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Results 721-740 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Apple’s Board Gets Googled

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been named to the board of directors of Apple Computer, a move some say could portend future cooperation between the two tech giants and spell bad news for common rival Microsoft ...

Universal to Launch Ad-Supported Free Music Download Site

Firing a potentially powerful salvo in the online music war, Universal Music Group said it would make its entire catalog of music available for free download using an ad-supported approach that could pose one of the most significant threats yet to the dominance of Apple's iTunes Music Store ...

Mass. Open Document Plan May Include Microsoft

Massachusetts officials said the state remains committed to the open document format plan laid out last year as a way of ensuring accessibility to state documents, but now there may be room for Microsoft's Office suite of products after all ...

Google to Serve Ads to eBay’s International Sites

eBay said Monday it had signed a multiyear pact with Google to have the search giant deliver ads, including click-to-call functionality, for its auction and e-commerce sites outside the United States ...

CBS to Use Bluetooth to Beam TV Clips to Passersby

CBS is hoping an innovative approach will ignite excitement in its fall TV lineup. The television network is planning to use Bluetooth technology to beam clips of the new shows from billboards to the mobile devices of passersby ...

Sony Slumps Following Second Battery Debacle

Sony's reputation suffered another hit on Thursday whenApple Computer recalled 1.8 million notebook batteries manufactured by the consumer electronics giant ...

AOL Latest to Offer Movie Downloads

AOL became the latest Internet player to move aggressively into the movie download space Thursday, saying it would make full-length features from a number of Hollywood studios available through the AOL Video portion of its Web portal ...

IBM Buys Internet Security Systems for $1.3 Billion

IBM is making yet another splashy acquisition, this time in the data security arena. The computing giant will pay US$1.3 billion to acquire Internet Security Systems, it announced Wednesday ...

Will Guba Price Cuts Spark Download Discount War?

In a move that could spark a price war in the emerging video download marketplace, Guba Tuesday slashed prices for purchasing and renting newly released films and television show episodes ...

Firings, CTO Departure Roil AOL in Wake of Search Data Release

Two employees were fired and a top executive has voluntarily left AOL, the direct result of the public disclosure of millions of supposedly private search records ...

Infineon Lands Contract for Passport Security Chips

Infineon Technologies said Monday it had landed an order for millions of data storage chips from the U.S. government, which will be featured in a new generation of electronic passports ...

As DVD Battle Continues, ‘M:I-3’ to Offer a Choice

In a first for the evolving home movie industry, Paramount Pictures said it would release "Mission: Impossible III" in three formats at once later this fall, including the two formats competing to claim dominance in the high-definition DVD space ...

All Bets Are Off at BetOnSports; Site Closes US Operations, the UK-based online gaming site whose CEO faces accusations of fraud, has shut down its U.S. operations. The site has become a flashpoint in the online gambling debate since the charges were initially filed almost a month ago ...

Viacom’s MTV Bets on Interactive Sites With Atom Buy

Viacom's MTV Networks continued to make aggressive moves into the Web space, saying Wednesday it would buy Atom Entertainment, known for its gaming and short films sites, for US$200 million ...

IBM Buys FileNet in $1.6 Billion Deal

Making its third software acquisition in a week, IBM said Thursday it would buy enterprise content management provider FileNet for US$1.6 billion in cash ...

Sprint to Invest $3 Billion in WiMax Network

Sprint Nextel plans to invest up to US$3 billion over the next two years to build a fourth-generationwireless network based on the WiMax wireless broadband standard, the company announced Tuesday ...

Another iPod Killer? Nokia Buys Loudeye in $60 Million Deal

Making a bid for a greater share of the digital music space, mobile phone giant Nokia said Tuesday it had reached an agreement to buy music distributor Loudeye in a deal worth US$60 million ...

Google Scores $900 Million Deal With MySpace

In the Web search world at least, the rich may continue to get richer.Google said late Monday it had signed a US$900 million deal to become the exclusive search provider for social networking and other Web properties owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, beating out its major rivals in the process ...


Metallect CEO Guy Hoffman on Risk Management

For technology dependent companies, risk comes in many forms. While the traditional information security risks are often the first that spring to mind, businesses with extensive collections of software face additional risks, especially when those applications become numerous ...

Digital Music Store Not in Google’s Plans

Google said it has no intention of entering the digital music space, squelching mounting speculation that it would use its role as a search player to become a competitor to Apple's iTunes Music Store and other music download offerings ...

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