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Results 2001-2020 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Analytics and Illumination in the Pharma Industry

It is difficult to think of an area where the pharmaceutical industry is not under siege these days. Regulators spawning new rules, governments putting price caps in place, safety advocates demanding more information on side effects, health maintenance plans implementing their own cost controls, and expiration dates on patents coming around -- all are putting the squeeze on Big Pharma, and it has been reflected in industry earnings.

RIAA’s Legal Steamroller May Grind to Halt

For the past five years, the Recording Industry Association of America has been prosecuting people -- and threatening to prosecute many more -- for sharing copyrighted content online without authorization. Its lawsuits have been based primarily on two legal arguments: ...

Icahn to Yahoo: Prepare to Be Boarded

Billionaire investor and Yahoo shareholder Carl Icahn is taking steps to revive the Microhoo deal that last week was all but dead in the water ...

MySpace’s $230M Victory in Spam Case May Be Hollow

A federal court has awarded MySpace nearly US$230 million in its suit against Sanford Wallace and his partner Walter Rines -- aka the "Spam King." The judgment -- especially given the size of the award -- represents a decided victory for e-commerce sites in their costly battle against spam. This is the largest award since the enactment of the CAN-SPAM Act in 2003...

HP Elbows In on IBM’s Turf With $13.9B EDS Buy

HP is placing a US$13.9 billion bet that it can wrest a piece of the tech services outsourcing market from IBM. It has announced it will acquire EDS for that sum ...


Snippets From Sapphire

SAP held its massive annual conference, Sapphire, last week and made the usual flurry of announcements and presentations to its 15,000-some attendees. Still, as is typical of most conferences, the best information filtered out between the official scheduled events ...

The Critical Condition of Health Insurance Customer Service

Most health insurance companies have plowed resources into self-service Web sites for their policyholders -- Web site portals that display page after page of details on coverage. A handful even provide systems for maintaining electronic health records. ...

MySpace Walls Come Tumbling Down

MySpace has forged agreements with other popular Internet sites -- Yahoo, eBay, Photobucket and Twitter -- to permit MySpace users to migrate their data. Profiles, videos and friend networks are among the content that can be ported. They can then access the partner sites using their MySpace user names and passwords. ...

Gates: We Don’t Need No Stinking Yahoo

A few days after the seeming culmination of its failed bid to acquire Yahoo for US$47.5 billion, Microsoft appears to be contemplating an entirely new Web 2.0 strategy: a partner-free, organic approach to besting Google. ...

IBM Fuels New Blue Biz Initiative With Linux

IBM plans to launch an initiative that centers on a Linux-based platform and a Web-based marketplace tailored for small and medium-sized businesses. ...

Microsoft, Yahoo Game Going Into Extra Innings?

The collapse of this weekend's negotiations between Microsoft and Yahoo looked like game over. ...


SAP’s Mobile Awakening

SAP and Research In Motion announced last week that they were partnering to develop a native BlackBerry client to link to SAP CRM, and then, eventually, to the firm's other business applications ...

Microsoft Ditches Yahoo, Google Picks Up Marbles

The stock market is making its after-the-fact adjustment to the end of the Microsoft-Yahoo saga, which culminated this weekend. After last minute negotiations failed, Microsoft walked away from its bid to acquire Yahoo for slightly more than its original offer of US$33 per share. ...

SAP, RIM Team on CRM for the BlackBerry

SAP and Research In Motion are partnering to develop a mobile CRM application. The first output of this venture will be a native BlackBerry smartphone client that links SAP CRM with BlackBerry applications such as Email, Address Book and Calendar. ...

SugarCRM Adds a New Layer of Functionality

SugarCRM has released version 5.1 of its open source CRM platform, building on functionality it debuted in last year's milestone 5.0 release, which included new development tools, a new Ajax e-mail client, and a new multi-instance on-demand architecture ...

Federal Court Dents RIAA Strategy Against File-Sharers

A federal judge's ruling against the Recording Industry Association of America not only represents a setback for the litigious trade group in one particular intellectual property case, but also opens a Pandora's box of technicalities that could mean a few speed bumps ahead for its legal steamroller ...

The Fall of Reiser

It is unusual, but not unheard of, for a murder case to go forward if a body has not been found. It is even rarer for the charge to be first-degree murder -- and less common still for the defendant to be found guilty. Those were the exact circumstances, though, under which Hans Reiser was convicted Tuesday of the murder of his estranged wife, Nina ...

Report: No Recession for CRM

The customer relationship management industry will grow by 14.2 percent this year, Gartner forecasts in a new report, with revenue expected to surpass US$8.9 billion. Last year, the CRM industry registered $7.8 billion in global sales, based on preliminary revenue figures. The market is expected to continue to grow through at least 2012, when revenues are forecast to reach $13.3 billion...

Mass SQL Attack a Wake-Up Call for Developers

A mass ...

NextWave on the Prowl for Spectrum Buyers

NextWave Wireless has retained Deutsche Bank and UBS Investment Bank to explore the sale of its U.S. spectrum holdings in such cities as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Denver, Houston and Detroit. The population in the regions covered totals approximately 251 million ...

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