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Results 2581-2600 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

RightNow Rearchitects CRM Suite With Version 8

RightNow Technologies will be introducingversion 8 of its CRM suite next Monday in conjunction with thecompany's eighth annual user conference and the 2006Gartner Customer Relationship Management Summit.RightNow 8 will be available in December 2006 ...

Google Indexes 200 Years of News

Continuing its quest to index all of the world'sinformation online, Google has released Google NewsArchive Search, a service that offers a wide selection of previously published material, some of it dating back centuries ...

SaaS Model May Buckle in Complex Implementations

Next week at its CRM Summit, Gartner will releasestatistics suggesting that in certain implementations, the Software as a Service model is not as cost-effective -- or even effective -- as earlier projections and experiences have led some companies to believe ...

Google to Comply With Brazilian Court Order

Google has announced that it will comply with a Brazilian court's order to turn over data that couldidentify users of its social networking site, Orkut, who are suspected of illegal activities such as child pornography ...

Supply Chain Subsectors Driving Market Growth

The supply chain management applications market grew by 3 percent to US$5.6 billion in 2005, according to a new report by AMR Research. It was the second year of growth for the sector, and it exceeded the firm's expectations of a 1 percent increase. 2006 promises to be even stronger, with AMR calling for a 7 percent increase as more and more companies refocus on SCM initiatives...

The Thorny Cultural Thicket of Outsourcing, Part 2

Many Americans have come to dread hearing a foreign accent when a customer service representative comes on the line, assuming that such agents will be ill-equipped to help them. In fact, asPart 1 of this two-part series notes, many would rather speak to someone blatantly rude or condescending than to a person whose English inflection differs from their own...

Browzar Makes Internet Security a No-Brainer

There is a new browser available for Internet users seeking a more private way to surf the Web -- a group that has suddenly become much larger in the wake of AOL's accidental disclosure of some members' search terms. Called Browzar, it has been launched by Ajaz Ahmed, founder of the Freeserve ISP in the United Kingdom ...

Avaya’s Interaction Center 7.1 Builds Contact Center Toolbox

Avaya has updated its flagship contact center software application, Interaction Center, with new features that make it easier for developers to build agent portals to their own specifications and needs ...

China Adopts Domestic Standard for Digital TV

China has announced it will adopt a digital TV broadcast standard that will combine two systems developed by the Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiaotong University ...

PeopleSoft’s Latest Analytics Suite a Fusion Showcase

Oracle has released PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) 9, an integrated suite of analytic applications that is part of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise 9 suite. New features include expanded enterprise planning and compliance management capabilities and new industry functionality in the higher education vertical ...

Hackers Steal AT&T Customers’ Credit Card Data

Computer hackers stole the credit card information and some personal data of approximately 19,000 customers who purchased DSL equipment via AT&T's online store. Subscribers to its service, though, were not affected ...

One Year Post-Katrina, Few Firms Have Continuity Plans

A week or so after Hurricane Katrina roared out of the Gulf of Mexico and devastated huge portions of the coast, it became clear to officials at the Louisiana Department of Economic Development that they would have to rethink their long-term game plans ...

Microsoft to Fix Security Hole in DRM Application

Microsoft is preparing a patch for a vulnerability in its digital rights management application that is currently being exploited by a program circulating the Web. The program, called FairUse4WM, disables the DRM protections in Windows Media Player 10 and 11 files and has been used to access music purchased through subscription services ...

The Thorny Cultural Thicket of Outsourcing, Part 1

American consumers would rather have to deal with a rude or condescending customer service agent on the phone than one who speaks with a foreign accent, according to a survey released earlier this year ...

VoIP Adoption in Contact Centers to Soar

Contact centers will dramatically increase the adoption of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology over the next few years, the Yankee Group projects. This long-awaited development will be driven in some part by related growth in the number of home agents ...

Google, Brazil Lock Horns Over Social Networking Data

Google's presence in Brazil might be threatened by a dispute with that government's law enforcement agency over user data. Brazil's public attorney has filed suit against Google demanding information on users of its social networking site, Orkut, who are suspected of engaging in child pornography and other illegal activities ...

Sprint Offers Hosted Contact Center App

Sprint has entered the hostedcontact center space, a submarket that is rapidly expanding, with the introduction of an IP-based offering that is powered byAvaya technology ...

Microsoft Scores Coup With Facebook Account

Microsoft's efforts to build out its advertising network received a considerable boost with the announcement that Facebook has signed on with the company to receive online advertising services ...

Paris Hilton Kicks Off YouTube’s New Ad Strategy

YouTube is exploring ways to monetize its traffic flow of 100 million downloads a day by launching a pay-for-play video advertising service. Its inaugural spot is a promotion for Paris Hilton's new album, "Paris." ..., NetSuite Add Google Paid Search

First it was support for e-mail marketing, then it was a user interface that displayed real time system data -- also known as the "Dashboard." Now the latest must-have feature in on-demand CRM, at least as evidenced by two separate offerings, is paid search ...

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