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Results 2101-2120 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

YouTube Sucking In More Viewers

Step aside, boob tube. Online videos are becoming the primary form of media entertainment for many people. Web surfers spent about an hour more per month watching videos in November compared with January, according to the latest comScore Video Metrix ...

How Strong Are Wii’s Legs?

New stats confirm what many holiday shoppers already knew: Nintendo's Wii was the most popular game console of the season, with 1.35 million flying off shelves. Its popularity provided a huge boost to the industry, said theNPD Group, which issued the report ...

SAP Unfolds Business Objects Integration Road Map

On the heels of Oracle's successful bid to acquire BEA Systems, SAP has provided the market and its customers with the first wave of products -- nine in total -- developed through its own US$6.78 billion acquisition of Business Objects last year. It has also revealed more details about its plans to integrate its product suite with the French business intelligence vendor's applications... Releases New Dev Tools, Cloud Computing Support has introduced a set of new tools with a pricing model designed to encourage adoption of its Platform as a Service product introduced last year ...

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW CEO Carl Zaldivar: One Suite Fits All

On Feb. 16, is planning a launch of an on-demand business suite that will include e-commerce, CRM, accounting and other back- and front-office features. There are other similar products on the market -- namely NetSuite -- but none, insists CEO Carl Zaldivar, that are geared specifically to the small and medium-sized business (SMB)...

Extol Debuts New Middleware Integration Tools

Extol International, a business-to-business integration provider, has introduced a middleware application aimed at the upper midmarket. Business Extenders, a subset of its main product line, Extol Business Integrator, is designed to address a one-off pain point in the IT environment ...

Oracle Sweet-Talks BEA Into $8.5B Acquisition Deal

Three months after BEA Systems rejected its first unsolicited offer of US$6.7 billion, Oracle announced that it will be acquiring the middleware and business process management vendor after all -- for $8.5 billion, or $19.38 per share. That's a 14 percent premium over its first bid and a 24 percent premium over BEA's closing share price of $15.58 ...

MySpace, 49 State AGs Mount Massive Predator Blockade

MySpace has introduced aggressive new measures to protect users -- particularly children and adolescents -- against sexual predators. Up until now the social networking site has made incremental changes to its policies, usually in response to parental or congressional outcry. This latest set of steps, however, are arguably the most aggressive the popular site has taken thus far...


There’s Plenty More CRM to Do

CRM is all about the front office and those processes that affect or touch the customer. After 15-plus years of software development aimed at this space, you might think that there's nothing left to be said -- or, more precisely, done. You'd be wrong ...

Infosys Q3 Report Stirs Speculation Over Link to US Fortunes

Outsourcing phenom Infosys Technologies posted mixed third quarter results, causing its stock valuations to drop by some 5.6 percent midday Friday. It also reignited speculation that the Indian-based conglomerate's fortunes may be too closely linked to the U.S. economy ...

Oracle Stitches PeopleSoft CRM to Customer Hub

Oracle's steady march to integrate its string of multimillion-dollar acquisitions continues. Its latest meld is the PeopleSoft Enterprise CRM 9 application with the Oracle Customer Hub, with Fusion middleware serving as the common platform ...

FCC’s Comcast Probe Could Spur Net Neutrality Regs

The Federal Communications Commission will investigate claims made late last year that Comcast blocked customers from using file-sharing services, specifically BitTorrent. FCC Chairman Kevin Martin made the announcement at the Consumer Electronics Show currently underway in Las Vegas ...

The DIY Internet: Parallel Universes?

The annual Consumer Electronics Show, now in progress in Las Vegas, not only highlights the must-have consumer products for the upcoming year, but also provides a forum for tech execs to share their philosophical musings on the future of their industry ...

Comcast, Panasonic Kick TV Time-Shifting Into High Gear

Comcast and Panasonic are upping their strike capabilities in the consumer entertainment tech wars with the introduction of the AnyPlay portable digital video recorder. With a standard-definition, 60-gigabyte hard drive and DVD/CD player, AnyPlay gives consumers more flexibility in how they watch TV shows and movies ...

The Case for Open Comments on Corporate Blogs

On New Year's Eve, Richard Rabins, cofounder of Alpha Software, posted a thank-you to readers on his blog ...

Report: SaaS Benefits Reach Beyond ROI

Return on investment figures for a Software as a Service implementation can be surprisingly difficult to generalize. One measure often cited in the industry is that one year is a reasonable period in which firms can expect to see a project deliver returns, with the larger-sized investments bringing home results faster than smaller-cost deployments ...

Survey: Online Holiday Shoppers’ Satisfaction Sinks

2006 was the last year e-commerce vendors introduced new functionality to their Web sites that were visible to consumers, such as better search features and click-once-to-buy shopping carts ...

Study: Cell Phone Yakkers Worsen Commutes for Everyone

At least two studies have shown that cell phone use while driving quadruples the risk of an accident ...

Feds Pave Way for Shift to All-Digital TV

The U.S. government is putting plans into motion to help consumers who have analog TVs continue to receive broadcasts on Feb. 17, 2009 -- the date when most television stations are scheduled to start sending digital signals exclusively. Without taking special steps, those relying on analog broadcasts will find their screens have gone dark ...

Is 2008 the Year of the Chief Outsourcing Officer?

2008 may be the year the outsourcing function or process in a business becomes as standardized and mainstream as, say, accounting or human resources ...

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