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Results 2201-2220 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Priceline Lowers Outlook on Air Ticket Weakness said it would not meet its own sales targets for the current quarter, pointing at the failure of an expected seasonal increase in airline ticket sales to materialize ...


No U-Turn on Road to Free Shipping

Now, isn't this more like it? A real price war has broken out, albeit a limited one, with superpower Amazon and the more guerilla-style squaring off over free shipping ... Slashes Book Prices To Undercut Amazon

A limited price war has broken out in the online bookselling arena as, Amazon.comand vie for customers, offering steep discountsreminiscent of the earliest days of online commerce ...

EBay Offers Health Insurance to Power Sellers

Underscoring the notion that selling on eBay has become a full-time job for many millions of users, eBay has announced it willoffer a health insurance plan to some of the more active members of its community. ...

PayPal Taps Wells Fargo To Process Credit Cards

PayPal has announced it will shift its credit card processing to Wells Fargo, making the financial giant the third company in the past year to handle PayPal's credit card transactions. ...

Mission Possible: Building a Consumer Brand on the Internet

Ask online marketing experts whether it is possible to build a brand strictly by using the Web; most of them will say it is. And almost all of them will move quickly to qualify their answer ...


Sock Puppet II: The Ultimate Dot-Com Rebirth

The search is over. The ultimate symbol for the meteoric rise, painful fall and slow, strange resurrection of the dot-com empire has been found. ... Sees, Raises Amazon’s Free Shipping Bet

Just a day after halved itspurchase threshold for free shipping from US$99 to $49, has gone one step further,announcing it will offer free shipping with no minimum purchase ...


Amazon Goes Courting, Bearing Boxes of Gold

If were not such a class act, if it were not the undisputed e-tail champion, the company's Gold Box promotion would be a joke ...

Amazon Lowers Free Shipping Threshold has announced it will lower the threshold for free shipping to US$49 in a move that the company has called a long-term test to raise the stakes for itself and other online retailers ...

Loudcloud Sells Hosting Biz to EDS for $63.5M

Loudcloud, the closely watched follow-up effort of Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen, announced it will sell its core managed services and hosting business to tech giant EDS for US$63.5 million in cash. ...

E-Business Comes of Age in Court

The Internet economy is entering maturity, but not in the stock market or even in research and development labs. The dot-com sector is coming of age in a courtroom. ...

Report: Tech-Driven Productivity Costs Jobs

Increased productivity, made possible by new technologies, has been responsible for many of the record-setting job cuts of recent years, according to a report from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas (CGC). ...

PayPal Clears Legal Hurdle, Raises Outlook

PayPal has announced that New York state regulators have determined it is not operating as an illegal bank, marking the latest in a series of regulatory hurdles cleared by the online payment company. ...


Priceline Bets It All on the Web

Amid the chaos of the past two weeks, when travel companies were tripping over one another to cut deals, merge and otherwise grab whatever they could while the grabbing was good, was just as busy as its competitors. ...

Report: Online Sales Profitable for Half of all Retailers

More than half of all U.S. retailers said their online sales operations achieved profitability in 2001, and growth could top 40 percent in 2002, according to a joint report published by the Boston Consulting Group, Forrester Research and ...


That Sinking Wireless Commerce Feeling

Trends are often difficult to get a handle on, especially those that gauge consumersentiment. The best you can hope for is a snapshot of a moment in time, and people havea tendency to change their minds without notice ...

SEC Sanctions Amazon on Partnership Deal

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said it has reached a settlement with on charges that the e-tail giant helped onetime partner dress up its financial results in 2000. ...

Amazon Unveils One-Time Discount Offers

In an apparent bid to boost sales in some of its less popular departments, e-tail giant is rolling out a promotion that will give shoppers just one hour to buy specially discounted merchandise ...

Jupiter Sells Media Metrix for $1.5M

Jupiter Media Metrix, which rode the dot-com wave to dizzying heights only to crash hard when the shakeout hit, has sold its core Web audience measurement services to comScore Networks for US$1.5 million. ...

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