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Admit it: You never think about data storage any more. ...
I hate to sound like Dr. Doom and Gloom, but have you paid attention to the cost of gasoline lately? Of course you have. It's sickening to watch as prices resume their inexorable climb. The last time we saw prices spike was the last time the economy was in decent shape -- right before the wheels fell off in 2008 ...
Marketing has become the new hot spot in CRM. During the recession and even before, there was a great flurry of interest in customer service and related things. Consequently, we have seen a lot of attention being paid to customer experience, and much of the social-media-oriented growth in that period was centered on the existing customer ...
Needless to say, much of this process will be automated. Human checks will come from the crowd, said Denis J. Dean, head of the geography and geospatial information sciences programs at the University of Texas at Dallas. "Except in a few, rare cases, Google doesn't check the ...
ATLANTA -- This might be remembered as the Convergence where Microsoft finally began to converge. More specifically, it is the convergence where accounting and CRM met in the cloud. The big news coming from Convergence is the announcement that Microsoft AX, one of the company's three ERP systems, is moving to the cloud. ...
Zuora and Salesforce.com have announced a new offering that highlights the strengths of each company and delivers new functionality to the telecommunications industry. Zuora for the Communications Industry is a solution based on the Force.com platform that handles billing, payments and customer care for telco and related industries' customers ...
Thumbing through the current issue of Wired, I came upon a multi-page ad spread from Microsoft, and I saw what looks like an interesting juxtaposition, though there was nothing in the ad itself that made the connection. I have also been interviewing some of the industry's best and brightest recently on the subject of revenue performance management, or RPM, and the combination provided the source of my fascination...
I saw an interesting CRM user interface the other day, and while I don't usually write about something as basic as the UI, I was drawn to this one. Actually, I've been very interested in a new class of UI emerging lately; something we haven't thought about in a long time is re-emerging, possibly as a differentiator, so perhaps this is timely ...
On Monday, SuccessFactors announced a definitive agreement to acquire Jambok, a social learning company. You could bypass this announcement as just more dealing by software companies (which it is), but it also suggests an interesting combination that will prove to be in synch with the times ...
One of the more revealing things I heard from Marc Benioff at Cloudforce 2011 in New York last week was his idea about how his company will continue to build out its product line. Marc's never been super secretive about his general direction, though product specifics have always been closely kept. But in our conversation, he reiterated a long-held belief that makes more sense than ever...
There's a great Churchill quote, "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing ... after they have exhausted all other possibilities," which I think applies to our long sojourn in the valley of social networking. ...
At first many companies viewed it as a glorified email messaging service, observed Beagle Research Group Principal Denis Pombriant. Companies began trying it, though, and many viewed it as a transformative experience for their companies, he told CRM Buyer.
The upheaval in the Middle East is roiling the energy markets, and that will affect CRM. Year-over-year, the price of a gallon of regular is up over half a buck nationally, and the average price for said gallon is US$3.18. As gas goes, so does jet fuel. The confluence of rising prices, political unrest and a recovering economy all contribute to the price rise. ...
Sage took a major step in clarifying its position in the market when it hosted an analyst day in Boston last week. The company has been around for a long time and has been one of the higher revenue generators for many years thanks to an assortment of products that span the front and back offices of SMB companies. But the company grew through aggressive acquisition, and that left it with a hodgepodge of products and a weakly defined strategy...
What a week that was. I am still digging out from two snowstorms and dealing with bone-chilling cold, and so are friends across the country, except in the Bay Area, which only makes me envious ...
It was particularly interesting gathering the clips because they came from CRM vendors, whose bread and butter, after all, comes from formulating and then tracking the success of marketing campaigns, Denis Pombriant, principal of Beagle Research told CRM Buyer. '46 Hyper-Effe...
The long recession and the rise of social CRM were not simply coincidental. I believe they happened together. That's not to say that social CRM happened for some cosmic reason; I neither subscribe to the belief that all things happen for a reason nor do I believe I am qualified to hold forth beyond what I've just written. ...
Microsoft did some smart things last week when it announced its Dynamics CRM Online service. Most of the headlines will focus on the teaser rate or introductory pricing of only US$34 per seat-month for 12 months. Until June, users of Oracle CRM On-Demand and Salesforce who switch will have an added inducement of up to $200 per user, which everyone acknowledges ought to go to conversion costs. ...
Tablet vendors at the recently concluded Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas had a coming out party. Driven by the wild success of the iPad, they introduced something like eighty -- that's 8-oh, my goodness -- tablet PCs to the world. Now, by itself, that's significant, especially for CRM, and something hard to miss even if you're a proverbial blind horse. But let's not stop there; to understand the significance for CRM, we can analyze more information...
We're coming back. We aren't out of the proverbial woods, but we should be on the upswing from the long downturn. According the Labor Department, the U.S. economy added 103,000 jobs in December, bringing the unemployment rate down to 9.4 percent. Jobs are traditionally a lagging indicator, so even better ...
For CRM, AI Advances More Than Just Contact Center, Marketing Goals
Surefront Unified Toolkit Modernizes CRM and Retail Management
The Future of AI in Retail: Smarter Merchandising, Better CX
Open-Source Overhaul Revitalizes Pipeliner CRM Through Forced Rebuild