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Results 2681-2700 of 2998 for Keith Regan

The Real Price of

The news reports say that Sex, the domain name, is worth at leastUS$65 million. That's how much a federal judge awarded the rightful owner from the pockets of a cybersquatter who made an estimated $40 million inprofit over a five-year stretch ...

Are Tech Stock Analysts Too Powerful?

In the age of streaming stock quotes, after-hours trading and 24-hour financial news coverage, many Wall Street analysts have become stars. ...

NBC To Absorb Faltering NBCi

Facing little prospect of turning a profit with a standalone Web business anytime soon, NBC said Monday it would buy out and absorb NBCi (Nasdaq: NBCI) after less than two years of independent operations for the portal. ...

Live Free or Die on the Web

The leaders of the Internet world are rushing into the abyss, coming up with new ways to charge users for their once-free services every day. The latest entrant in the pay-to-play derby is Yahoo!, which will offer "premium" financial information for a monthly fee ...

Hack Victim Bibliofind To Move to Amazon

A month after announcing that its customers' credit card information was exposed to hack attacks, said Thursday that it will move its operations to the site of its parent company, (Nasdaq: AMZN). ...

Yahoo! Joins Online Music Crowd

Amid a slew of new partnerships and product announcements in the digital music field, Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) said Thursday it has formed an alliance with Duet, a subscription-based music service being developed by two of the world's largest record labels. ...

Lawyers Ready to Exploit Bursting Internet Bubble

Just over a year ago, investors were pushing each other out of the way to place "buy" orders for soaring tech stocks. Today, the crowds are forming instead at lawyers' offices ...

Report: Web Travel Traffic Gliding to Airline Sites

Online travel sites are facing fast-rising competition from the airlines themselves and must move quickly to guard their turf, according to a report released Wednesday by Jupiter Media Metrix. ...

The Internet’s Desperation Day

I'm all for grass-roots efforts to boost awareness of the greatness of the Web, but "Back the Net Day"? ...

eBay Modifies Privacy Policy with Toysmart in Mind

eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) has revised its privacy policy, clearing the way for user information to be transferred to a third party if the auction leader is sold or merged. ...

Report: Next E-Commerce Crime Wave Could Impact Millions

A single act of "economic mass victimization" is likely to hit a broad spectrum of e-commerce customers in the next two years, according to a report released Friday by Gartner ...

Will eBay Ads Squeeze Out the Little Guy?

Somehow, eBay is trying to put a fairness spin on news that it is going to offer sellers the option of buying banner ads on the site. ...

PlanetRx To Sell Off Assets said Thursday that its board of directors approved a plan to liquidate all of thee-tailer's assets, in an attempt to regain some cash for its shareholders ...

An Over-Valued Dot-Com?

Here's a twist: shareholders complaining that a dot-com is being over-valued. That's right. Over-valued. In 2001. After the Nasdaq debacle and the shakeout and all the rest. ...

AOL Rolls Out 10 New E-Commerce Partnerships

Looking to give their small business e-commerce services a boost, America Online (NYSE: AOL) and PurchasePro (Nasdaq: PPRO) unveiled 10 new services Wednesday through a host of strategic partners. ...

Real World Rules for Online Sellers

Call it the spillover effect. That's what happens when lame customer service online starts to impact how shoppers feel about a retailer's brick-and-mortar stores. ...

Kozmo Cans Starbucks Drop-Off Plan

Ever-changing e-tailer Kozmo said Monday it will abandon a US$150 million plan to install video drop-off boxes in hundreds of Starbucks (Nasdaq: SBUX) coffee shops across the United States. ... Files for Bankruptcy

One week after cutting 40 percent of its workforce, filed for bankruptcy protection Friday ...

Is the World Hungry for Online Pizza?

When it comes to the Web, groceries are one thing, and not a verypromising one at that. But what about prepared foods? It's possible that your corner pizza store could be quietly writing an e-commerce success story ...

Do Portals Still Matter to E-Commerce?

Already reeling from the plummet in online advertising revenue, the major Internet portals are busy answering another question posed by their Web merchant partners: Are portals still able to turn Web surfers into Web shoppers? ...

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