Search Results

Results 2081-2100 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Microsoft Adds Danger to the Mix

Microsoft has made a bid forDanger, the mobile software and services provider that designed one of the slickest devices on the market: the T-Mobile Sidekick ... Marshals Unstructured Data With Spring ’08 Release has released its Spring '08 update, building on the Content and Ideas modules that debuted in its Winter '07 edition and boosting standard customer relationship management functionality ...

SugarCRM Bucks Tide, Wins $20M in Venture Funding

SugarCRM will be building out its global footprint and investing in its engineering bench now that it has completed its latest round of funding ...

CBS Makes a Stab at Cracking the Mobile Ad Nut

You're reading the latest about the presidential primary campaigns and suddenly get a craving for coffee. An ad pops up on the screen: Starbucks is offering 10 percent off its afternoon skinny vanilla lattes. Coincidence? Not likely, if you're checking the news on your mobile phone. Look up, and you'll probably see a Starbucks across the street. You just got served a location-based ad...

Amdocs Strolls Further Down Customer Experience Path

Amdocs has introduced a new lineup of service offerings designed to help its customers make the transition to marketing their own products and strategies in the digital medium. Amdocs began realigning its product portfolio in this direction last year, when it introduced the Customer Experience Systems (CES) blueprint ...

eBay Stirs the Pot With Seller Feedback Ban

eBay has taken the controversial step of banning sellers from posting negative comments -- or even giving neutral feedback -- about the buyers with whom they do business. The new rule, which will take effect in May, is apparently a reaction to sellers flaming buyers who posted negative information about them ...

The Rise of the CCO

It wasn't so long ago that the chief technology officer was sequestered in the IT department, cut off for all intents and purposes from the hub of enterprise power. It is different now, of course: The CTO position has grown in visibility over the last 10 years and become more closely tied to that of the CEO ...

FARC Protesters Answer Facebook’s Call

Millions of protesters against the outlaw Colombian group FARC gathered in more than 140 cities around the world to protest its brutal tactics and to call for the release of the estimated 3,000 hostages the group still holds ...


Marketing Lessons, Courtesy of Super Bowl XLII

There were approximately 40 million women among the 90 million people watching the Super Bowl on Sunday, and Pats fan Andrea Learned was one of them. The night was a letdown for Learned the sports fan -- but not for Learned the marketer and author of Don't Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy -- and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market...

Prosecutors Aim to Blockade Pirate Bay

Swedish prosecutors are charging owners ofThe Pirate Bay, a peer-to-peer Web site, with "promoting other people's infringements of copyright laws." Hans Fredrik Neij, Per Svartholm Warg, Peter Kolmisoppi and Carl Lundstroem operate what is reportedly the world's largest BitTorrent tracker, connecting users to music, movies and other content on each others' PCs...

The Brave New Mashed-Up World of Online Sales

Morgan: Hey wait! We hate to see you leave! We would like to offer you a 30-day risk-free trial to TrueCredit! Once you experience the 30-day trial, we're sure that you'll want to continue with this essential service. If not, there's no obligation. CLICK HERE to take advantage of this deal! ...


Web 2.0’s Fuzzy Boundaries

Outrage rightly developed following reports that Megan Meier, a Missouri teenager, killed herself after a fictitious friend -- invented by the mother of a neighborhood girl -- left nasty messages on her MySpace profile. Prosecution has been considered but, so far, rejected ...

Qtrax Free Music Downloads: Q Is for Questionable?

Qtrax, a new ad-supported music downloading service, has made a splash in the online music industry -- although it's debut was likely not quite what it had envisioned ...

Using E-Mail as Storage: A Cautionary Tale

Desktops crash all the time, but e-mail is forever. Or so some 14,000 customers ofCharter Communications may have thought until they tried to log on recently and found their messages and photos gone and never to return ...

ATG Builds Out Personalization Platform

ATG is building out its personalization feature set with the US$10 million acquisition of best-of-breed vendor CleverSet. It is the first acquisition the company has made since its $48.3 million eStara deal in 2006 ...

MPAA Blames Pumped-Up Student Piracy Stats on ‘Human Error’

Of all the groups that have hurt the movie studios' financials through illegal file-sharing and piracy, college students have been the most egregious offenders, the Motion Picture Association of America has long maintained. In fact, it provided statistics two years ago that blamed college students for more than 40 percent of the film industry's losses...

Where Has All the Tech Sector Optimism Gone?

Prior to Tuesday, there were still a few investors optimistic that tech stocks would remain the proverbial safe haven. It was a reasonable stance, given that the focus of responsibility for the mounting economic troubles in the U.S. has been the housing market ...

Ground Shakes Beneath Google as EC Debates IP Privacy

European approval of Google's US$3.1 billion acquisition of DoubleClick may be in doubt as privacy hearings held by the European Commission get underway. The hearings are focusing on whether Internet protocol, or IP, addresses should be considered personally identifiable information (PII) ...


Getting Creepy With Your Data

Optimizing the value of customer data and respecting customers' privacy are two immutable and opposing forces that companies always try to balance -- usually unsuccessfully. Few for-profit firms have proven themselves able to avoid challenging the privacy boundary when captivated by the lure of data monetization ...

Alltel Tailors CRM Mobile App for BlackBerry

Alltel has joined the ranks of service providers offeringmobile customer relationship management functionality to their business customers. The wirelesscompany has introduced SalesNOW, a contact,activity and deal management Web app designed for the BlackBerry mobile device ...

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