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Results 2001-2020 of 2998 for Keith Regan

Tech Companies Meet Targets, But Concerns Remain

Three of the best-known technology companies have posted fresh earnings reports, and while none contained blockbuster successes, most were about on par with expectations. ...

Microsoft Beats Street, Sees Rocky Road Ahead

Microsoft managed to beat expectations for the most recent quarter but said it has concerns about how the rest of this year and the first half of 2004 will shape up as demand for the personal computers and enterprise networks that run its software remains tepid. ...


Who’s Afraid of Internet Sales Tax?

Once thought to be a monster waiting in the shadows, poised to bludgeon online commerce, Internet sales tax is proving to be more of a nuisance than a threat. ...

IBM Posts Solid Q1 Powered by Services Sector

Providing a potential shot in the arm to the technology sector as earnings season heats up, IBM has reported a relatively strong first quarter, saying two major acquisitions and cost-cutting initiatives undertaken last year have begun to help boost revenue. ...

Microsoft May Be Eyeing Universal Music Buy

Amid widespread reports that Apple Computer is mulling the purchase of Vivendi Universal's music business, Microsoft may be about to join the fray. ...

Anti-Spam Bill Gains Support

The latest effort to reduce unwanted commercial clutter in consumers' e-mail inboxes has reached the U.S. Senate, bolstered by strong support from several high-profile online companies ...

Report: High-Tech Job Cuts Down from Last Year

The number of high-tech layoffs in the first quarter fell 45 percent compared with a year ago as stabilization in the telecommunications industry helped slow the pace of job cuts, according to a new report from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas (CGC). ...


What To Expect When You’re Expanding – Again

It is safe to say that every company is expecting an economic recovery. And while predicting the time frame for its arrival is far from an exact science, experts say wise companies have already decided how they will react when the long-awaited turnaround begins ...

Sun Rolls Out First Products on Quarterly Plan

Sun Microsystems has unveiled a new line of server and storage technology, marking a first step toward delivering on its promise to bring new products to market each quarter. The company also has cut the ribbon on a partnership program aimed at helping TV networks and other businesses improve workflow. ...

Yahoo! Upgrades Search in Effort To Counter Google

Yahoo! has unveiled a new search engine in an effort to win back the online search crown all but stolen by business partner Google. ...

Warnings, Lower Forecasts Mark Dawn of Q2

With the books closed on the first quarter of 2003, two business software markers have warned that their results will come in below expectations. Meanwhile, research firm IDC said continuing uncertainty has prompted it to lower its IT spending forecast for the year. ...

Gateway Restates Results, Plans More Adjustments

Gateway (NYSE: GTW) has announced it will take advantage of a grace period, gaining an additional two weeks to file its annual report as it continues an internal review of how it accounted for revenue in 2000 and 2001. ...


Microsoft Still Suffers from Security Image Problem

A year after launching its Trustworthy Computing initiative, Microsoft still suffers from a security image problem, with key executives at 75 percent of companies polled by Forrester Research saying they worry about vulnerabilities in the software firm's products ...


Did PayPal Kill Online Payment Systems?

When PayPal filed for its successful IPO last year, it listed a slew of competitors in the online payment arena. But those rivals, including Citibank, Wells Fargo, Yahoo, Microsoft and the U.S. Postal Service, barely sport as much market share combined as PayPal commands on its own. ...


Top Servers for Boosting E-Business

When it comes to choosing a server to boost e-business efficiency, technology buyers have no shortage of options. Sometimes, even analysts cannot agree on which machines are best for enterprises that want to rev up the pace at which they conduct business. Because of intense competition in the e-business server marketplace, the best server technologies -- and what is best for a particular enterprise -- may change rapidly as innovations are introduced at a steady pace...

Lucent To Pay $600M To Settle Shareholder Suits

Checking off another item on its turnaround to-do list, Lucent Technologies has agreed to settle a series of 54 class-action shareholder lawsuits, almost all relating to whether Lucent misled investors by providing incomplete financial reports. ...

AOL Takes on Telcos with Voice Mail Service

In the latest in a series of moves designed to jump-start revenue growth at its beleaguered but still-dominant online service, AOL has rolled out a service that enables users to receive telephone voice mail in their e-mail inboxes and to hear their e-mail over the phone. ...


Web Services Get Practical

The hype surrounding Web services, a technology that many once thought was destined to revive the Internet economy, has faded. In its wake has come slow but steady adoption as businesses find ways to leverage Web services to increase efficiency and improve customer relationships. ...

Report: Half of Outsourced IT Projects Will Fail

In 2003, half of all information technology projects involving third-party consulting will be considered unsuccessful by executives who oversee them, according to a new report from Gartner, because they fail to deliver expected return on investment or operational value. ...

War News Drives Web Traffic Surge

Internet traffic to online news sites and U.S. government pages surged as the U.S.-led war with Iraq got under way, with some sites experiencing a 50 percent increase in visitors, according to Web measurement companies. ...

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