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Results 21-40 of 57 for Denise J. Deveau

‘The End of the Old’: Q&A With CA Technologies EVP George Fischer

At this year's CA World 2010 event in Las Vegas, the company unveiled its cloud management road map, along with a working plan for a family of new solutions that will form its CA Cloud-Connected Management Suite in the months to come. That's not the only change that CA Technologies brought to the agenda. ...


‘The End of the Old’: Q&A With CA Technologies EVP George Fischer

At this year's CA World 2010 event in Las Vegas, the company unveiled its cloud management road map, along with a working plan for a family of new solutions that will form its CA Cloud-Connected Management Suite in the months to come. That's not the only change that CA Technologies brought to the agenda. ...

When It Comes to Data, Location Matters

Cloud computing and SaaS are on the rise in a big way, but for some companies, there's an issue that is starting to come up in a lot of conversations with their service providers: the geographical location of their data. ...

Second Site: Online Accessibility for the Visually Impaired

As the population ages, financial institutions and other service providers will have to learn to adapt their marketing approaches to appeal to a sector that has high disposable income and substantial spending power. In some cases, they will also have physical limitations that will impede online activities, including vision loss. ...


Next-Gen Collaboration: Q&A With Avaya President of Global Services Chris Formant

With last summer's launch of its unified communications architecture -- aka "Avaya Aura" -- and the purchase of Nortel Enterprise Solutions (NES) and Nortel Government Solutions (NGS) in December, Avaya has placed itself squarely in the No. 1 spot for the global enterprise telephony and unified communications, audio conferencing, enterprise messaging and contact center/ACD (automatic call distribution) spaces.

Keeping It Real for Cross-Border Online Shoppers

Everybody loves an online deal. When it comes to cross-border shopping, though, not every online transaction turns out to work to your advantage. ...


Rethinking the Essentials of Supply Chain Management

This story was originally published on Oct. 19, 2009, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...

Is the BlackBerry Losing Its Punch?

Breaking development news from iPhone or BlackBerry rarely goes unnoticed. The recent announcement of new developer-friendly tools for the BlackBerry platform at the RIM Developer Conference was no exception, generating interest and debate over what it all means in the battle of the smartphones. ...


On the Prowl for New Ways to Cut Contact Center Costs

Contact center operations are constantly under scrutiny. They're complex, they're expensive to run, and employee retention and training can be problematic, to say the least ...


PRM: Ready to Break Out

Some think of it as just an offshoot of CRM. Others view PRM, or partner relationship management, as interchangeable with sales force automation. The reality is PRM is coming of age in its own right, as manufacturers and technology companies struggle to manage their highly complex -- and constantly shifting -- channel partnerships. ...


The BPO Outlook: Mostly Cloudy With Patches of Sun

Five years ago, megadeals were all the rage in the business process outsourcing (BPO) world. Global players such as IBM, Accenture, ACS and CSC were racking up billion-dollar multiyear contracts, mainly for accounting, human resource and procurement functions. Now that's changing. ...


The Facts and Fallacies of Online Shipping Costs

This story was originally published on April 17, 2009, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series ...


How to Build a Small-Business Web Site: Nuts and Bolts

This story was originally published on Dec. 4, 2008, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...

RFID: A Revolution in a Holding Pattern

RFID has been on a bit of a roller coaster ride. It started with a bang a few years ago, when Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense issued their edicts that all suppliers would need to get on the RFID bandwagon within a set time frame. Well, that deadline has come and gone, and uptake has fallen well short of the mark. ...

How to Build a Small-Business Web Site, Part 11: Roping In That Rascally ROI

This is the eleventh and final installment in a series on building a Web site for your small business. Part 1 looks at essential elements of a business Web site. Part 2 offers basic site design guidelines. Part 3 tackles some advanced design issues.Part 4 examines social media tools for building traffic.Part 5 compares outsourcing with doing maintenance work in-house.Part 6 offers tips on marketing your site. Part 7 covers analytics for measuring effectiveness.Part 8 delves into content management issues.Part 9 investigates security and transaction processing.Part 10 discusses issues concerning customer privacy...

The Facts and Fictions of Online Shipping Costs

You search, you find, you click "buy." Your e-commerce quest is nearly complete. You get to that checkout screen, and you think it's all good. Then the shipping charges get tacked onto your total, and you're left thinking that US$9.95 deal didn't end up being such a bargain after all. ...

How to Build a Small-Business Web Site, Part 10: Minding Your Privacy Ps and Qs

This is the tenth in an ongoing series on building a Web site for your small business. Part 1 looks at essential elements of a business Web site. Part 2 offers basic site design guidelines. Part 3 tackles some advanced design issues.Part 4 examines social media tools for building traffic.Part 5 compares outsourcing against doing maintenance work in-house.Part 6 offers tips on marketing your site. Part 7 covers analytics for measuring effectiveness.Part 8 delves into content management issues.Part 9 investigates security and transaction processing...

How to Build a Small-Business Web Site, Part 9: Security and Transaction Processing

This is the ninth in an ongoing series on building a Web site for your small business. Part 1 looks at essential elements of a business Web site. Part 2 offers basic site design guidelines. Part 3 tackles some advanced design issues.Part 4 examines social media tools for building traffic.Part 5 compares outsourcing against doing maintenance work in-house.Part 6 offers tips on marketing your site. Part 7 covers analytics for measuring effectiveness.Part 8 delves into content management issues...

How to Build a Small-Business Web Site, Part 8: Content Management Simplified

This is the eighth in an ongoing series on building a Web site for your small business. Part 1 looks at essential elements of a business Web site. Part 2 offers basic site design guidelines. Part 3 tackles some advanced design issues.Part 4 examines social media tools for building traffic.Part 5 compares outsourcing against doing maintenance work in-house.Part 6 offers tips on marketing your site. Part 7 covers analytics for measuring effectiveness...

How to Build a Small-Business Web Site, Part 7: Analyze to Optimize

This is the seventh in an ongoing series on buiding a Web site for your small business. Part 1 looks at essential elements of a business Web site. Part 2 offers basic site design guidelines. Part 3 tackles some advanced design issues.Part 4 examines social media tools for building traffic.Part 5 compares outsourcing against doing maintenance work in-house.Part 6 offers tips on marketing your site...

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