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Results 2861-2880 of 2998 for Keith Regan Rises from Dot-Com Graveyard

Six months after it became one of the earliest and most striking examples of the dot-com shakeout, fashion retailer is poised to begin its second online life ...

E-Commerce Death with Dignity

Imagine: A venture capitalist arrives at work one day and sets down his Starbucks mug next to a stack of business plans that tower over his inbox. As he begins sorting through them, out flutters an envelope containing a check ...

Council Pushes E-Commerce Flat Tax, Vouchers

The National Research Council released a report Wednesday recommending that the U.S. regulate the Web carefully but sparsely, that a flat tax be levied on e-commerce and that low-income families receive vouchers to help them get connected ...

China’s E-Commerce Shell Game

All at once, it seems that the promise China held for e-commerce has gone up in smoke. Without warning, the Chinese government has published a sweeping set of Internet regulations that do everything short of mounting a giant "Keep Out" sign on the nation's Web infrastructure ...

ICANN Fields Bids for New Domains

According to official lists updated Tuesday, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) said it has received more than 200 suggestions for new top level domains (TLDs) to join such traditional suffixes as ."com" and ".org." ...

Report: Consumers Cool to Net Banking

Consumers are leery of online alternatives to traditional banking and will require an extra push from financial institutions to take their business online, according to a report released Tuesday by Deloitte Consulting ...

AOL Trumps Amazon with Air Miles Plan

Racing to beat the launch of a similar program from, America Online (Nasdaq: AOL) on Monday formally introduced a plan to reward loyal members with frequent flyer miles from American Airlines ...

Who Will Win the Domain Name Game?

Starting Monday, more than 75,000 Internet users from around the world will log on to vote for five at-large members who will become the first Internet users to take seats on the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) ...

Report: Holidays To Fuel Q4 E-Commerce Surge

A strong holiday shopping season will boost U.S. online shopping to $9 billion (US$) during the fourth quarter, a 70 percent increase over last year, a new report from the Yankee Group predicts ...

Wisdom Overrules Zeal in Microsoft Case

Finally, the first good decision has been made in the Microsoft case. Actually, it may be the second good decision in as many weeks, given the resignation of chief Microsoft hunter and Assistant U.S. Attorney General Joel Klein (who by now finds himself buried in job offers, no doubt) ...

Sun Adds New Chips to Crowded Market

Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq: SUNW) has unveiled its next-generation chip and family of computers, promising faster serving of Web pages and a stronger foundation on which future Internet ventures can be built ...

Dot-Com Layoffs Reach High-Water Mark

More than 4,800 employees of dot-com companies lost their jobs in September, making it the busiest month so far this year for pink slips in the Internet economy, according to a new report ...

Are VC Prophets Obsessed with Profits?

It's not news that profits are the latest craze in the world of e-commerce and high-tech in general. Chances are you're sick of hearing the word given the number of times it's been uttered since the Nasdaq tried to buck loose all the profitless cling-ons earlier this year ...

Motorola and Palm in Cell Phone Pact

In a move aimed at making wireless Web devices that combine the assets of a cell phone, personal organizer and Internet device in one, Palm, Inc. (Nasdaq: PALM) and Motorola (NYSE: MOT) announced a development alliance on Monday ...

The Great ‘Dot-Com Doom Auction’ Riddle

The auction began innocently enough. The owner of F**, one of the earliest and, truth be told, most entertaining chroniclers of the dot-com shakeout, reportedly woke up feeling a tad bored with his endeavor ...

Gates Still America’s Richest… For Now

Though his company's stock has been clobbered on Wall Street, Bill Gates retains his title as America's richest man, according to Forbes Magazine ...

U.S. Senators Release Net Privacy Guide

Urging consumers to take control of online privacy, members of the United States Senate Wednesday released a consumer handbook aimed at educating users on how to avoid privacy pitfalls through education and the use of high-tech devices. ...

Taking the Internet for a Ride

Chances are, someone is sitting in the back of a purple taxicab on a New York street at this very moment, wondering how to use the Internet connection provided by Yahoo!. With just 10 of the city's 12,000-plus cabs hooked up, though, chances are much better that right now a whole lot of cab passengers are cruising Big Apple streets while reading the paper or talking on a cell phone...

Microsoft Foe Quits DOJ

Assistant U.S. Attorney General Joel Klein, the man who will almost certainly be remembered for his successful pursuit of charges that Microsoft monopolized the computer software and Web browser markets, will leave the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) later this month ...

Spurned Yahoo! Links with Barnes & Noble

Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO) said Tuesday it has signed a marketing pact with online bookseller (Nasdaq: BNBN), a deal that replaces a longstanding agreement between Yahoo! and (Nasdaq: AMZN) ...

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