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Results 2741-2760 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Got a Feeling Inside – ICANN Explain

For some people, testifying before the U.S. Congress might be a moment of historical glory. But usually, especially lately, it seems to mean you did something wrong ...

Amazon Opens Software Download Store (Nasdaq: AMZN) launched a new software download store Monday, aimed at providing customers with near-instant access to products it already sells by mail ...

Study: Online Holiday Returns Pass $1B Mark

Online shoppers in the U.S. have already returned about US$1 billion worth of merchandise purchased during the 2000 holiday season, according to a report released Friday by the Yankee Group ...

Amazon To Charge for E-mail Book Reviews confirmed Wednesdaythat it will begin charging book publishers for having their titles appear in e-mail promotions sent to the e-tail giant's customers ...

Nowhere To Hide from Amazon’s Reach

Somewhere out there, I'm sure, is a corner of cyberspace that has not been touched, or dare I say tainted, by But if such a place exists, Jeff Bezos will find it soon ...

eBay’s New Software Fees Vex Users

eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) said Tuesdayit will begin offering members the option of paying a monthly fee for aset of software tools designed to make it easier and faster to set upauctions, although many members have already purchased the software outright ...

eToys Fires Staff, Sets April Shutdown

Online retailer eToys, Inc. (Nasdaq: ETYS) said Monday it will lay off its remaining employees and wind down operations by the beginning of April, effectively closing the door on the company's chance of survival ...

Online Music’s Hired Guns Mean War

Writer Ken Auletta's new book about the Microsoft trial bears theintriguing title of "World War 3.0." If the Microsoft case is a war, the two main opposition generals have left the battlefield and joined the Bertelsmann AG and Napster camp. ...

New GM Site To Offer Rival Auto Brands

In what is essentially a response to rapid consolidation in the online car-buying sector, General Motors (NYSE: GM) told its dealers Sunday thatthey will have the option of selling other car brands through a new online sales operation, AutoCentric ...

Amazon Backtracks on Gag Rule for Layoffs

With pressure building from union organizers and with a potential public relations blunder at hand, told laid-off hourly employees Thursday that they would not have to pledge to keep quiet about the company in order to receive a better severance deal. ...

CarsDirect To Buy Amazon-Backed Greenlight said Wednesdaythat it will buy, an online car site backed by ...

Is Big Talk a Big Pain for E-Commerce?

Thanks to William Shakespeare, we know what's in a name. But what's in a number? ...

The Amazon Question: Will Investors Trade Growth for Profits?

News that is slashing 1,300 jobs continued to rattle the e-commerce world Wednesday, as analysts said reduced sales forecasts from the bellwether company are a signal that the era of spectacular growth may have ended for the e-tail sector ...

Study: Venture Capital Flowing, But Slowing

Questions about the health of e-commerce led to a slowdown in venture investments during the fourth quarter of 2000, but venture capitalists still set a new funding record in 2000, according to a report released Monday by the National Venture Capital Association and Venture Economics. ...

E-Commerce Crashes Join Death and Taxes

I've heard it from all sides. E-tail customers have told me it's nohardship -- indeed, no big deal -- when their favorite site goes down ...

Can E-Tailers Make a Dime?

Here's a neat party trick. Make a list of the profitable or nearlyprofitable e-commerce companies you know about. Then circle all the e-tailcompanies -- the ones that sell goods directly to consumers ...

Former Hacker Saves Strapped E-tailer

The white knight who pulled European e-tailer from the brink of bankruptcy at the last minute this week is a convicted hacker turned venture capitalist, a UK newspaper reported Thursday ...

Webvan Pledges Cost-Cutting Measures

Webvan Group (Nasdaq: WBVN) said Thursday that it will "dramatically reduce overhead costs" in order to conserve its cash reserves and avoid the need to return to the capital markets before the end of 2001 ...

DoubleClick Decision Has Downside for E-Shoppers

The people at DoubleClick can breathe a bit easier now. With the U.S. Federal Trade Commission laying off after investigating their privacy practices for the past 11 months, the folks at DoubleClick must feel like an elephant just stepped off their chest. ...

Will PlayStation 3 Be an Online Shopping Tool?

While still years from unveiling its next-generation game console, Sony apparently plans to make PlayStation 3 a gateway to the Internet and a means to leverage the company's far-flung entertainment holdings. ...

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