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Results 2181-2200 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Report: Cheery Outlook for Holiday E-Shopping Season

Online retail sales for this holiday season are expected to increase by 20 percent over sales from the 2006 season, surpassing US$39 billion, according to JupiterResearch's U.S. Online Retail Holiday Forecast for 2007 ...

AT&T Puts Vonage Back on Litigation Merry-Go-Round

Joining the line of telecom companies suing Vonage, AT&T on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against the VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) provider in the U.S. District Court in Madison, Wis., according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the company's statements ...

AT&T Puts Vonage Back on Litigation Merry-Go-Round

Joining the line of telecom companies suing Vonage, AT&T on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against the VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) provider in the U.S. District Court in Madison, Wis., according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the company's statements ...

AT&T Puts Vonage Back on Litigation Merry-Go-Round

Joining the line of telecom companies suing Vonage, AT&T on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against the VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) provider in the U.S. District Court in Madison, Wis., according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the company's statements ...

AT&T Eases Plan Switching Penalties as Congress Mulls Action

AT&T is revamping its policies to allow consumers to prorate their early termination fee according to how long he or she has been on the plan ...

Google Shields Own Backside With Antipiracy Filter

Google has launched a beta version of video identification technology designed to flag unauthorized content on YouTube. The move follows its implementation of audio fingerprinting software from Audible Magic earlier this year ...

CorraTech Integrates Open Source Business Apps

CorraTech, an open source software services firm, introduced Opensuite, a pre-beta release of its latest open source endeavor ...

Judge to Porn-Peddling Spammers: You’ve Got Jail

Two men have been successfully prosecuted for sending out millions of unsolicited e-mail messages promoting pornographic Web sites, and reaping millions of dollars as a result ...

New Windows Live Tool Helps Users Plan Gatherings

Microsoft has added a new feature to its Windows Live platform that lets users take advantage of the Web to send invitations to parties, business meetings or other happenings ...

Oracle’s $6.7B Offer May Trigger Bidding War

Oracle announced it wants to acquire BEA Systems, a provider of Web-based business productivity and integration software, for US$6.7 billion, or $17 per share in cash. BEA has already rejected the offer, according to news accounts, saying that Oracle's bid seriously undervalues the company's overall worth ...

TSA Tests Security Scanner That Makes You Look Naked

Half a year after its first rollout of a passenger imaging security scanner in the Phoenix airport, the Transportation Security Administration is testing another form of this technology there ...

Sales 2.0: Friend or Foe to CRM?

Social networking technology. Blogs. Evite applications. Discussion forums. These, of course, are the heart of what has come to be called "Web 2.0." Now, what was once strictly a toy for consumers is transforming itself for corporate use. In the case of the sales function, that would be Sales 2.0 ...

New Journyx App Measures Consultants’ Customer Costs

Journyx, a provider of Web-based time tracking and project accounting applications, has released a stripped-down version of some of this functionality for the consulting industry ...

Is Cognos Next?

Once the software industry absorbed this week's news that SAP would be acquiring the French business intelligence vendorBusiness Objects for close to US$7 billion, speculation immediately shifted to what would happen to Cognos. With Oracle's digestion ofHyperion complete and the Business Objects sale looking very likely to occur, Cognos is the last of the large, independent BI vendors left standing...

Interactive Intelligence Upgrades Flagship App to Version 3.0

Interactive Intelligence introduced a new iteration of its flagship contact center automation and enterprise IP (Internet protocol) telephone software platform. Customer Interaction Center (CIC) and Vonexus Enterprise Interaction Center (EIC) version 3.0 include upgraded security, new deployment and integration technologies -- it introduced a public API (application programming interface), for example, that allows users to create custom apps -- as well as enhanced mobility features...

Google Mines YouTube Videos for AdSense Gold

Google is introducing ad-supported video clips from YouTube -- what it calls "video units" -- to its AdSense advertising platform, one of many steps in a strategy designed to glean a return on its massive investment in the video-sharing Web site ...


Health Insurance Consumers Should Seize More Control

The uninsured and underinsured in this country will be a top focus in the run-up to next year's presidential elections as competing candidates face off over who has the best plan to solve the burgeoning problem ...

SAP Nabs Business Objects for $6.78B

SAP has announced it will acquireBusiness Objects for about US$6.78 billion. The French business intelligence vendor is one of the few assets on the market able to go head to head withHyperion, which Oracle bought earlier this year for $3.3 billion ...

Feds Shut Down State of Calif. Internet on Whiff of Smut

A compromised Marin County, Calif., Web site apparently prompted the U.S. government to temporarily shut down all of the state government's Internet sites this week ...

Microsoft’s HealthVault Lets Consumers Stash Vital Records Online

Microsoft has introduced HealthVault, a portal for consumers in which they can store their health data -- either manually or by uploading data from, say, a heart monitor -- as well as search for related healthcare information ...

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