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Results 2121-2140 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

RightNow CEO Greg Gianforte: Power Shifting to Consumers

It is difficult to avoid the talk of a potential recession in 2008. Even firms whose product set or market niche are well suited for tight times don't like the thought of slow sales and bleak economic forecasts ...

Survey: Techie Gen Y Is Also Library-Savvy

Today's libraries are definitely not the same places where today's senior citizens did their homework after school. Indeed, according to the results from a study conducted by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Pew Internet & American Life Project, today's seniors -- and even many baby boomers -- probably wouldn't recognize half the resources available to patrons...


SugarCRM CEO John Roberts: On-Demand Dynamics Are Changing

John Roberts, chairman and CEO of SugarCRM, is no stranger to the proprietary software that delivers most of the CRM functionality in the market today ...


MS Dynamics CRM’s Brad Wilson: User Adoption Is Industry’s Biggest Problem

Now general manager of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Brad Wilson's career trajectory has allowed him to deliver CRM to the market from many different vantage points -- and levels of resources ...


Oracle VP Mike Betzer: The Mainstream Is Waking Up to CRM

Mike Betzer was working for MCI several years ago when he realized that if the company could use the Internet as a front end, it could leverage the software in the data center and develop a network-based application that could be sold to other companies doing essentially the same thing that MCI did in-house ...


CRM Implementation Made Easy

Not too long ago, advice to keep a CRM implementation simple would have focused around due diligence for the application (you never buy a complex product unless absolutely necessary). It would have focused on negotiating the best deal with a systems integrator (these costs can add up quickly unless the contract specifies otherwise). Most of all, it would have focused on a clear needs assessment driving the application (buying too many bells and whistles when they aren't necessary is a sure path to overly complicated implementation and a frustrated user base)...

NetSuite IPO Rakes In $161M

NetSuite has sold 6.2 million shares to investors in a Dutch auction this week, raising a healthy US$161 million ...

Trojan Pulls a Fast One With Google Text Ads

Malware is replacing Google text ads with ads from another source, according toBitDefender. The virus, Trojan.Qhost.WU, is using the host's file to redirect the initial query sent to the Google Adsense servers to a malicious host, according to an advisory issued by the firm ...

Microsoft Touts Titan’s Presence Capabilities

The latest version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM -- 4.0, formerly code-named "Titan" -- is complete and released to manufacturing. In other words, the long-awaited application has shipped from Microsoft's engineering group and is now available from electronic download for new and existing customers ...

NetSuite Hikes IPO Price Target Again

NetSuite is going to the market for its proposed initial public offering (IPO) with high hopes: The company has upped its estimated price range for the second time this week. In a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the company said it expects its IPO target price to be between US$19 to $22. On Tuesday, it raised its price range to $16 to $19 from an earlier target of $13 to $16...

Facebook Puts a Face on Defendants in Hacker Suit

Facebook has named three individuals and a Canadian porn company as defendants in a federal lawsuit it filed earlier this year in the Northern District of California, which accused unnamed people and companies of unlawfully accessing its servers ...

Genesys Acquires Real Time Capabilities With Informiam Buy

Genesys is expanding its feature set with the cash acquisition of Informiam, a customer service performance management software provider ...

2007: Making a Mark in Hot CRM Niches

Several years ago when burst onto the CRM scene it was difficult to imagine how the upstart firm could make a dent in the space. At the time, the gorilla in the room was Siebel and the thought of an Internet-based application -- an experimental delivery mode then -- besting the deeply entrenched, feature-rich iconic CRM provider was laughable...

Cognos Integrates Applix Into Product Lineup

Cognos has wasted little time in rolling out an integration map for its newly acquired analytics best of breed vendor, Applix ...

‘Jackass 2.5’ Online-Only Release: Smart Stunt or Half-Assed?

Will movies be as successful as TV shows and videos have been in moving to the Web? Paramount Pictures is betting yes, with the forthcoming launch of what it claims will be the first studio-backed feature film to make its debut online ...

Tech Heavies Offer E-Gov Search, Privacy Tips

Tech leaders representing Google, Wikipedia and the Center for Democracy and Technology testified Tuesday before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, which is mulling reauthorization of theE-Government Act. Signed into law five years ago, it requires government agencies make information more accessible electronically ...

Pluris Launches Multichannel Product Recommendation Engine

Pluris, a provider of multichannel marketing applications, has added a fourth product to its lineup with the release of its Marketing Optimization and Recommendation Engine (MORE) ...

CentricCRM Reinvents Itself as Concursive

On Wednesday, open source CRM software developer CentricCRM will announce it is rebranding its application after revamping it and adding new functionality. The company also is changing its name to "Concursive." ...

Verizon Under the Gun for GPL Infringement

TheSoftware Freedom Law Center is challenging Verizon's use ofBusyBox open source code in the wireless routers provided to its FiOS customers ...

Salesforce Launches Community-Building Service has rolled out a service for its customers that allows them to share data, sources and leads in a social network. The Salesforce to Salesforce service, which the company is not making available commercially, is a cross between a partner relationship management portal -- which offers commercially -- and the consumer-to-consumer social networking sites such as Facebook...

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