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Results 2161-2180 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Investors React Strongly to Monster Parent Warning

Shares of parent company TMP Worldwide tumbled to their lowest levels in nearly four years after the company reduced its outlook for the rest of this year and said it will lay off more workers ...


Where Do Tech VCs Stand Now?

Many venture capitalists have seen millions of dollars of well-intentioned funding vanish, but they have not given up on the tech economy -- even though they are in much less of a hurry to invest in technology startups. ...

Canadian Booksellers Challenge Amazon’s Arrival

Saying that their livelihoods might be at stake, Canadian booksellers are taking their battle against the arrival of to court. ...


Memo to AOL’s Miller: You’ve Got… A Very Difficult Job

If every cloud has a silver lining, is the reverse also true? It is for Jonathan F. Miller. On Tuesday, he landed what once would have been -- and might still be -- one of the world's great jobs. He now heads America Online ...

Fallen Dot-Com Star CMGI Drops Stadium Deal

Dot-com incubator CMGI said it has negotiated to end a 15-year, $114 million deal that called for its corporate name and logo to adorn the stadium where the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots play football ...


What’s Wrong with Quarterly Reports?

Everyone knows that stock investments are long-term propositions, that if you buy and hold, you are more likely than not to see better returns from Wall Street than from your neighborhood bank ...

Report: Dot-Com Layoffs Rise in July

Dot-com layoffs awakened from a midsummer slumber, more than doubling in July to 1,750 lost jobs, according to a Challenger, Gray and Christmas report ...

AOL Probe Focuses on PurchasePro Deals

Onetime e-commerce software powerhouse PurchasePro has found itself caught up in dual probes into the accounting practices at AOL, as deals made at the height of the dot-com boom are examined by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). ...

EBay Poised To Sell Butterfields Auction Division

EBay is reportedly close to a deal to sell its Butterfields division, probably for considerably less than the US$260 million price tag that the auction house carried in early 1999, when eBay set out to leverage its real-world assets ...


Cruising Memory Lane in the Webvan

A year ago this month, Webvan called it quits. If it seems like the shutdown happened earlier than that, it might be because the company was on the way out for months before its final exit. Or it might be that, in the big picture, Webvan just didn't matter that much ...

Orbitz and Foes Take Case to White House

The war of words over travel site Orbitz has reached the White House. ...

Study: Venture Investing Falls to 1998 Levels

Venture funding dropped 11 percent last quarter to US$5.7 billion, a level not seen since late 1998, as venture capitalists continued to nurse their wounds and stayed on the sidelines in large numbers, according to a new survey ...


Crime and Punishment, E-Business Style

Maybe it's only a coincidence, but not long after televisions flashed images of Adelphia Communications executives being taken away in handcuffs, the stock market began its most impressive single-day rally in recent memory ...

Report: Summer Retail Activity Heats Up Web

Heavy promotions and midsummer sales are driving Web surfers to the sites of brick-and-mortar retail chains during a traditionally slow shopping season, according to a new report from Nielsen//NetRatings. ...

Softbank Cashes Out on E*Trade, Takes Loss

Japanese Internet venture investor Softbank has sold its remaining stake in E*Trade, taking a loss as part of an effort to realign its holdings and reduce its exposure to the dot-com world. ...

FTC Settles with Cancer Treatment Site, Warns Others

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said it has settled a case against a California Web site that claimed to offer an alternative cancer treatment. The commission also noted it has issued warnings to nearly 300 additional sites making "questionable" health claims. ...


Amazon Exercises Leadership Options

Somebody had to do it. One of the surviving e-commerce giants had to take the stand and be the first to start accounting for stock options as expenses, which is exactly what they are ...


The Regulation Debate: Why Bother?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) must be lacking work these days. Maybe the slowed economy and depressed market have given the FTC too few mergers to squash. ...

Online Brokers Eke Out Profits Amid Market Turmoil

Even as the major U.S. stock markets dipped to new lows, Ameritrade -- the second largest online broker -- said it squeezed out a quarterly profit of US$5.7 million. The company noted that order volume has plummeted as consumers have turned away from stock trading in large numbers, reducing revenue to $100 million from $112 million a year ago ...

PayPal Enhances Services with Deal

Expanding its service offerings as it awaits eBay's buyout, PayPal said it will begin offering users direct access to U.S. postage through an alliance with ...

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