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Results 261-280 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Adobe Jumps on Web-Hosting Bandwagon With Buzzword Buy

Adobe Systems is buying the maker of the Buzzword Web-based wordprocessing software, marking a shift in strategy for the maker of Flash and Acrobat and setting up a showdown over Internet-based applications with the likes of Microsoft and Google ...

Weak Forecast Pummels Palm Shares

Handheld device maker Palm saw its stock take a hit after reporting a fiscal loss for its first quarter and issuing a weaker-than-expected forecast that suggests it is struggling to regain ground lost to rivals such as Research In Motion and Apple and as it shifts its focus to lower-cost devices ...

Radiohead Lets Karma Police Download Pricing

In a move that further complicates the rapidly changing digital music world, alt-rock group Radiohead plans to make its next album available for direct download from its Web site without a fixed price ...

eBay Wrestles With Skype Strategy, Takes $1.4B Charge

eBay shook up the top management of its Skype peer-to-peer communications unit Monday, removing its cofounder as CEO and saying it will take a US$1.43 billion charge in the coming quarter to cover the cost of incentives in the original acquisition deal and to reflect lower overall value for the unit ...

Asia Market Key in $2.2B 3Com Deal

After a summertime lull, the private equity buyout trend returned to the tech sector Friday with networking systems maker 3Com agreeing to be bought by Bain Capital, with a minority stake going to China's largest networking company ...

Google-DoubleClick Deal Gets Chilly Reception on Capitol Hill

Google and Microsoft squared off as usual Thursday, but this time instead of the competitive battlefield, they met on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers are weighing the question of whether Google's purchase of DoubleClick will create an unfair online advertising monopoly ...

Dell Jumps on Green Horse to Lead Carbon-Neutral Charge

Hoping to burnish its image as an eco-friendly company, Dell said Thursday it would strive to become the first carbon-neutral maker of personal computers and other technology gear ...

Jury’s Patent Verdict Leaves Vonage in Critical Condition

A jury Tuesday delivered the second punch of a potentially staggering one-two legal blow to Vonage, finding the VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) provider had willfully infringed upon patents held by telecom giant Sprint Nextel ...

Amazon Pounces on iTunes With MP3 Store

After years of speculation and preparation, launched itsdigital music store Tuesday, debuting Amazon MP3 and promising a wide selection of music unfettered by DRM (digital rights management) restrictions ...

Microsoft May Start Tilling Fertile Facebook Soil

Social networking firm Facebook may sell a partial ownership stake to Microsoft as it moves to beef up its value and move toward a possible IPO (initial public offering), according to reports ...

EU to Review Google-DoubleClick Merger as Microsoft Meddles

Google has formally asked the European Commission to review itsacquisition of interactive advertising firm DoubleClick. The next few weeks will be critical, as regulators and lawmakers on both sides ofthe Atlantic contemplate how -- or whether -- the merger should move forward ...

Dell Digs to China for Retail Gold

Dell said Monday it would start selling its personal computers through China's sprawling Gome electronics chain as the company continues to embrace retail as a key part of its turnaround plan ...

Top Ten Richest List Teeming With Tech Titans

Once again, technology entrepreneurs played a prominent role in the Forbes 400, the annual list of the wealthiest Americans, with Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin breaking the top 10 for the first time, though the arrival of several hedge fund billionaires helped dilute the impact of tech ...

Oracle Q1 Software Sales Soar

Oracle's first-quarter software sales soared some 35 percent -- the largest year-over-year gain since the dot-com boom -- helping propel it past forecasts and prompting executives to declare that the company is gaining on rivals such as IBM and SAP ...

NBC Downloads Aim to Reunite Viewers With Commercials

NBC became the latest television network to plant a stake in its own piece of Internet video turf, saying it would make free downloads of first-run television shows available directly to viewers through its Web site ...

Google Gadgets Exploit Fun Factor

Bidding to turn the widget phenomenon it helped nurture into a revenue producer and convince users and publishers to share ads with each other, Google announced Wednesday it would expand a test of highly interactive ads that run within the Web site plug-ins ...

Mobile Messages Make AdSense to Google

Google has launched a mobile version of its AdSense program in several major markets, the latest in a series of high-profile movesthat underscore the mounting interest in delivering marketing messages to mobile phones and other devices ...

Yahoo Comes Out Swinging With $350M Zimbra Buy

In a move that could reignite the e-mail wars among major Web players, Yahoo said Monday it will buy open source e-mail firm Zimbra for US$350 million -- the third splashy purchase made since cofounder Jerry Yang took over as CEO in June and promised to return Yahoo to its roots ...

Nokia Picks Enpocket in Mobile Ad Grab

No. 1 handset maker Nokia said Monday it will buy Enpocket, a startup that focuses on creating and delivering targeted brand advertising to mobile phones ...

Microsoft’s EU Antitrust Appeal Hits Brick Wall

A European court upheld the European Union's sweeping antitrust ruling and the penalties against Microsoft, saying regulators acted within their authority when they issued a record-setting fine, forced Microsoft to produce a new version of Windows and required the software giant to share how its server products work ...

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