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Results 2781-2800 of 2998 for Keith Regan

No E-Commerce Whining in 2001!

Hopefully, the major players in e-commerce have already made their most important resolutions -- No. 1 being to survive another year -- but I'd like to request one final promise ...

E-Commerce Deaths Topped 100 Last Year

Last year, 210 Internet firms -- more than half of them e-commerce companies -- ceased operations, according to a report released Wednesday by merger and acquisitions tracking firm ...

AOL Users Show E-Holiday Clout: $4.6B

America Online said Tuesday that its members spent more than US$4.6 billion online during the holiday season and $20 billion for all of 2000. The latter figure is more than twice what was spent the year before ...

Hard Knocks for E-Commerce Stocks

Wall Street investment firm C.E. Unterberg Towbin decided last week to drop coverage of e-commerce stocks, claiming that the space wasn't making anybody any money. ...

Take a Bow, E-Commerce

The early numbers themselves are reason to applaud, take a bow and celebrate: E-tail spending apparently doubled over last year's level. A 100 percent increase in anything is impressive, but what makes the numbers even more startling are the circumstances under which that increase happened. ...

Has Technology Let E-Commerce Down?

E-commerce packed a lot of history into the year 2000 -- not all of it good, by any means. Indeed, future generations may consider the long, steady decline of stock values and the concurrent shakeout as the story of the year. ...

eBay Unveils First U.S. TV Campaign

Making a high profile push to attract new users, online auction leader eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) launched its first national television ad campaign Wednesday with two 30-second spots. ...

U.S. Targets eBay User Fraud

One eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) user has been arrested and another indicted on fraud and money laundering charges stemming from uncompleted auctions on the site, company officials said Tuesday. ...

The Latest E-Commerce Scapegoat

When all else fails, blame the bots ...

Reports Show E-Holiday Peaked Early

Two new studies indicate that consumers remain wary of making last-minute holiday purchases online, although the reports disagree about exactly when this year's holiday shopping reached its zenith ... Sales Cheer E-tail Sector

In what could be a good omen for the overall health of holiday e-tailing, (Nasdaq: COOL) announced Wednesday that revenue for its third quarter more than doubled over last year. ...

eBay and UPS Unveil Shipping Pact

Online auction leader eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) said Wednesday it has begun to give its users direct access to United Parcel Service shipping options through the eBay Web site. ...

Is Venture Capital Dot-Com Poison?

Don't look now, but a host of dot-coms that never took a dime of venture capital are now turning a profit. That's right. Not mid-2002. Now -- before the end of the year 2000. ...

Priceline Scuttles Australian Foray

Less than two weeks after shelving an intended expansion into Japan, (Nasdaq: PCLN) said Monday it has canceled plans to launch its name-your-price e-tail service through a subsidiary in Australia and New Zealand. ...

eToys Facing Operations Crisis

Blaming weaker-than-expected holiday sales, eToys (Nasdaq: ETYS) said Friday it will miss its revenue estimates for its third quarter and announced plans to cut its workforce next month in a bid to conserve a dwindling cash supply. ...

You Can’t Spell Recession Without ‘E’

Suddenly, the word no one would utter is on everyone's lips -- the R-word, that is. Predictions of soft landings have given way to outright claims that a recession is upon us, or at least poised like a tiger to pounce at any moment. ...

More Momentum for Brick-and-Clicks

Eight of the 10 fastest growing retail sites on the Web are run by traditional retailers, according to a report released Friday by Jupiter Media Metrix (Nasdaq: JMXI). ...

The Web is Still Open for Business!

A majority of the population it may not be, but there are quite a few people who have spent the past month watching every twist and turn in the bizarre U.S. presidential election as it swerved toward the finish line. ...

Domain Name Swap Meet Service Debuts (Nasdaq: RCOM) on Wednesday launched an online auction service allowing businesses and individuals to bid for any of the 20 million Internet domain names already in use. ...

E-Commerce While You Work?

It probably surprised no one sitting at a desk to hear that Nielsen//NetRatings reported that 46 percent of all online shopping is done from work. ...

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