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Results 801-820 of 1098 for Denis Pombriant

The PaaS Era, Part 2: Who’s In It All the Way?

This latest wave of innovation has given SugarCRM a significant boost, Denis Pombriant, principal of Beagle Research, told CRM Buyer SalesLogix 7.2


Oracle’s Partner Clique

Oracle continued its fast-following ways last week when it introduced additional functionality for Oracle On-Demand Release 16. The statement completed a two-part announcement begun the week before and brings to eight the number of new on-demand CRM applications from the company ...

The PaaS Era, Part 1: Everybody’s Pounding Out Mashups

Their value, though, is clear. "There is a lot of data stored in a variety of places -- whether in third-party social networks or CRM databases," Denis Pombriant, principal of Beagle Research, told CRMBuyer. "It is very helpful to be able to seamlessly access the information as if it were all part of one database."

Social CRM: What’s Working, What Ain’t

While few businesses are exactly sure how to maximize their social networking features, most are aware they cannot ignore these sites. Facebook has more than 150 million users, and LinkedIn has more than 35 million business professionals using its network. Daily, millions of individuals log onto these sites to express themselves. "Companies are constantly trying to understand what their customers are thinking and how they are feeling," Denis Pombriant of Beagle Research Group, told CRM Buyer. "Because social networking sites have become repositories for their thoughts and ideas, businesses are trying to tap into these sites."


Selling With Operational Excellence

The recession is ahead of our thinking about how to sell around it. Our first response is a tried and true strategy that is not right for all occasions. People will disagree with me, but so far we've seen a steady stream of one idea -- staying close to the customer and attending to the customer experience ...


Zuora: Completing the SaaS Circle

Enter Zuora. Not quite a year old, it can count itself among the first vendors to target the back-end needs of SaaS companies, Denis Pombriant, principal of Beagle Research, told CRM Buyer Zuora made its official debut in May 2008 with an online billing application for SaaS pr...


The Salesforce Departures: Much Ado About Very Little

Late last week Salesforce laid off three executives, or so the story went. Actually two senior sales execs were let go and venerable president and former CFO, Steve Cakebread, just left. Immediately the knowledge-sphere (and I am tempted to write that word without the 'K') started rumbling about what dire straits Salesforce must be in ...


‘I Feel Your Pain’ vs. ‘The Vision Thing’

The two biggest dogs in the CRM fight are Salesforce and Oracle. You could debate that, but not with me. ...


Salesforce and the Service Cloud

Last week introduced its new support concept dubbed "The Service Cloud." I have to say it makes a lot of sense both as a product direction and as a business decision ...


Two Kinds of Community

I have been writing about communities for many years, and it seems like a particularly good topic for the interesting times we live in, to borrow a Chinese phrase. A couple of weeks ago I wrote that this is a perfect time to engage in community building, but there is a lot of ambiguity built into that statement, so today I will attempt to clarify ...


Time to Build Your Communities

Happy New Year! Let's be counterintuitive for a moment, shall we? ...


Welcome 2009: Rough Ride Ends Fine?

What a great time to be thinking about the future. Seriously ...


2008: Good Riddance

I don't know about you, but I will be happy to write "The End" on the chapter we call 2008. Normally, at the end of a year I look back at some of my predictions from a year earlier and look for some indication that I was on track at least some of the time. This year is different. Who cares, really -- the big story in the economy was on no one's radar that I know of...


Platform as a Standard

Nearly five years ago, I wrote a white paper that resonated around the industry like a three-point shot clanging off the front of the rim as time expired. A "brick," in the vernacular of basketball; nonetheless, I view it as some of my finest work. ...

Obama Public Works Plan Could Bring Relief to Tech Sector

Expansion of broadband was supposed to take place during the Clinton administration, Denis Pombriant, managing principal of the Beagle Research Group, told the E-Commerce Times "Clinton gave the vendors a US$25 billion tax cut to support the effort, but they never did anything...


The Microcredit Opportunity

We can all read the news. Credit is frozen, or nearly so, and the federal government is laboring mightily to get credit flowing again. Unfortunately, here in the U.S. as well as in other places, like the UK, banks have become averse to doing business. The news reports I read say that after being too lax, many banks are being too strict in their lending policies and are sitting on the cash that governments have given them to lend. What can CRM do here?...


Branding a Force

I have in my hot little hand a two-page handout that I got at the recently concluded Dreamforce 2008 event in San Francisco. With all the excitement about the election and the economy, as well as this day job I have, I had not really taken the time to peruse it. ...


Blue Light Special

It was just a matter of time before businesses started to respond to the financial meltdown with some creativity, and as usual, the biggest advantages will go to the early movers. I have been noodling on several convergent ideas recently, and they seem to be taking shape in the marketplace, but in some quarters where you might not expect innovation or creativity...


The Dreamforce Dream Team

A small group of us were standing on the Dreamforce trade show floor surveying the more than 200 booths and vendors assembled there. We were trying to put a finger on what, exactly, the show had become. Was it a user group meeting, a conventional trade show, a partner meeting, or some hybrid? By process of elimination hybrid won out simply because we could not conclude that the show was anything else.


Red Sox, Patriots, Democrats and Republicans

I have been operating in tired mode continuously since the conventions, and by the time you read this, I may have gotten some serious sleep, though I doubt it because this is Dreamforce week after all. There have been too many things competing for my attention after dinner each evening, and none of them resembles a good book or a client. In no particular order, the list includes the Red Sox, Patriots, Republicans and Democrats. ...

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