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Results 2381-2400 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Online Grocery Slowly Gets Back on its Feet

Amid all the bumps in the road for e-commerce in 2001, few sectors were shaken as hard as companies in the online grocery market. ...

Report: 2001 Online Holiday Shopping Traffic Up 50 Percent

Online shopping traffic during the 2001 holiday season rose 50 percent over 2000 levels, with more than 50 million unique visitors each week, according to a report released Monday by Jupiter Media Metrix (Nasdaq: JMXI). ...

Solving the Silence from Seattle

The post-holiday time is always a quiet one. There is a natural letdown as the New Year begins and people quietly work their way back into their workaday routines ...

Study: Community Pays Off for E-Commerce Sites

E-commerce sites that promote a sense of community among visitors by soliciting feedback and other content have a better chance at success, according to a report released Thursday by McKinsey & Co. ...

If You Can’t Join ‘Em, Beat ‘Em

There's something ominous about the way that TMP Worldwide (Nasdaq: TMPW), parent of, stepped aside to allow Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) to take control of ...

Report: Web Retailers Slow to Respond to Customers

Online retailers, especially pure-play e-tailers, did a poor job of responding quickly to customer service requests during the holiday season, according to a report released Thursday by Jupiter Media Metrix (Nasdaq: JMXI). ...

Report: Dot-Com Layoffs Drop in December

The number of layoffs announced by Internet companies fell to a 17-month low in December, raising hopes for a more upbeat 2002, according to a report from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. ...

E-Commerce 2001 in Review: Let’s Make a Deal

Not even the most optimistic observer is ready to declare that the dot-com shakeout ended in 2001. But it did slow down and start to take on a different look, as mergers, acquisitions and partnerships made headlines as often as high-profile failures. ...

EBay Ends ‘Auction for America’ Well Short of Goal

EBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) has stopped taking listings for its Auction for America, an ambitious plan to raise US$100 million to aid victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks, and is likely to fall well short of its goal. ...

Resolutions for Extending the E-Commerce Revolution

By the time the dust settles from New Year's Day, it may well be gut-check time for the e-commerce industry. ...

Report: Consumer Confidence in Web Stays Strong

Consumer confidence in the Internet continued to climb in the fourth quarter as Web users become more comfortable with online shopping, according to the Internet Confidence Index released Thursday by Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) and ACNielsen. ...

E-Commerce 2001 in Review: The Profit Quest

Before the first month of the year was over, it was clear that 2001 was going to be different than other years in the short history of e-commerce. ...

E-Commerce 2002: Where Will the Axe Fall?

Though the heaviest casualties of the dot-com shakeout are in the past, experts say 2002 will be another year of consolidation for the e-commerce industry. ...

HotJobs Favoring Yahoo! in Takeover Battle

HotJobs (Nasdaq: HOTJ) says a US$436 million takeover offer from Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) is superior to a longstanding bid from parent company TMP Worldwide, and is poised to take the deal unless TMP boosts its own offer. ...

Forrester Lowers E-Holiday Forecast to $8 Billion

Raising the possibility that online holiday sales may not grow at all this year, Forrester Research (Nasdaq: FORR) said Thursday that it has cut its estimate for spending during the holiday season to US$8 billion. ...

An E-Commerce Holiday Wish List

They say it is better to give than receive. In that spirit, here's a list of holiday wishes not for myself, but the companies still flogging away, trying to get e-commerce right. ...

Report: Surge Boosts Amazon’s E-tail Lead

Traffic to (Nasdaq: AMZN) during November increased more than 30 percent over a year ago, making it the leading e-tailer by a wide margin, according to data released Thursday by Nielsen//NetRatings (Nasdaq: NTRT). ...

Report: Surge Boosts Amazon’s E-tail Lead

Traffic to (Nasdaq: AMZN) during November increased more than 30 percent over a year ago, making it the leading e-tailer by a wide margin, according to data released Thursday by Nielsen//NetRatings (Nasdaq: NTRT). ...

Report: Surge Boosts Amazon’s E-tail Lead

Traffic to (Nasdaq: AMZN) during November increased more than 30 percent over a year ago, making it the leading e-tailer by a wide margin, according to data released Thursday by Nielsen//NetRatings (Nasdaq: NTRT). ...

Bucking the Trend, Enjoying Hardy Holiday

While the overall consumer e-commerce market remains sluggish, pure-play online pharmacy (Nasdaq: DSCM) said Tuesday it is ringing up record sales this holiday season. ...

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