion it into a news site that leverages some of the hottest trends in today's Web -- social-networking, tagging and blogging ...


Payment Alternative Uses E-Mail, Online Banking to Thwart ID Theft

Even with a steady stream of database breaches that lead to potential identity theft making headlines nearly every day, e-commerce continues to grow steadily, with many consumers increasingly sanguine about turning over sensitive information such as their credit card numbers to online merchants ...

eBay Builds Skype Into Auction Listings

In the first major pass at realizing e-commerce gains from its US$2.6 billion purchase of peer-to-peer communications firm Skype, eBay said it would begin to offer sellers on its auction platform the ability to let buyers contact them using the Internet text and voice chat technology ...

Google Poised to Launch GBuy Into E-Tail Marketplace

The converging Internet world may be about to see its latest head-to-head battle between Google and eBay, with reports suggesting Google is just days from launching a feature meant to rival the PayPal online payment system ...

MySpace Teen’s Overseas Trip Renews Social Networking Debate

A Michigan teenager who tricked her parents into getting her a passport and flew to the Middle East to meet someone she met through her page is back at home, with her misadventure stirring renewed debate about the safety of social networking sites that target a young audience ...

More Tech Companies Acknowledge Stock Options Investigations

Several major technology companies -- including semiconductor maker Broadcom and Internet job site Monster -- disclosed Monday that they have established committees to investigate the handling of stock options grants as scrutiny of the practice spreads to include dozens of companies ...

Qualcomm Seeks Trade Commission Investigation Into Nokia

Qualcomm said Monday it had asked the U.S. International Trade Commission to investigate what the wireless phone and technology maker says is widespread patent infringement by rival Nokia ...

Vonage Subject of Short Selling Probe, More Lawsuits

Regulators from the New York Stock Exchange are investigating whether short selling helped fuel the decline of Vonage (NYSE: VG) stock in the wake of the Internet calling company's disappointing initial public offering ...

Net Neutrality Efforts Suffer Setback

U.S. Internet companies and other advocates of guaranteed network neutrality suffered a setback Thursday when an effort to tack a net neutrality amendment onto a larger cable reform bill could not muster enough votes ...

Net Neutrality Faces Uncertain Future

As lawmakers gear up to debate the notion of passing legislation to ensure so-called net neutrality, an alternative approach to create a two-tiered Internet -- something many Web companies say will put them at a disadvantage -- appears to be gaining momentum ...

Report: Global Chip Sales Set to Soar

Sales of semiconductors will grow by nearly 10 percent this year as demand for smartphones and other consumer gadgets drive chip consumption, according to a new industry forecast ...

Google Says It May Revisit China Censorship Policies

Search giant Google may seek to alter terms of the agreement it made in order to conduct its Web search business in China. Google co-founder Sergey Brin suggested the move after admitting the company's decision to agree to censorship conflicts with its philosophy and famous "do no evil" motto ...

Apple Drags Creative Back to Court

For the second time in a month, Apple Computer has filed a lawsuit accusing Singapore-based computer and consumer device maker Creative Technology of infringing on its patents, including those behind the market-dominant iPod portable music player ...

EMI Agrees to Make Content Available on Ad-Supported P2P Network

Adding a new twist in the music industry's search for the right way to sell digital tunes and prevent piracy, EMI Music said Tuesday it has agreed to become the first label to make its catalog available on an ad-supported peer-to-peer network ...

IBM Plans to Triple Investment in India

IBM said Tuesday it would triple the amount it spends to build out its India operations over the next three years, spending US$6 billion to hire workers and build research labs and other facilities ...

Texas Proposes Internet-Connected Border Cameras

Seeking to use a novel approach to the problem of patrolling the lengthy border between the U.S. and Mexico, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has proposed using remote cameras that would be connected to the Internet, allowing regular citizens the opportunity to help watch for border-jumpers ...

Vonage Hit With Shareholder Lawsuit

With its initial public offering stumbling badly out of the gate, VoIP provider Vonage (NYSE: VG) has been hit with a suit from a law firm representing shareholders, many of whom were customers who bought shares at a price higher than the stock is now trading ...

Adobe, Microsoft Could Be Headed to Court Over PDF Support

Microsoft could soon face another private antitrust suit after talks with Adobe broke down over the level of support Microsoft would include for portable document format (PDF) in its upcoming Office 2007 suite ...

AMD Lays Out Aggressive Roadmap to Put Pressure on Intel

Number two chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices has laid out an ambitious product roadmap, one that features it focusing on the growing market for notebook chips and increasing production overall as it bids to wrest still more market share away from Intel ...

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