Search Results

Results 2021-2040 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Betting on Linux for Business

Lured by promises of increased security, lower costs or simply the chance to align themselves with a company other than Microsoft, many enterprises are turning to Linux systems. More often than not, that means tapping Linux vendor Red Hat, which has come to dominate the market and has made its name synonymous with the open source OS alternative. ...

Gateway Lays Off 1,900, Closes Stores

Taking aim at a cost structure that analysts say has been a millstone in the brutally competitive market for PCs, Gateway has announced plans to lay off 1,900 workers and close 80 of its retail stores. ...

Report: Tablet Sales Off to ‘Good Start’

Computer makers sold some 72,000 tablet handheld computers during the fourth quarter, marking a "good start" for sales of what some have hailed as a revolutionary computing tool, according to research firm IDC. ...

Government Budget Crunch Prompts Lower PC Sales Forecast

The market for personal computers will not grow as quickly as previously expected during 2003, primarily because government budget woes will deflate spending in that key sector, a new report says. ...


New and Improved Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for High Tech

Some of the biggest names in technology -- including Amazon, Google and Yahoo! -- share something in common: At least at first, they grew to become household names with little, if any, help from traditional advertising. ...

Probe of AOL Dot-Com Deals Reportedly Widens

Federal investigators reportedly have widened their probe into AOL's accounting practices during the dot-com boom years, focusing on whether AOL aided and abetted the artificial inflation of revenue reports at partner companies, including embattled ...


Time for a Database Changeover?

While sometimes warranted, changing databases is a huge undertaking for almost any enterprise. An IT department embarking on such an endeavorshould plan for a major upheaval, with sizeable up-front costs, a host of compatibility issues and the need to retrain key employees. Still, some companies seem to be doing it. A recent IDC report showed that sector leader Oracle is losing market share to rivals IBM and Microsoft...


Top Dog Oracle Losing Database Market Share

Oracle continues to hold the lion's share of the market for database software, but two hulking rivals, IBM and Microsoft, have chipped away at the company's onetime stronghold, according to a new report from IDC. ...

Intel Outlook: Some Strength, No Recovery

Number one chipmaker Intel has announced the first quarter is unfolding largely as expected, but cautioned that while sales of PC chips are strong, there is little evidence of a real recovery. ...

Microsoft Ships Enterprise IM Beta

Microsoft has shipped a beta version of its much-hyped Greenwich platform in an effort to elbow its way into an already-crowded market for enterprise instant messaging (IM). ...

Google Jumps Deeper into Targeted Ad Market

In an effort to solidify its niche in the online advertising market, search engine Google has launched an advertising service that will deliver Web pages with targeted, sponsored links instead of random banner ads. ...


Cutting Costs Without Killing the Company

It is a common business scenario: A new CEO takes over a struggling company and vows to put it on more solid financial footing. He assures investors that he will cut only the fat from the ailing organization, leaving the muscle and bone the company will need to survive and thrive intact ...

EMC, Hitachi Settle Suit, Will Share Technology

EMC and Hitachi have settled simmering patent infringement lawsuits with a long-term agreement that calls for cross-licensing and cooperative development of new technology. ...

Lucent Closes Book on SEC Probe

Lucent Technologies has cleared what could have been a major obstacle to its ongoing turnaround. The telecommunications equipment maker has reached a settlement to close the books on a probe into its accounting practices by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). ...

Sun Aims To Simplify Software Buys

Hoping to simplify what it calls the current state of "chaos" in the market for enterprise software, Sun Microsystems has unveiled details of an initiative called Project Orion, in which the company will bundle a host of its software into four yearly updates ...

HP Posts Higher Profit on Weak Sales

Hewlett-Packard posted a profit gain of nearly 50 percent in the first quarter, but sales fell short of expectations, raising concerns about the personal computer and enterprise equipment markets for the rest of the year and sending a ripple through the stock market ...

U.S.: E-Commerce Topped $45B in 2002

E-commerce grew at a pace that put the overall economy to shame in 2002, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), which said online sales surpassed US$45 billion during the year. ...


HP Scores $243M Telecom Italia Deal

Echoing reports of similar deals from such competitors as IBM, computer giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) said it won a five-year contract to handle technology outsourcing for Telecom Italia, a fixed-wire and wireless communications firm ...


Time To Escape from Silicon Valley?

Long after the bubble burst, leaving office buildings half-empty and six-figure software engineers hunting for work, Silicon Valley remains one of the most important technology centers on Earth. ...

Overture Challenges Google with AltaVista Grab

In a bid to bolster the technology that drives its booming search services, Overture Services has announced it will pay US$140 million to acquire once-venerable search engine AltaVista from dot-com incubator CMGI. ...

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