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Results 2481-2500 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Year of the Tech Patent Lawsuit, Part 2

One of the most recent cases to go before the Supreme Court, KSR v. Teleflex, was also one of the most significant, at least to patent attorneys, as the basic standards used to grant a patent are now under review. It was a fitting end to 2006, during which a number of high profile patent disputes made their way into mainstream headlines ...

Keep Your Resolutions With a Little Help From the Web

It's 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 2. You are at the local food court for lunch, and acutely conscious of your New Year's resolution, which is to lose those pesky 10 pounds you've been trying to shed forever ...

Banking BPO to Reach $6.7 Billion by 2011

A new report finds that the banking-specific business process outsourcing (BPO) market is poised for significant growth ...


Avoiding Common Outsourcing Pitfalls

Renault is marketing a car called the Logan -- a starter vehicle that retails for about US$6,300. A safety conscious consumer may pause before getting in -- but he shouldn't, or at least not more so than he would with any other car. Renault is not cutting corners in its manufacturing process. Instead, Renault is reverse engineering its landed costs to make sure its manufacturing and sources processes are done at the lowest cost possible...

Hacker Claims to Have Cracked Next Gen DRM Standard

A hacker who calls himself Muslix64 has Hollywood and music studios on edge this New Year's Eve weekend as they wait to see whether their latest digital rights management software standard will work as designed ...

Microsoft’s RSS Patent Application Raises Hackles

An application that Microsoft filed last year with the U.S. Patent andTrademark Office could be interpreted to give the software giant broad rightsto RSS, or really simple syndication, technology ...

Upstart Search Engine Wikiasari to Take On Google

Since Jimmy Wales' announcment last week that he plans to launch a newsearch engine in Q1 2007, speculation has been rife over what it could mean for the search industry -- and specifically for Google ...


Pretexting Problems in Everyday Life

Him: "What purchases have you made lately? Just the last one would be fine." ...


Sage CRM’s Dave Batt on New Migration Products

Earlier this month, Sage Software announced it had acquired one of its longtime partners, Corum, a Canada-based provider of CRM technology ...

Google Upgrades Blogger Service

Google upgraded its Blogger service from the beta that had been in place. The new Blogger is still only available to a select user group, with Google planning to make the upgraded version generally available in the future ...

M2M to Acquire KNOVA

M2M Holdings has signed an agreement to acquire CRM provider KNOVA Software, in an all cash transaction valued at approximately US$47 million. The deal is expected to close at the end of the first quarter of 2007, subject to approval by KNOVA shareholders ...

Opera Designs Browser for Nintendo’s Wii

Nintendo is providing Wii users with a beta version of Opera's Web browser that has been specifically developed for Wii games and software ...

Year of the Tech Patent Lawsuit, Part 1

What is shaping up to be a landmark technology patent lawsuit,KSR v. Teleflex, is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court right now. At its most basic, the decision could redefine the standard of "obviousness" that is usedwhen deciding whether a patent should be granted for aparticular invention or development ...

Cingular to Offer MySpace on Its Phones

Cingular and MySpace are teaming up to offer Cingular customers the ability to navigate social networking site MySpace from their devices. MySpace is one of the fastest-growing Web sites as well as among the most trafficked, with more than 130 million user profiles ...

Contact Center Platform Enhances Customer Interaction

CosmoCom has upgraded its IP-based contact center software platform to version 5 ...

UCLA Notifies 800,000 of Data Breach

Some 800,000 people associated with UCLA have been notified that their names and certain personal information were in a database that was compromised by a hacker. The database contained personal information about current and former students, faculty and staff, and some applicants ...

Microsoft Patch Reflects Continuing IE Vulnerability

Microsoft has released seven patches for several of its applications, including Outlook Express and Visual Studio 2005. Two of the patches are rated "critical": a vulnerability in script error handling and a vulnerability in Windows Media Player ...

New MS Word Vulnerability Targets Large Companies

Another zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Word has been identified, MessageLabs reported on Tuesday ...

Nintendo’s ‘Wiimote’ Subject of Patent Suit

Nintendo's intellectual property right to the technology in its Wii Remote -- or "Wiimote" -- was challenged this week by Interlink Electronics, which was granted a patent last year for a trigger-operated electronic device that can be operated with a pointer sensor ...


Credit Reporting: Where Privacy Really Starts

There is no limit, it seems, to what the research anddevelopment banks and other financial institutions arewilling to spend to ensure that their customers' moneyis safe. The latest twist? Biometric safeguards, suchas voice imprints or iris scans. To be sure, thistechnology already exists and is used in all sorts ofhigh-end applications. It is likely just amatter of time before it filters down to retail use...

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