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Results 2641-2660 of 2998 for Keith Regan

eBay Moves To Ban Links to Other Sites

In a bid to cut down on the number of non-eBay sales made by buyers and sellers who find each other on its site, eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) said it will enforce a company policy banning links that lead its auction users to other Web sites. ...

Small and Steady Could Win the E-Commerce Race

In January, amid some of the heaviest shaking out to date in the e-commerce world, a Web site by the name of quietly landed a US$13 million round of venture funding. ...

eBay Scores Sale of Prime Olympic Tickets

Organizers of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games said Thursday they plan to sell up to US$1 million worth of premium tickets to their events on the Internet auction site eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY). ...

Will Online Clothes Ever Fit?

By all accounts, lots of people are buying lots of items online. And luckily for e-commerce, the menu of products that people will buy, sight unseen, seems to be expanding. So why are so many shoppers reluctant to buy clothes online? ...

Solving Online Returns: Ask Why They Happen

Retailers are not prepared for an imminent onslaught in the number of online returns, according to a report released Thursday by Jupiter Media Metrix (Nasdaq: JMXI). ...

Priceline – Is It the Car or the Driver?

Priceline seemed to be back on course, steering delicately toward profitability for the first time. The recent news from the Norwalk, Connecticut-based e-tailer was, for a change, mostly good. The days of the class action suits and massive layoffs and failed expansion ideas were fading in the rearview mirror. ... Alters Course on Free Shipping – Again

Apparently, it is an e-tailer's prerogative to change its mind -- or at least be flexible ...

Peapod, Netgrocer in Online Packaged Goods Pact

Online grocer Peapod (Nasdaq: PPOD) said Tuesday it will hand over its pack-and-ship service to, in order to focus on local markets. ...

Yahoo’s New Revenue Source: International Calling

Leading Internet portal Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) on Monday rolled out a new version of its instant messaging (IM) service, one that will enable users to place international phone calls through their personal computers. ...

What Makes a Good Online Brand Name?

What's in a name? Plenty, when it's an online name. At least that's been the conventional wisdom. ...

Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the New Economy

What if there's a second Internet bubble and no one wants to get inside? It could happen. In fact, the number of people who wince, shudder or burst into tears when someone mentions the idea of going to work for a pure-play Web company is growing dramatically. ...

Honk if You’re a Confused Online Car Buyer

News flash: Online car buyers confused. ...

Bertelsmann Scoops Up E-Mail Marketer

DirectGroup Bertelsmann, parent company of CDNow and majority owner of, said Friday that it will buy e-mail marketing and e-commerce firm ...

Survey: Collectibles Prices Down on eBay

Prices for consumer collectibles on leading person-to-person auction site eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) have dropped an average of 25 percent in the past year, while at the same time the number of listings has increased, according to a report released Thursday by ...

Will the Tech Shopping Spree Hit E-Commerce?

IBM (NYSE: IBM) went on a bit of a shopping spree late last month, dropping US$80 million over here for Internet consultant Mainspring and another $1 billion over there for database company Informix. ...

eBay: We’ll Triple Our Share of E-Commerce

The share of the "addressable" online market that eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) owns is poised to triple in the next four years, the auction leader's chief financial officer said Tuesday. ...

Kodak Buys Amazon Partner Ofoto

Eastman Kodak (NYSE: EK) said Monday it will buy Ofoto, an online photography service that has been an partner since last fall. ...

Can Avoid the Amazon Alliance Buzzsaw?

The last time linked arms with a brick-and-mortar retailer struggling for an online foothold, the results were impressive. ...

Report: E-tail Flails at Customer Service E-Mail

Fewer than 40 percent of companies respond to customer service e-mails within six hours and nearly one-fourth never reply at all, according to a report released Monday by Jupiter Media Metrix (Nasdaq: JMXI). ...

Home Depot Expands Online Sales Nationwide

After reluctantly dipping its toe in the online shopping world with a narrow test market, retailer Home Depot (NYSE: HD) said Thursday that it will expand its Internet presence to 48 states, but only on a limited basis. ...

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