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Results 621-640 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Yahoo CEO: Forecasts Underestimate True Online Ad Potential

Even the current upbeat forecasts for continued strong growth in estithe Internet advertising sector undermate its true potential because they fail to account for the impact of Web-based video ads, mobile Web ads and social networking opportunities, Yahoo CEO Terry Semel said Tuesday ...

TiVo Launches Broadband Internet Video Strategy

Bidding to stake a claim in the move toward IPTV, TiVo Tuesday launched a series of upgrades meant to enable its digital video recorder (DVR) to be used as a central control panel from which viewers can receive and manage cable and broadband Internet video ...

GE, Hitachi Team on Next-Gen Nuclear Development

Eyeing a growing interest in nuclear power as an environmentally friendly energy source, General Electric and Hitachi announced a partnership that will combine their nuclear power units ...

Motorola Lands $1.6 Billion Chinese Handset Deal

In a major boost for the world's number two maker of mobile handsets, Motorola said Monday it landed a deal worth US$1.6 billion to sell mobile phones in the Chinese market ...

Google Apologizes for Virus Distribution

In an embarrassing episode that underscores the continued risks associated with sharing online media, Google acknowledged that it inadvertently e-mailed postings to some 50,000 users that contained the Kama Sutra virus ...

Gamers Line Up as PS3 Launches in Japan

After considerable delays, Sony finally fired its long-awaited salvo in the next-generation gaming console war, launching the PlayStation 3 to anticipated huge demand in its native Japan ...

Stretching Online Ad Dollars

Businesses that have been advertising online for some time may well have the sensation of being the early arrivers in an increasingly crowded room ...

Microsoft, Novell Reveal Financial Details of Groundbreaking Pact

With the dust still settling from its landmark deal to work with Microsoft on new products and support, Novell on Tuesday gave the first look into the financial details of the agreement, saying it would receive as much as US$400 million in direct payments and marketing support from its onetime bitter rival ...

Yahoo Tests Graphic Ads for Cell Phones

Yahoo has begun testing a program to deliver graphics-laden, banner-style ads to mobile devices, as it bids to advance the still fledgling market for mobile advertising. PepsiCo is among the first advertisers to sign up ...

NTP Targets Palm With Patent Suit

Eight months after winning a massive cash settlement from the maker of the BlackBerry, NTP is taking aim at Palm ...

Microsoft’s Explorer Browser Continues to Lose Market Share

Use of the Internet Explorer browser continues to fall as rivals such as Firefox gain converts, but the release of IE7 may help Microsoft wrest back some of its lost market share, according to a new report ...

Google to Test Newspaper Ad Program

In a bid to spread its influence to the offline world, Google this week will launch a test of a print-based advertising program ...

Google Moving Fast to Curb YouTube Copyright Concerns

Google is reportedly offering media companies millions of dollars in upfront payments if those outlets allow their content to be shared on the YouTube video sharing site that Google has agreed to buy ...

FCC Again Delays Vote on AT&T, BellSouth Combination

For the second time in less than a month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has delayed a vote on approval of the AT&T acquisition of BellSouth, sparking a new round of speculation that the final go-ahead will come with significant conditions ...

FCC Again Delays Vote on AT&T, BellSouth Combination

For the second time in less than a month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has delayed a vote on approval of the AT&T acquisition of BellSouth, sparking a new round of speculation that the final go-ahead will come with significant conditions ...

FCC Again Delays Vote on AT&T, BellSouth Combination

For the second time in less than a month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has delayed a vote on approval of the AT&T acquisition of BellSouth, sparking a new round of speculation that the final go-ahead will come with significant conditions ...

Microsoft: Businesses to Get Vista Nov. 30

Microsoft said Wednesday that Vista for Enterprises, the business version of its Windows Vista operating system, will ship on Nov. 30, starting the countdown to one of the most hyped, analyzed and anticipated product launches in recent history ...

YouTube Sued Over Domain Use

An industrial equipment maker whose domain name is is suing video-sharing site YouTube, saying user confusion has cost it business and forced it to invest in more robust servers for its Web site ...

Plugging In: Can E-Commerce Leverage Social Networks?

Auction site eBay has always had considered itself a community, making it an early adopter of some of the aspects of social networking, which is presently red hot. Today, its sellers and buyers are able to reach beyond the virtual walls of eBay to tap into existing social networks, something more e-commerce companies are seeking ways to duplicate ...

AT&T Unveils Plans for Digital Living Room

Bidding to stake a claim in the converged world of Internet and entertainment, AT&T Wednesday unveiled an expanded Homezone service. The product integrates high-speed Internet service with satellite TV and home networking functionality to create a digital living room where a single device controls content from multiple sources and funnels it to television sets, stereos and other gadgets...

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