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Results 661-680 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Sirius to Offer Free Web Streaming of Programs

Sirius Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) said Monday it would launch a Web-only version of its subscription satellite service, a significant step for the company as it tries to generate enough revenue to earn back major investments in on-air talent ...

PC Makers May Seek More Than Battery Recall Costs From Sony

Already facing tens of millions of dollars in costs associated with replacing recalled laptop batteries for several major PC makers, Sony now faces the prospect that some of these companies will try to recoup additional damages, such as compensation for lost business ...

Gaming Sites Retreat From US Market

Newly passed gaming laws have spurred an exodus of UK-based Internet companies from the lucrative United States market, with major sites selling off or shutting down their operations ...

Microsoft Says Vista on Track for EU Release

Backing off earlier suggestions that antitrust concerns in the European Union could delay the launch of its next-generation Windows platform, Microsoft said Friday it would launch Windows Vista in Europe on schedule ...

Intel Faces Transmeta Patent Suit

Intel is facing a sweeping patent infringement suit from a far-smaller competitor. Transmeta is alleging that the chip giant infringed on 10 of its patents ...

AT&T Purchase of BellSouth Close, but Not in Clear Yet

Despite the Justice Department's blessing of AT&T's US$79 billion buyout of BellSouth -- the largest in a wave of mergers to alter the telecom industry over the past two years -- the deal may yet face a political battle ...

AT&T Purchase of BellSouth Close, but Not in Clear Yet

Despite the Justice Department's blessing of AT&T's US$79 billion buyout of BellSouth -- the largest in a wave of mergers to alter the telecom industry over the past two years -- the deal may yet face a political battle ...

AT&T Purchase of BellSouth Close, but Not in Clear Yet

Despite the Justice Department's blessing of AT&T's US$79 billion buyout of BellSouth -- the largest in a wave of mergers to alter the telecom industry over the past two years -- the deal may yet face a political battle ...

Stock Options Scandal Claims McAfee President, CEO

Data security giant McAfee said Wednesday it has fired its president and accepted the resignation of its CEO after an internal investigation into stock options accounting turned up problems that will require extensive restatement of past earnings ...

Google Places Heavy Bet on YouTube

Google's US$1.65 billion purchase of video-sharing siteYouTube -- made official late Monday after several days of speculation -- could dramatically alter the playing field for competing Internet giants ...

CBS, Record Labels Strike Deals With YouTube

In the latest sign of shifts in how established media companies view free online video sharing, YouTube Monday announced content distribution deals with two record labels and a major U.S. TV network ...

Google Closing In on YouTube Acquisition

Search giant Google is reportedly close to a deal to purchase video sharing site YouTube for an estimated US$1.6 billion ...

MySpace Founder Seeks Probe of Sale to News Corp.

The founder of popular social networking site is claiming the site is worth 100 times what it sold for last year and is prodding federal agencies to probe the sale of the company to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp ...

EU, US Reach Airline Passenger Data-Sharing Agreement

After months of back-and-forth negotiations, the United States and the European Union have reached an agreement on the sharing of data pertaining to airline passengers flying to the U.S. from Europe ...

Marketing Shifts in a Changing E-Tail Landscape

By now, it's understood that technology has forever changed the advertising and marketing industries. The range of choices consumers now have for consuming media -- and the accompanying marketing messages -- has forced marketers to rethink entire branding strategies ...

Best Buy Teams With Real, SanDisk on Music Service

Leading electronics retailer Best Buy said Thursday it would partner with MP3 player maker SanDisk and RealNetworks to create and promote a subscription and buy-to-own music service. The collaboration is the latest effort to dethrone Apple from the top of the digital music market ...

California Attorney General Files Charges in HP Spying Case

The California Attorney General's office late Wednesday charged former Hewlett-Packard Chairwoman Patricia Dunn, a second high-ranking HP executive and three others with felony fraud and conspiracy in the wake of a controversial internal investigation launched to determine the source of board leaks to the media ...

Fujitsu Added to Growing List of Sony Battery Recalls

Japan's Fujitsu became the latest PC maker forced to recall Sony-made batteries in some of its notebook computers. Meanwhile, Hewlett-Packard said its laptops appear to be unaffected by the overheating and fire problems that have led to the recall of some 7 million batteries worldwide ...

Microsoft Appeals Latest EU Antitrust Fine

Microsoft said Tuesday it had formally appealed a US$357 million fine levied against it by regulators from the European Union, who say the software giant failed to comply with earlier sanctions meant to create a more competitive software marketplace ...

Sony May Have Known About Battery Problems

As the number of PC makers recalling notebook computers loaded with its batteries continues to grow, Sony is now facing accusations that it knew the batteries were susceptible to overheating and possibly catching fire but failed to sufficiently study the problem ...

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