Search Results

Results 2781-2800 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Verizon to Introduce Hosted Contact Center App

Verizon Business is targeting the small to mid-sized market with the introduction this month of IP Web Center, a hosted contact center application ...

Cisco Plays Catch-Up With SIP Standard

Cisco Systems has introduced its Unified Communications system -- a new suite of voice, data and video products and applications based on the Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP standard ...

Google Lets Storage Plans Slip

Google inadvertently posted a PowerPoint presentation by CEO Eric Schmidt on its Web site, where bloggers who follow the company's doings promptly discovered it and then broadcast the information across the Internet ... Launches ‘Big iPod’ to Store Enterprise Apps has introduced its fourth suite -- Unlimited Edition -- to add to its product portfolio, which also includes Team Edition, Personal Edition and Enterprise Edition ...

AOL Opens Instant Messaging to Outside Developers

AOL is opening up its proprietary instant messaging platform, AIM, to outside developers to build plug-ins and custom communications, the company announced ...

Oracle Targets the Enterprise With New Search Engine

Oracle has staked out ground in the rapidly changing enterprise search industry with the introduction of Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 10g, a standalone engine that can search databases, file systems, enterprise content management systems, portals, e-mail systems and enterprise applications for internal corporate use ...

Avtex Buys Into Hosted Contact Center VoIP Space

Avtex, a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner that offers contact center, IP telephony and unified messaging applications, will be moving into the hosted contact center VoIP space once its acquisition of Interactive Solutions International is completely absorbed ...

SaaS Spreading Beyond CRM

CRM may be the largest Software as a Service (SaaS) market, but it is by no means the only one. If current trends continue, it may well lag behind the new software sectors moving to adopt the SaaS model ...

Talisma 7.0 Integrates Customer Service Features

Talisma has released a new version of its Customer Interaction Management suite, Talisma CIM 7.0. The software integrates multiple communication channels, including e-mail, chat, Web self-service and phone. Able to handle million of interactions, Talisma 7.0 can be deployed on-site or on-demand ...

Sage Adds Dashboard Marquee Feature to Version 5.8

Sage Software has introduced version 5.8 of its CRM application, an upgrade that includes new customization, data management and user administration functionality. Its marquee feature is the Dashboard, or user interface, Elaine Therrien, North American product manager for Sage CRM, told CRM Buyer ...

Sony Ericsson Rolls Out Mobile Phone for Bloggers

Sony Ericsson and Google have introduced a phone aimed at a rapidly growing segment of Internet users -- bloggers ...


Why CRM Just Keeps on Ticking

The market has declared CRM dead any number of times over the years. The most recent pronouncement came when iconic Siebel was purchased by Oracle. If the market maker couldn't stay afloat, then what hope did other vendors have? ...

IBM Spices Up SaaS Channel Incentives

IBM is pushing its business partners to more heavily promote its software-as-a-service (SaaS) initiative by offering new sales and marketing incentives ...

Video Describing Project Origami Fuels Market Buzz

Is it a digital music player? A smartphone? A new PDA? For some time, Microsoft has been seeding expectations of a new device, code-named Project Origami, that would combine some or all of the functionality of these popular products ...

SMBs Getting Picky About Their Software Choices

Small and medium-sized businesses -- empowered by the range of applications developed with them in mind over the last few years -- are getting more demanding about features and functionality, suggest two recent surveys ...

Microsoft CRM 3.0 Aims for SMB Market

With the rollout of Microsoft CRM 3.0 now underway, expectations are running high that this is the version that will finally push Microsoft far into the small and medium-sized (SMB) CRM vendors' turf ...’s Trust App Provides Status Info During Outages has introduced a new application to give users status updates about system performance. Uponlogging in, they can access current information about incident reports, maintenance schedules and other performance-related topics. The service is free ...

Second Wind for Mobile CRM?

A number of CRM vendors have released mobile applications in recent weeks -- anecdotal evidence suggesting that the category is on an upswing ...

Can Amazon Take On iTunes?

Amazon is getting ready to sell the one consumer product it doesn't already offer: digital music ...

FrontRange Links Telephony to CRM in GoldMine

FrontRange Solutions is expected to introduce GoldMine IP Voice in the United States within the next few weeks ...

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