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Results 2541-2560 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Founder To Buy Back (Nasdaq: BUYX) announced late Friday that founder Scott A. Blum will buy all outstanding shares in the e-tailer, ending its turbulent 18-month run as a public company. ...

UK Grocer Abandons Internet-TV Project

UK grocer J. Sainsbury said Friday it has killed an ambitious plan to merge the Internet and television into a single vehicle for advertising and e-commerce after less than a year of operation. ...

Priceline: Only Halfway to Heaven

The good news for Priceline (Nasdaq: PCLN) is that it found the Holy Grail of dot-coms in the most recent quarter. It posted an operating profit. But Priceline hasn't reached e-commerce Nirvana just yet. ...

E-Biz Incubator ICG Raising Cash Amid Mounting Losses

Business-to-business (B2B) incubator Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE) said Wednesday that its second quarter 2001 losses rose 90 percent compared to a year earlier, reaching more than US$354 million. ...

Net Grocer Peapod Expands To Gain from HomeRuns’ Loss

Looking to grab customers abandoned last month by defunct competitor, online grocer Peapod (Nasdaq: PPOD) officially announced Wednesday that it would expand its service to new areas in and around Washington, D.C. ... Just Undo It

Memorandum to executives at Barnes and Noble: ...

Special Report: What’s Next for E-Commerce?

First came the dot-com bubble and then the burst. But with the dot-com shakeout now starting to slow down, what's next for e-commerce? ...

Report: Financial Services Firms Top Web Advertisers

Hoping to drum up new business amid a slowing economy, financial services firms poured money into online advertising during June, according to a report released Tuesday by Nielsen//NetRatings (Nadsaq: NTRT). ... To Close Site, Seek Buyer

Blaming a sagging market for online advertising,, which staged one of the first blockbuster initial public offerings of the Internet era, said Friday it would shutter its main site, lay off half its workers and seek a buyer ...

Arming for Battle? Travelocity Parent To Raise $400M

Computer reservations giant Sabre (NYSE: TSG), parent of travel e-tailer (Nasdaq: TVLY), said Thursday it would raise up to US$400 million worth of working capital, a possible sign the company is looking to fortify itself as the online travel war becomes more intense. ...

Tech Investor Search for Villains Hits Pay Dirt

From coast to coast, burned tech investors are being soothed. Like aloe on a sunburn, the notion that it wasn't their fault is just the balm they'vebeen searching for since their nest eggs went splat ...

Amazon Stock Slip Means Bigger Stake for AOL (Nasdaq: AMZN) said Wednesday it plans to issue an additional 1.69 million shares of its stock to AOL Time Warner (NYSE: AOL) to make up for a shortfall in Amazon's stock price over the past two weeks. ...

Webvan CEO Lands New Job

One of the 2,000 employees who lost their jobs when Webvan (Nasdaq: WBVN) shut down last month has found new work, as TRW (NYSE: TRW), a US$17 billion-a-year auto parts and technology concern, named the online grocer's chief executive officer, Robert Swan, its new chief financial officer. ...

Yahoo! in Sweeping Internet Deal with Sony

Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) said Tuesday it has reached a multiyear agreement with Sony (NYSE: SNE) that encompasses online movie marketing, e-commerce and Web site development, and leaves the door open for additional deals between the two companies. ...

Up With Big Ads, Down With Pop-Ups

Memo to online advertisers: Keep pushing the envelope, as long as it's in the right direction ...

Amazon, Launch Kids Learning Store (Nasdaq: AMZN) and extended their year-old brick-and-click marriage Monday, launching a co-branded children's learning site, ...

Solving the Internet Giveaway Riddle

In mid-April, two days after Yahoo! announced plans to lay off 12 percent of its workforce in the face of a prolonged advertising slump, fellow portal gave an Atlanta, Georgia man a US$10 million prize ...

Special Report: Are Bigger Online Ads Really Better?

Last week, the Internet Advertising Bureau released several studies backing up the argument that when it comes to online advertising, bigger is better. But is it that simple? ...

What’s Holding E-Commerce Back?

Maybe it's a bad self-image brought on by the hundreds of good companies strewn by the wayside. Or a belief that people will be ready one day to buy more online -- just not yet. ...

Study: Car Buyers Hard To Find Online

With less than one-quarter of car owners visiting automobile-related Web sites on a regular basis, automakers hoping to target potential customers with online advertising must improve their understanding of their audiences, according to a study released Wednesday by Jupiter Media Metrix (Nasdaq: JMXI) and R.L. Polk & Co. ...

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