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Results 2341-2360 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

RightNow Launches Retail Vertical

RightNow Technologies has introduced its third industry vertical and appears to be poised to introduce a fourth -- in Consumer Goods Products (CGPs) -- in the near future ...

Talisma Pushes Proactive Selling With New CIM Release

Talisma has introduced a new version of CIM 8.0, its self-service suite. While this release includes numerous enhancements to the existing product lineup, it also offers something completely new for the suite: a proactive sales feature set that leverages reactive service capabilities introduced in earlier versions ...

Microsoft Launches Aggressive Business Intelligence Initiative

Microsoft officially staked a claim in the burgeoning business intelligence market at its first-ever conference devoted to the niche, Microsoft Business Intelligence Conference 2007, taking place in Seattle this week ...

University of Missouri Burned in Second Hack Attack

For the second time this year, hackers have victimized the University of Missouri. The names and Social Security numbers of 22,396 current or former students who were employed by UM during 2004 may have been compromised, according to university officials ...

Kana Adds Professional Services to Mix

Kana has pushed into the professional services area with its acquisition ofeVergance Partners, a management consulting and systems integration firm ...

Amazon, IBM Patent Settlement Leaves Thorny Questions Unanswered

The lawsuit IBM filed against Amazon for multiple patent violations has ended amicably, with Amazon agreeing to pay undisclosed license fees ...

Five9 Builds In Microsoft Vista Support

Five9's Virtual Call Center products -- on-demand contact center applications -- are now fully compatible with Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system. Essentially, what this means is that the system, which requires only a Windows-based PC, Internet connection and headset, can now support Vista ...

$65M Missing Pants Vendetta May Provoke Consumer Rights Backlash

It is not easy -- actually, it is close to impossible -- to find anyone who is sympathetic to Roy Pearson Jr.'s position. Pearson has made headlines in recent days for his eye-popping US$65 million suit against his dry cleaners. This is not a tort about, say, environmental negligence that caused Pearson injury or illness. No, the man is suing Custom Cleaners formisplacing a pair of his pants...

Obama Wrests MySpace Page From Hapless Supporter

A virtual equivalent of fisticuffs has broken out online, and no, it is not between warring camps of "American Idol" fans or bloggers with too much time on their hands. Rather, the dispute is between a frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination and a once-ardent supporter ...

Digg Users Revolt Against ‘Censorship’

The rules of the road were fairly clear to Kevin Rose, founder ofDigg, until this week ...

US Trade Rep Fingers Russia, China in Intellectual Property Report

Every year, global friends and foes of the United States await the publication of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative's (USTR) Special 301 report on intellectual property (IP) protection overseas ...

Jabber Founder to Join Forces With Wikia

Wikia, the open source search engine initiative and potential Google-killer, has snagged Jeremie Miller, who foundedJabber, an open instant messaging platform ...

Microsoft Fires Silverlight Bullet at Adobe

Microsoft has rolled out alpha and beta versions of Silverlight, its recently announced RIA (rich interactive application) platform, at a keynote address at the MIX07 conference underway in Las Vegas ...

RightNow, Genesys Team on Telephony App

RightNow Technologies and Genesys will combine their customer service application suites to deliver a joint offering available the end of May ...

Spam Fighters Eye New Target in Fresh Legal Offensive

Unspam Technologies, a Utah-based antispam provider, has filed a federal lawsuit against so-called e-mail harvesters -- anonymous parties who collect addresses from Web sites and other lists, which they then sell to spammers ...

Affinium 7.3 Lets Marketers Define Objects for Reuse

Unica has introduced a new version of its marketing resource management platform, Affinium Plan 7.3 ...

Adobe Makes Bold Foray Into Open Source Territory

Adobe is making an aggressive push into open source with its plans to release the code for its Flex platform ...

Web 2.0, Part 2: Serious Business Tool or Silly Waste of Time?

How do you suppose a professor of computer science and engineering might use Web 2.0 tools? Assisting students to manage an intramural sports league online is probably not the first thing that would come to mind. That, though, is exactly what Yannis Papakonstantinou, a professor at the University of California, San Diego, does ...

Report Signals U.S. High-Tech Employment Boom

In 2006, the U.S. high-tech sector employed 5.8 million people -- up by 146,600, or 3 percent -- according to a widely watched report on the subject fromAeA, a nationwide nonprofit trade association ...

Blu-ray, HD DVD Stew Thickens

Gadget geeks engaged in the digital equivalent of reading chicken entrails to determine which high-def format the market will ultimately embrace received mixed signals from the Blu-ray and HD DVD camps on Monday, which were promptly rebutted by the opposition ...

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