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Results 461-480 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Siemens Exec Detained on Bribery Charge

An executive manager and member of the executive board of technology and industrial giant Siemens was ordered to remain in the custody of German law enforcement officials Wednesday after being arrested and charged in connection with an alleged bribery scheme ...

Yahoo Escalates Mobile Turf War With Ad Service

Bidding to take a lead in the mobile search and advertising space, Yahoo on Tuesday said it would invite more publishers to take advantage of its mobile platform ...

EU Gives Microsoft More Time to Correct ‘Abuses’

European Union antitrust regulators have given Microsoft more time to prove it is complying with a requirement to fairly license its server software communications protocols ...

Intel Pours $2.5B Into China Chip Plant

Chipmaker Intel announced Monday it would build a US$2.5 billion wafer fabrication facility in northeast China, the company's latest and largest investment to date in the booming country ...

The New Cashless Economy

On his drive into work at Texas Instruments in Dallas, Trevor Pavey can stop at any number of restaurants and retailers where he can use his cell phone to pay for his purchases. Once he gets to work, he can use his cell phone to buy lunch in the company cafeteria or even from the vending machines in the hallway ...

Vonage Slapped With Injunction, Shares Dive 25 Percent

In a widely expected but potentially devastating development, a federal judge Friday issued a permanent injunction barring VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) firm Vonage from using technology that a jury last week found was first developed and patented by Verizon Communications ...

FCC Likely to Nix In-Flight Cell Phone Use

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) appears poised to halt a lengthy review that could have ended the ban on mobile phone use during airline flights ...

NBC, News Corp. to Start Their Own New Tube

NBC and News Corp. -- which owns Fox -- plan to take on Google's YouTube by forming their own Web-based video outlet to gain exposure for their deep wells of content and partnering with a host of Google competitors to make it happen ...

EU Gives Microsoft ‘F’ for Antitrust Effort

Microsoft continues to abuse its market position to gain market share, particularly in the business server software space where earlier antitrust penalties were aimed at boosting competition, the European Union's top regulator told the European Parliament Thursday ...

Motorola’s $1B Miss Leads to CFO’s Ouster

No. 2 cell phone maker Motorola on Thursday said it would miss its current quarterly sales growth targets by US$1 billion or more and replaced its chief financial officer as part of a restructuring aimed at righting what appears to be a badly listing corporate ship ...

Oracle’s Q3 Profit Shatters Analysts’ Estimates

Business software giant Oracle blew past Wall Street targets for profit and revenue in its third quarter, with demand for many of its applications lending further support to its massive acquisition spree ...

Blockbuster CEO to Exit With Less Cash

Blockbuster on Tuesday said it had settled its long-simmering pay dispute with Chairman and CEO John Antioco, striking a deal that calls for him to step down later this year with a reduced pay and bonus package ...

Michael Dell Urges India to Lower PC Taxes

Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell called on India to lower its taxes on foreign-made computers, saying the fast-growing market could invite more investment by doing so ...

Google Gets Into the In-Game With Adscape Buy

Ending months of speculation, Google confirmed that it has acquired in-game advertising firm Adscape Media. The move could help make Google a player in a market already being heavily targeted by Microsoft and other rivals ...

Insider Trading Trial of Qwest Ex-CEO Begins

The trial of the former Qwest Communications CEO Joseph Nacchio began Monday. Nacchio is accused of violating insider trading laws as he sold some US$101 million of the telecom company's shares. This is a case that could help close the book on the wave of major corporate scandals that hit the United States five years ago ...

Calif. Deal Forces Cingular to Raise its Customer Service Bar

Cingular Wireless will refund US$18.5 million to former California customers who were charged penalties for canceling substandard wireless service. The company will also drop its plans to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court ...

Brash Livedoor Founder Gets 2 1/2-Year Jail Term

The Japanese Internet mogul who became emblematic of the high-flying Internet sector in that country was found guilty Friday of fraud and sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison ...

AOL Abandons Pursuit of TradeDoubler

Time Warner's AOL unit said it would withdraw its US$900 million offer to purchase the Swedish online marketing company TradeDoubler, saying it had not received enough interest in its bid from shareholders ...

Judge Tosses Criminal Charges Against HP’s Dunn

Former Hewlett-Packard Chairwoman Patricia Dunn, whose decision to aggressively investigate boardroom press leaks led to a scandal and a wave of resignations -- but little collateral damage for the PC maker -- was cleared of all criminal charges Wednesday ...

Viacom, YouTube: $1B Suit Is Just the Beginning

While Viacom is seeking a cool US$1 billion in its suit against Google's YouTube for allegedly using Viacom's copyrighted content without permission, the stakes may be far higher for Google and other Internet companies ...

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