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Results 2701-2720 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Icahn Pledges $400M to Buy Airline for Travel Web Site

Financier Carl Icahn said Thursday he is ready to put up US$400 million to help his discount travel Web site buy or build its own airline ...

Harnessing the Power of Online Pricing

Internet retailers using strategic pricing for the Web are more likely to attain long-term success, according to a study released Wednesday by McKinsey & Company. ...

Is Trust a Word in the Customer Relations Dictionary?

Trust is implicit in the buying process, but no place more so than online. You don't give your credit card over with one hand and grab the package with the other. You give your credit card, sit back and wait, trusting the merchant to complete the sale. ...

E-Car-merce Faces D.C. Test Drive

General Motors (NYSE: GM) and (Nasdaq: ABTL) said Wednesday that they have chosen the Washington, D.C. area to test an online car buying system that will enable shoppers to search all available vehicles and buy from a dealer of their choice. ...

Report: Amazon, Best Buy in Partnership Talks

Two weeks after rumors surfaced that Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) would link with retail giant Wal-Mart, a report Monday said that the e-tailer is now discussing a strategic alliance with consumer electronics seller Best Buy (NYSE: BBY). ...

CEOs: See How They Run

There sat Amazon chief executive officer Jeff Bezos, up on the dais at the high-tech summit,telling investors, again, not to buy shares of dot-com stocks like hiscompany's. It was sound advice, but I'm convinced it was just cover ...

Shareholders Sue Priceline over IPO

A group of investors filed a lawsuit against (Nasdaq: PCLN) Friday, alleging that the name-your-price e-tailer conspired to drive up the price of its shares after its initial public offering (IPO). ...

New Rule Book for Web Shopping with Electronic Checks

With the goal of encouraging Web merchants and shoppers to use personal checks for e-tail sales, the Electronic Payments Association instituted new rules Friday for how electronic checks are processed ...

Startup Internet Auctioneer Asks Giants for Regulation

One week after the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) named auction fraud as the most common Internet scam, Web auctioneer proposed Tuesday that the industry move quickly to regulate itself. ...

Yahoo! Dresses Up Auction Offerings with Deal

Seeking to beef up its auction offerings in the face of declining listings, Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) said Tuesday that it had forged an alliance with reverse auction provider ...

Peapod Leaves San Francisco to Webvan

Online grocer Peapod (Nasdaq: PPOD) stopped servicing the San Francisco market on Sunday, transferring its customer base to onetime rival Webvan (Nasdaq: WBVN). ...

Boring Old B2B Steals E-Tail’s Thunder

So it turns out that amid all the teeth-gnashing about the future of e-commerce, business-to-business (B2B) online sales were cooking right along. ...

Paying Tribute to E-Commerce Martyrs

No matter what industry you're involved in, here's something you don't want to hear: well-respected analysts saying that your industry will survive long-term, but that you won't be around to enjoy it ...

Autoweb Plans To Fight Nasdaq Delisting

Car e-tailer (Nasdaq: AWEB) moved up on the dot-com critical list Thursday with the announcement that it has hired a financial advisor to explore its options, while it fights to avoid delisting from the Nasdaq stock exchange. ...

Can E-Commerce Make It by Doing Good?

Lately, it seems like Internet companies are tripping over each other in a rush to do good deeds. ...

Amazon Exec Says E-tailer Open to Offline Partnerships

While (Nasdaq: AMZN) has maintained its official silence on a rumored partnership with Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT), a top Amazon executive said Wednesday the e-tailer is interested in linking with brick-and-mortar stores. ...

Will Amazon’s Silence Be Golden?

Maybe there's truth to the published rumors that Amazon andWal-Mart are engaged in some type of partnership talks, but there is no comment coming from the Great Northwest about it. ...

Following Layoffs, Egghead Secures Cash

Two days after cutting 12 percent of its workforce, computer and software e-tailer (Nasdaq: EGGS) said it had secured US$20 million from IBM's commercial financing wing. ...

Forget the Car – Finish Wiring My House

Maybe there are people out there aching to check their retirement accounts while sitting in freeway traffic. Multitasking is a must, especially in decidedly less exuberant times, so maybe in-car Internet will catch on ...

uBid Adds Auction Traffic with iWon Deal

Business-to-consumer (B2C) auction site uBid said Monday it has forged an alliance with cash-giveaway portal ...

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