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Results 361-380 of 2998 for Keith Regan

SAP Fesses Up in Oracle Spy Case

A U.S. subsidiary of Germany's SAP made "inappropriate downloads" of documents from the Web site of rival Oracle, SAP acknowledged, but the company denied the actions represented corporate espionage ...

Blockbuster Casts Ex 7-Eleven Honcho in CEO Role

Blockbuster has named James Keyes, former chief of convenience store chain 7-Eleven, as its new CEO as it bids to regain investor confidence while fighting off challenges from Netflix and emerging technologies ...

Carlyle Group Play for Virgin Media May Spur Bidding War

Private equity firm Carlyle Group reportedly has offered about US$11 billion for UK-based Virgin Media, with a bidding war for the rights to acquire the quirky company possible ...

Google Makes Enterprise Search Play With Ingram Deal

Google has struck a deal to have international technology supplier Ingram Micro distribute its enterprise search tools. The agreement is the search giant's most aggressive bid yet to foster growth in its relatively fledgling corporate search division ...

Oracle Breezes Past Q4 Estimates as Acquisitions Pay Off

Oracle extended a run of strong financial performance with a blockbuster fourth quarter, outpacing estimates for growth and profit as CEO Larry Ellison's strategy of aggressively buying up applications vendors continues to pay off ...

Nintendo Vaults Over Sony in Market Value, Thanks to Wii

The diverging fortunes of Nintendo and Sony were underscored Monday when Nintendo's total stock market value eclipsed that of Sony for the first time ...

Yahoo Reshuffles Ad Sales Unit From Top Down

With the dust still settling from the abrupt departure of CEO Terry Semel, Yahoo said Sunday it would revamp its advertising sales unit, merging its search and display operations into a single team ...

ITC Rejects Qualcomm’s Plea to Stay Chip Ban

The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has denied a request from Qualcomm to put on hold an order barring phones containing chips made by Qualcomm that have been found to infringe on a rival's patents from the U.S. market ...

EU to Dig Deeper Into Web Search Privacy Issues

European Union regulators said they would expand their ongoing probe into the privacy issues first raised about search engine giant Google to include other major search tools ...

EU Gives NBC, News Corp. OK to Tackle YouTube

Regulators in Europe have given the green light to a planned Internet joint venture between NBC Universal and News Corp.: a Web video repository seen as a competitor to Google's YouTube ...

Canadian Telecom Rivals Talk Merger

The two largest phone companies in Canada are in talks for a possible merger that could fend off U.S.-backed private equity buyers as the wave of consolidation that reshaped the U.S. telecommunications landscape appears poised to hit north of the border ...

Murdoch Dangles MySpace in Yahoo’s Face

News Corp. honcho Rupert Murdoch has offered to swap the wildly popular social networking site MySpace in exchange for a stake in portal-in-flux Yahoo ...

Best Buy Disappoints With Weak Profit, Outlook

Shares of Best Buy slid by more than 5 percent Tuesday after the electronics retail giant posted lower earnings and moderated its outlook for the rest of the year, citing a less profitable mix of hot-selling products ...

Semel Ejects, Yang Grabs Controls

Terry Semel resigned from his CEO post at Yahoo late Monday, stepping aside to let cofounder Jerry Yang take the helm as the portal looks to keep shareholders happy, regain its early dot-com glory and better compete with rival Google ...

Investigators Shatter Global Child Sex Abuse Ring

Police in the UK have broken up a Web-based child pornography and pedophilia network, rescuing 31 children in the process and charging some 700 people worldwide with crimes ...

Blockbuster Tilts Scales in Favor of Blu-ray

Blockbuster will offer high-definition movies in the Blu-ray format in all of its stores, the company said, favoring Sony's approach for next-generation DVDs and dealing a blow to the rival HD DVD format ...

China, US Ramp Up Antipiracy Efforts

China has agreed to work more closely with the U.S. to curb the flow of pirated goods, the head of the U.S. customs agency announced Friday ...

Adobe Sets Quarterly Revenue Record, Investors Yawn

Adobe Systems posted record revenue and profits that beat Wall Street forecasts, but the software maker's shares fell Friday on a less-than-stellar outlook ...

Omnifone Opens Music Buffet for Hungry EU Mobile Markets

A UK-based phone maker announced a flat-rate music download service for mobile phones in key European markets Thursday, getting the service -- which works with a host of phones -- into stores two weeks ahead of Apple's hotly anticipated iPhone ...

eBay Yanks Ad Millions After Google’s Party Foul

Auction giant eBay has stopped buyingGoogle AdWords in apparent retaliation for a now-canceled event meant to build support among eBay sellers forGoogle Checkout -- a sign of the increasing tensions between the Internet competitors ...

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