Search Results

Results 2541-2560 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Oracle, IBM Team to Push Apps on Linux System z

Oracle and IBM are leveraging the multi-million dollar investments they have made in their Linux product lines by joining forces to collaborate on the sales and marketing of Oracle applications for Linux on System z ...

Customer Survey Offers Banks a Roadmap to Success

A survey of online banking illustrates how banks can cement brand loyalty and even increase market share through a thoughtful redesign of their online channel ...

Blogging for Better Customer Service

What should companies do -- and what should they refrain from doing -- when reacting to blog postings about their products or services? Robert Cox, president of the New York-based Media BloggersAssociation and a consultant to consumer packaged goods companies, has veryspecific ideas on the subject ...

Oracle On Demand Adds PeopleSoft, Siebel App Support

Oracle is offering to support clients' PeopleSoft and Siebel applications in its own data center -- a managed service option that it has offered with its own Oracle applications for the last few years ...

Microsoft Introduces Connectors for CRM App

At its first CRM customer summit, held this week in San Diego, Microsoft announced the availability of tools to integrate its Dynamics CRM application with competing ERP (enterprise resource planning) back-end systems ...

Sales Force Automation 2.0

Of all the CRM subsector technologies, sales force automation is the most mature. Expecting dramatic change in this category, therefore, would be akin to expecting the radical realignment of a general accounting ledger package ...

IBM Registers Stellar Performance in Q3

Reporting a quarterly profit of US$2.2 billion, IBMhandily beat Wall Street's expectations with its Q3earnings. Impressive sales of its hardware andlicensed software sales were the primary driver of the company'sgains ...

The Googleplex Goes Solar

Google is planning to deploy a solarelectricity system that will have a capacity of 1.6megawatts at its famed million square foot headquarters inMountain View, Calif. It will be the largest suchinstallation on a corporate campus in the UnitedStates and one of the largest in the world, the company said ...

Equity Firms to Take Open Solutions Private in $1.3B Deal

Two private equity firms, The Carlyle Group and Providence Equity Partners, jointly announced on Monday that they have signed a definitive agreement to acquire Open Solutions in a transaction valued at over US$1.3 billion ...

ERP: Back to Double-Digit Growth

Growth in the enterprise resource planning market may have paused during the 2001-2002 recession, but it is now back to a steady pace, according to a new AMR Research report ...

Yahoo Creating World’s Biggest Time Capsule

Yahoo has launched what it ambitiously calls the largest time capsule in the history of the world. It is encouraging people from around the globe to contribute personal photos, stories, thoughts, ideas, poems, home movies -- the flotsam of every day life, in other words -- to its site, The point, as with all time capsules, is to illustrate life in 2006... Opens Code to Developers With Apex Launch has opened its code to outsidedevelopers for the first time with the introduction ofApex, a new multi-tenant programming language andplatform. Companies will be able to useApex to tailor or reprogram their Salesforce.comdeployments or build entirely new components withinthe application from scratch ...

Microsoft’s Refusal to Share Vista Kernel Still Drawing Fire

Third party antivirus vendors are becoming increasingly convinced that Microsoft's rigorous security protocols for its forthcoming Windows Vista operating system are in effect a back-door effort to gain market share in the computer security space ...

Oracle Builds Fusion Into PeopleSoft Financial Management 9

Oracle's Fusion -- its middleware designed to help customers use the various enterprise suites and applications it has acquired over the last few years -- has been incorporated into PeopleSoft Financial Management 9, the first new release of the application in eighteen months ...


CRM in Manufacturing, Part 2: An SAP Enterprise Implementation

As a rule, manufacturers have been blissfully unconcerned with some of the finer points of CRM functionality and processes -- but not because they have been indifferent to their customers' needs ...

Older Generation Infiltrates MySpace may have been discovered and popularized by younger people, but adults over 25 years old comprise a surprising portion of the user base, according to new figures released by comScore's Media Metrix ...

Witness Systems Buys Into Banking

Witness Systems is making its first vertical play with the dual acquisitions of Demos Solutions Consulting Group and Exametric, two companies that provide workforce optimization, productivity and enterprise planning applications for the financial services industry ...

Intel May Be Edging Toward Antitrust Showdown in Europe

European regulatory authorities have taken a step toward bringing allegations that Intel is violating antitrustlaw closer to a resolution -- and the company's probable prosecution ...

Microsoft, EMC Forge Content Management Alliance

Microsoft and EMC have developed nativeintegration technology for SharePoint Server 2007, as well as the2007 Microsoft Office system and SQL Server 2005,through a newly announced enterprise content management alliance ...

NetSuite Introduces New PRM Functionality

NetSuite has married two of its applications to provide additional features for clients that use itsproduct to collaborate with partners ...

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